Elementary Modern Hebrew (4)
Speaking, reading, and writing; oral-aural and written exercises.
Prerequisite: Placement test to determine level of language competence. Not open for credit to students who have had two or more years of secondary school Hebrew. Credit not given for both this course and 01:013:152 and 01:685:101.
Hebrew Review and Continuation (4)
Development of primary language skills.
Prerequisites: Previous exposure to Hebrew and placement into Hebrew 121. Credit not given for both this course and 01:013:156.
Intermediate Modern Hebrew (4,4)
Development of language skills; selected readings.
Prerequisite: 01:563:121 or placement test. Credit not given for both courses and 01:013:252,253 and 01:685:131,132.
Advanced Modern Hebrew (3,3)
Intensive training in Hebrew grammar and reinforcement of already acquired higher-level language skills: speaking, listening, comprehension, reading, and writing. Text analysis includes newspaper articles and essays.
Prerequisite: 01:563:132 or placement test. Credit not given for both courses and 01:013:352,353 and 01:685:210,211.
Contemporary Hebrew Literature and Media (3)
Addresses current issues facing Israeli society as reflected in Israeli literature and press. Texts include poetry, songs, essays, newspaper articles, and films.
Prerequisite: 01:563:211 or 01:013:353 or placement. Credit not given for both this course and 01:013:354.
Introduction to Modern Israeli Literature (3)
Introduces students to major writers of modern Hebrew literature with the goal of developing their own critical reading and writing skills. Readings include modern Hebrew poetry, prose, and plays.
Prerequisite: 01:563:211 or 01:013:353 or placement. Credit not given for both this course and 01:013:355.
Readings in Modern Hebrew Literature (3)
Reading and analysis of modern Hebrew poetry and short prose, with an emphasis on major Israeli authors.
Prerequisite: 01:563:372 or 01:013:355 or placement test. Credit not given for both this course and 01:013:452.
The Hebrew Novel (3)
Reading and analysis of the modern Hebrew novel, with an emphasis on major Israeli authors.
Prerequisite: 01:563:372 or 01:013:355 or placement test. Credit not given for both this course and 01:013:453.
Love and Desire in Hebrew Prose and Poetry (3)
Explores the themes of love and desire in modern Hebrew prose, poetry, and film. Special attention paid to how the literature and films handle the issues of love, desire, and personal relationships in contemporary Israeli culture.
Prerequisite: 01:563:372 or 01:013:355 or placement. Credit not given for both this course and 01:013:453.
Hebrew Literature and Israeli Society (3)
Traces the development of modern Israeli literature, from the establishment of the state of Israel in 1948 to the present day. Of special interest will be the manner in which these stories define the quintessential Israeli hero and contend with the question of Israeli identity.
Prerequisite: 01:563:372 or 01:013:355 or placement. Credit not given for both this course and 01:013:455.