Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
Undergraduate-New Brunswick
About the University
Undergraduate Education in New Brunswick
Programs of Study and Courses for Liberal Arts Students
Faculties Offering the Programs
Programs, Faculty, and Courses
Availability of Majors
Course Notation Information
Accounting 010
African Area Studies 016
African, Middle Eastern, and South Asian Languages and Literatures 013
Africana Studies 014
Aging 018
American History 512
American Literature
American Studies 050
Anthropology 070
Armenian 078
Art 081
Art History 082
Arts and Sciences 090
Asian Studies 098
Astrophysics 105
Biological Sciences
Biomedical Sciences
Business Analytics and Information Technology 623
Business Law 140
Cell Biology
Chemistry 160
Chinese 165
Chinese Studies 170
Cinema Studies 175
Cognitive Science 185
Communication 192
Community Development
Comparative Literature 195
Computer Science 198
Criminal Justice 202
Criminology 204
Critical Sexualities Studies 888
Dance 203, 206
East Asian Languages and Area Studies 214
Economics 220
Education 300
Environmental Certificates
European Studies 360
Exercise Science and Sport Studies 377
Learning Goals
Major Requirements
Internship Program
Departmental Honors Program
Film Studies
Finance 390
Food Science 400
Foreign Language Proficiency Certificates
French 420
Geography 450
Geological Sciences 460
German 470
Greek 490
Greek, Modern Greek Studies 489
History/French Joint Major 513
History/Political Science Joint Major 514
Human Resource Management 533
Hungarian 535
Individualized Major 555
Information Technology and Informatics 547
Interdisciplinary Studies, SAS 556
Italian 560
Japanese 565
Jewish Studies 563
Journalism and Media Studies 567
Junior Year Abroad
Korean 574
Labor Studies and Employment Relations 575
Landscape Architecture 550
Latin 580
Latin American Studies 590
Latino and Hispanic Caribbean Studies 595
Life Sciences
Linguistics 615
Management 620
Marine Sciences 628
Marketing 630
Mathematics 640
Medical Technology 660
Medicine and Dentistry
Medieval Studies 667
Middle Eastern Studies 685
Military Education, Air Force 690
Military Education, Army 691
Military Education, Naval 692
Molecular Biology
Nutritional Sciences 709
Operations Research 711
Organizational Leadership 713
Philosophy 730
Physics 750
Physiology and Neurobiology
Planning and Public Policy 762
Polish 787
Political Science 790
Portuguese 810
Psychology 830
Public Health 832
Public Policy 833
Religion 840
Russian 860
Russian, Central and East European Studies 861
Science, Technology, and Society 880
Social Justice 904
Social Work 910
Sociology 920
South Asian Studies 925
Spanish 940
Statistics and Biostatistics 960
Study Abroad 959
Supply Chain Management and Marketing Science 799
Theater 965, 966
Ukrainian 967
Urban Studies
Visual Arts
Women's and Gender Studies 988
School of Arts and Sciences
School of Environmental and Biological Sciences
Mason Gross School of the Arts
Ernest Mario School of Pharmacy
Rutgers Business School: Undergraduate-New Brunswick
School of Communication and Information
School of Engineering
Edward J. Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy
School of Management and Labor Relations
General Information
Divisions of the University
Camden Newark New Brunswick/Piscataway
New Brunswick Undergraduate Catalog 2013–2015 Programs of Study and Courses for Liberal Arts Students Programs, Faculty, and Courses Exercise Science and Sport Studies 377 Courses  


01:377:140 Foundations of Exercise Science and Sport Studies (1.5) Historical, philosophical, and scientific foundations of the discipline. Open to all except seniors.
01:377:170 Principles of Weight Training (1.5) Organization, implementation, and supervision of strength training programs, with an emphasis on the anatomical and kinesiological aspects of strength training. Open only to majors.
01:377:180 Exercise and Relaxation (1.5) Utilizes the components of fitness with an emphasis on cardiorespiratory endurance and flexibility to achieve fitness. Modalities used for stress reduction include progressive relaxation techniques and humor.
