East Asian Civilizations: Premodern Era (3)
Introduction to traditional Chinese, Japanese, and Korean civilizations, including governmental institutions, educational systems, belief systems, language, literature, art, and everyday life.
Credit not given for both this course and 01:098:241.
East Asian Civilizations: Modern Era (3)
Introduction to modern Chinese, Japanese, and Korean civilizations, including the impact of modernization, East-West contact, governmental institutions, belief systems, educational systems, language, literature, art, and everyday life.
Credit not given for both this course and 01:098:242.
Writing and Literacy in East Asia (3)
General survey of writing and literacy in the East Asian countries of the Sinitic cultural sphere.
Religious Themes in East Asian Literature (3)
Religious ideas and attitudes as expressed in Indian, Chinese, and Japanese classics.
Credit not given for both this course and 01:840:338.