In addition to the undergraduate courses listed below, highly qualified students will be encouraged to choose courses, in consultation with departmental advisers, from the School of Graduate Studies offerings. At least half of the elective courses taken must be from the 447 subject area.
01:198:111 Introduction to Computer Science (4)
01:198:112 Data Structures (4)
01:447:203 Honors Computational Genetics (Honors) (3)
01:447:216 Analysis of Scientific Literature (Honors) (3)
01:447:302 Quantitative
Biology and Bioinformatics (3)
01:447:303 Computational Genetics of Big Data (3)
01:447:352 Genome Evolution
(3) 01:447:354 Social, Legal, and Ethical Implications
of the New Genetics (3)
01:447:356 Evolutionary Medicine (3)
01:447:370 Developmental Genetics (3)
01:447:451 Genomes (3) 01:447:460 Genetics
of Compulsive Behavior (3)
01:447:465 Mutant Isolation and Analysis (3)
Special Topics in Genetics (3)
01:447:479 Special Topics
in Genetics (3)
01:447:480 Topics in
Molecular Genetics (3)
01:447:481 Topics in Human
Genetics (3)
01:447:484 Behavioral and
Neural Genetics (3)
01:447:486 Evolutionary
Genetics (3)
01:447:495 Cancer (3)
01:694:411 Molecular
Pathways and Signal Transduction (3)
01:694:412 Proteomics and
Functional Genomics (3)
01:694:413 Chromatin and Epigenomics (3)
01:694:492 Gene Regulation
in Cancer and Development (3)
11:126:427 Methods and Applications in Molecular Biology (4)
11:126:444 Advanced Technologies in Biosciences (3)
11:126:483 Nucleotide Sequence Analysis (3)
11:126:485 Bioinformatics (3)
11:680:480 Microbial Genetics and Genomics (3)
16:681:535 Human Genetics (3)