01:377:191 Cardiovascular Conditioning (1.5) Individualized programming of aerobic activities based on needs and interests of adult populations; designing aerobic fitness programs for specific populations.
01:377:203 Sport and the Law (1.5) Legal issues affecting sport, recreation, and physical education. Topics include equal opportunity legislation, tort liability, product liability, participant liability, and legal rights of supervisors and participants. Prospective majors must earn a grade of C or better to declare the exercise science and sport studies major.
01:377:204 Risk Management in Sport Administration (1.5) In-depth study of factors essential to the safe and effective delivery of exercise programs and sport activities and events. Prospective majors must earn a grade of C or better to declare the exercise science and sport studies major. Credit not given for both this course and 01:377:319.
01:377:207 Teaching and Coaching Individual and Team Sports (3) Techniques of teaching, coaching, and individual acquisition of advanced sport skills. Lecture. Open only to majors.
01:377:213 Functional Human Anatomy (4) Systemic and regional study of gross structure of the human body emphasizing functional interdependency among anatomical systems. Human cadaver lab. Lec./Lab. Prerequisites: 01:119:101-102 or permission of instructor.
01:377:215 Techniques of Athletic Training (3) Techniques of athletic training including evaluation, treatment, and rehabilitation of injuries common in athletics. Prerequisite: 01:377:213.
01:377:218 Exercise and Health (3) Effects of chronic exercise on the health and fitness of the human body as well as its preventive role in various disease processes.
01:377:220 Health and Human Performance (1.5) Issues in the field of human athletic performance. Topics include basic training, periodization, general sports nutrition principles, performance enhancing supplements, sports psychology, eating disorders, common medical and orthopedic problems, and basic injury rehabilitation.
01:377:225 Contemporary Health Problems (3) Principles in healthful living. A concept of total health, influence factors, and problems. Includes mental health, family living, consumer education, and disease prevention and control.
01:377:226 Coaching Theory and Technique (3) Basic philosophical, psychological, and physiological aspects of coaching.
01:377:252 Health and Social Justice (3) Selected health topics, intervention theories, skills, and strategies for influencing both personal and community health behavior.  Credit not given for both this course and 10:832:252.
01:377:275 Basic Statistics for Exercise Science (3) Introduction to applied descriptive and inferential statistics for exercise science and sport studies.
01:377:301 Psychology of Sport and Exercise (3) Psychological theories and principles applied to sport. Sport influence on the quality of life at all levels of sport proficiency. Psychological techniques related to performance enhancement. Prerequisite: 01:830:101 or permission of instructor.
01:377:303 Neuromechanical Kinesiology (3) Neuromechanical basis of kinesiology including the integration of physical principles and neurophysiology in the study of human movement. Prerequisite: 01:377:213. Pre- or corequisite: 01:750:193, 201, or 203.
01:377:304 Exercise and Aging (3) Examination of the effects of exercise and chronic activity on the physiological and psychological changes that occur with aging and of the factors to consider when structuring exercise programs for the aged.
01:377:305 Sport Sociology (3) Examination of organized sport in modern-day North America. Analysis of sport roles and sport functions. Sport viewed as a major societal institution. Prerequisites: 01:377:275 or 01:830:200 or 01:960:212 or 01:960:401 and either 01:830:101 or 01:920:101 or permission of instructor.
01:377:306 Finance in Sport and Exercise Science (1.5) Examination of finance issues and successful approaches to fiscal management applied to the fields of Sport Management and Exercise Science. Topics include diversification of revenues, financial accountability, purchasing, sales operations, fundraising, grants and sponsorship, and fiscal challenges that confront sport and fitness organizations. Open only to majors.
01:377:308 Techniques of Officiating Individual and Team Sports (3) Techniques of officiating sports with an intensive study of the rules. Lecture
01:377:310 Motor Learning (3) Study of the processes that underlie learning and performance of motor skills. Lec./Lab. Prerequisites: 01:377:213 and 01:830:101.
01:377:311 Sport Marketing (3) Principles of marketing applied to sport. Examines sport industry trends that heighten the need for scientific, professional approaches to sport marketing. Examines consumer behavior, marketing research, pricing, distribution, and promotion of goods and services.
01:377:312 Facilities Planning and Design (1.5) Basic study of facilities planning and design. Planning, financing, safety, and maintenance issues important in the development of sport, recreation, and fitness indoor and outdoor facilities. Open only to majors.
01:377:315 Advanced Theories and Techniques of Athletic Training (3) In-depth analysis of athletic injury mechanisms, injury evaluation techniques, use of modalities, and anatomy of the extremities. Prerequisite: 01:377:215.
01:377:317 Ethics and Values in Sport Management (1.5) Examination of contemporary issues regarding the integrity of sport which present moral and ethical challenges to the sport manager. Open only to majors.
01:377:318 Organization and Administration of College Recreational Sports (3) Philosophical and practical approach to the development and implementation of recreational sports and activities promoted within the confines of an educational institution.
01:377:319 Risk Management for Health and Fitness Professionals (1.5) In-depth study of factors essential to the safe delivery of health and fitness programs. Open to majors only. Credit not given for both this course and 01:377:203, 204, 320, or 323.
01:377:324 Movement Experiences for Individuals with Disabilities (3) Survey of major mental and physical conditions that may require consideration in movement experiences. Prerequisite: 01:377:213.
01:377:327 Field Experience for Individuals with Disabilities (1.5) Apprenticeship in school or voluntary agency dealing with physical education and/or recreational programs for the handicapped. Pre- or corequisite: 01:377:324.
01:377:330 Organizational Behavior in Sport Management (3) Organization and personnel behavior theory applied to contemporary sports organizations. Issues in industrial, professional, collegiate, and scholastic contexts examined. Prerequisite: 01:830:101.
01:377:331 Gender Issues in Sport Management (1.5) Examination of impact of gender on attitudes, practices, and challenges confronting the contemporary sport manager. Open only to majors.
01:377:332 Leadership Development in Sport Management (3) Examination of leadership theories and processes and their application for effective sport management. Open only to majors. Prerequisite: 01:377:330 or 01:830:373. Recommended: 01:377:317.
01:377:333 Event Management and Sponsorship in Sport (1.5) Organizational event structure and sponsorship in the sport industry. History, needs assessment, planning process, networking, scope of services available, and associated career opportunities. Open only to majors.
01:377:342 Independent Study in Sport Studies (3) Supervised individual research or study in the field of sport. Open only to junior and senior majors by permission of department.
01:377:343,344 Workshop in Exercise Science (1,1) Laboratory experience in analyzing and evaluating human movement. Open only to junior and senior majors by permission of department.
01:377:346 Safety Education and Emergency Care (3) Principles and practices of safety education and accident prevention. Planning and implementing safety programs. Legal aspects of safety programs and emergency care.
01:377:350 Biomechanics (3) Study of human movement through the application of basic mechanical principles and cinematographic procedures; emphasis on analysis of sport skills from a quantitative perspective. Prerequisites: 01:377:213.
01:377:355 Professional Presentations for Sport Management (3) Development and presentation of public addresses emphasizing command of the English language and electronic delivery systems for both small and large group presentations. Open only to majors.
01:377:361 Independent Study in Health Education (3) Supervised individual research or study in the field of health education. Open only to junior and senior majors by permission of department.
01:377:362 Independent Study in Exercise Science (3) Supervised individual research or study in the field of exercise science. Open only to junior and senior majors by permission of department.
01:377:370 Exercise Physiology (3) Selected topics dealing with the physiological responses to exercise stress and the adaptive changes that occur with training. Prerequisites: 01:119:101-102 or permission of instructor.
01:377:371 Exercise Physiology Laboratory (1) Laboratory to accompany 01:377:370. Pre- or corequisite: 01:377:370.
01:377:381 Biochemistry of Exercise (3) Essential concepts of biochemistry--molecular biology, basic chemistry, metabolism, and transcription regulation--as applied to the exercising human, as well as current understanding of sports nutrition. Pre- or corequisite: 01:146:356.
01:377:401 Theories of Strength and Conditioning (3) Examination of how bone, muscle, and connective tissue adapt to conditioning and resistance exercise. Emphasis on developing effective aerobic and anaerobic exercise prescriptions for effective rehabilitation, reconditioning, and peak performance. Prerequisite: 01:377:370. Open only to majors.
01:377:404 Research Methods for Exercise Science and Sport Studies (1.5) Logic and design of experiments typical in the field of exercise science and sport studies; analysis and interpretation of data; writing of formal research reports. Prerequisite: 01:377:275. Open only to majors.
01:377:406 Management in Exercise Science and Sport (3) Concepts of administrative processes, systems, and styles with application to various sport environments. Includes program, facility, fiscal, and personnel management. Open to senior majors or by permission of department.
01:377:407 Administration of Exercise Science and Applied Kinesiology (1.5) Application of managerial processes to include management concerns in both clinical settings and fitness management. Prerequisite: 90 credits. Open to senior majors or by permission of department. Recommended as corequisite for internship.
01:377:410 Exercise Testing and Prescription (4)   Application of physiological principles and development of practical skills for fitness evaluation and exercise prescription. Lec./Lab. Prerequisites: 01:377:213, 275 or 413 or 01:960:212 or 401 or 01:830:200, 370, 371.
01:377:412 Advanced Sport Marketing (3) Sport marketing strategy, design, and management. Concepts and methods essential to identifying and analyzing marketing threats and opportunities and developing and evaluating marketing strategies. Develops an understanding of the nature and role of marketing in the sport organization. Prerequisite: 01:377:311. Open only to majors.
01:377:413 Statistics and Research Design in Exercise Science (4) Applied parametric and nonparametric descriptive and inferential statistics and research design for exercise science. Heavy emphasis on use of SPSS statistical software for multivariate analysis and multiple linear regression. Open only to majors.
01:377:454 Advanced Exercise Physiology (3) Contemporary research topics in exercise physiology that include acute and chronic adaptations to exercise, central and peripheral neuromotor function, neuroendocrine response to exercise, environmental physiology, biochemical monitoring of exercise, and performance enhancement/training theory. Prerequisites: 01:377:370,371, 381.
01:377:480 Honors Seminar in Exercise Science (3) Design of an original research project in exercise science complete with a literature survey, problem statement, research hypotheses, experimental design, research procedures, appropriate data analyses, and potential implications. Prerequisite: 01:377:275 or 413. Open only to juniors in departmental honors program.
01:377:481 Honors Research in Exercise Science (3) Independent study for seniors who have been accepted into the departmental honors program. Prerequisites: 01:377:480 and departmental permission.
01:377:482 Current Topics in Exercise Science and Sport Studies (1.5) Current issues within the fields of exercise science and sport studies. Contact the department for titles, descriptions, and requirements of each section offered.  Only open to majors.
01:377:490 Internship in Sport Management (6) Supervised individual fieldwork in sport management. Prerequisites: Permission of department and a 2.0 cumulative grade-point average both overall and in the major. Open only to majors in sport management option.
01:377:491 Independent Study (BA) Supervised individual research or study. Prerequisite: Permission of department. Open only to majors.
01:377:493 Internship in Exercise Science (3 or 6) Supervised individual fieldwork in exercise science. Prerequisites: Permission of department and a 2.0 cumulative grade-point average both overall and in the major. Open only to majors in the exercise science option.
01:377:494 Internship in Exercise Physiology I (3) Supervised individual fieldwork in exercise physiology. Prerequisites: Permission of department and a 2.0 cumulative grade-point average both overall and in the major. Open only to majors in the exercise physiology option.
01:377:495 Internship in Exercise Physiology II (3) Supervised individual fieldwork in exercise physiology. Prerequisites: Permission of department and a 2.0 cumulative grade-point average both overall and in the major. Open only to majors in the exercise physiology option.
01:377:496 EKG: Use and Interpretation (3) Evaluation of the scientific basis and utility of the EKG and exercise stress test. Information on obtaining and interpreting EKGs. Prerequisite: 01:146:356. Recommended: 01:377:370.
01:377:497 Internship II (3) Additional supervised individual fieldwork. Prerequisites: 01:377:490 or 493 or both 494 and 495. Permission of department and a 2.0 cumulative grade-point average both overall and in the major. Open only to majors.
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