Pharmacy Practice and Administration 725
Pharmacy Convocations (1)
Introduces basic concepts of the practice of pharmacy as a component of the health care system. Discusses the role of pharmacists and the goals and trends of pharmaceutical education and the career pathways available to pharmacists.
Required for all first-year students.
Colaizzi and lecturers.
Pharmacy Practice Management (3)
Relates principles of management to pharmacy practice environments (such as community and home health care pharmacies, chain pharmacies, managed-care pharmacies, and hospitals and other institutional pharmacies).
Pharmacy practice faculty.
Introduction to Pharmaceutical Care (4)
Provides fundamental understanding of functions, responsibilities, and outcomes of pharmacy practice in modern health and disease and a systematic inquiry into the role and nature of pharmacy practice in the health care system. Concept of pharmaceutical care emphasized as the underlying basis of pharmacy practice. Essential skills and pharmaceutical calculation acquired through self-study tutorials. Pharmaceutical nomenclature and medical terminology are emphasized.
For third-year pharmacy students or students in their first professional year in the Ernest Mario School of Pharmacy.
Colaizzi and pharmacy practice faculty.
Concepts in Pharmacy Practice (1)
Provides students with their first
structured exposure to professional practice and the provision of
pharmaceutical care in representative ambulatory and acute-care
settings. Students participate in pharmacy-based teaching sessions and
college-based seminars.
Corequisite: 30:725:320.
Pharmacy practice faculty.
Introductory Practice Experience (2)
Provides students with their first structured exposure to professional practice and the provision of pharmaceutical care in representative ambulatory and acute-care settings. Students participate in pharmacy-based teaching sessions and college-based seminars.
Prerequisite: 30:725:320.
Pharmacy practice faculty.
Principles of Pharmaceutical Economics (3)
Provides an understanding of the economic aspects of pharmacy practice and the pharmaceutical industry within the context of the health care system. Explores the principles and applications of pharmacoeconomics and pharmacy practice and provides the techniques to measure outcomes and disease-state management.
Prerequisites: Introductory economics and pharmacy management courses.
Suh and faculty.
Poison Management and Drug Abuse (3)
Provides understanding of the effects in clinical management in drug overdose, toxic exposure, and substance abuse. Didactic lectures and student-based case discussions.
Prerequisite: Completion of all earlier coursework.
Pharmacy practice faculty.
Gerontological Pharmacy Practice (2)
The course is taught through
interactive case-based lectures, debates, group projects, presentations, and
practical exercises. Students will improve their skills in patient interviewing
techniques, geriatric assessment, soap note writing, and Medication Therapy Management (MTM) documentation. The
goal is to develop the student's problem-solving skills and empathy in
the care and management of geriatric patients who often present with multiple
disease states, polypharmacy, and challenging issues.
Prerequisite: Permission of instructor.
Medical Writing (2)
Practical applications of technical writing required of pharmacists in the health care system; tools needed to meet demands and improve written communication skills.
Prerequisite: Third professional year or higher.
History of Pharmacy (2)
Historical development, trends, and impact of pharmacy as a health care profession and a biomedical science from ancient to modern times.
Community Practice Management (2)
Overview of opportunities and involvement in community pharmacy practice.
Lec. 2 hrs. Prerequisite: First professional year standing.
Hospital Practice Management (2)
Introduction to hospital pharmacy practice; presentation and discussion of services, functions, personnel, administration, and relation to other hospital departments. Field trips and projects.
Lec. 2 hrs. Prerequisite: First professional year standing.
Introduction to Pharmacy Industry (2)
Steps and factors involved in discovery and development of new pharmaceuticals. Emphasis on organizational functions and interfaces.
Lec. 2 hrs. Prerequisite: First professional year standing.
Cardiopulmonary Therapeutics (3)
Overview of the pathophysiology in pharmacotherapeutics of common disorders of the cardiovascular and pulmonary systems. Emphasis on application of pharmaceutical-care principles to cardiopulmonary disorders through a combination of didactic lectures, and case study presentations.
Prerequisite: 30:725:320. Corequisite: 30:718:405. For fourth-year pharmacy students or students in their second professional year in the School of Pharmacy.
Pharmacy practice faculty.
Drug Information and Literature Evaluation (3)
Provides fundamental background for answering drug information requests and critically evaluating primary literature.
Prerequisite: Statistics. For fourth-year School of Pharmacy students.
Pharmacy practice faculty.
Infectious Disease Therapeutics (3)
Introduces antibiotic, antifungal, and antiviral therapy. Case discussions incorporated for various disease states, with emphasis on drug interactions, adverse reactions, dosing, monitoring, and patient counseling.
Prerequisite: Completion of pretherapeutics courses. For fourth-year School of Pharmacy students.
Pharmacy practice faculty.
Intermediate Practice Experience (2)
Provides students with their first structured exposure to professional practice and the provision of pharmaceutical care in representative acute care settings. Students are assigned to a practice setting for a 160-hour experience.
Prerequisite: Introductory professional experience in pharmacy management.
Pharmacy practice faculty.
Pediatric Pharmacy Practice (2)
Introduction to the concepts of pharmacy practice as it relates to the expanding segment of pediatrics.
Prerequisite: Third-year students or higher.
Leadership In Pharmacy (2)
course is designed to introduce students to broad concepts of
leadership and professionalism in pharmacy practice. The format
includes interactive lectures, as well as a number of group projects,
presentations, and practical exercises. Topics include leadership
theory, emotional intelligence, Myers-Briggs test, presentation skills, professional writing, etiquette, ethics, conflict resolution, and networking.
Alexander, Barone.
Adventures in Pharmacy Practice (2)
Complement to the required Pharmacy Practice Management. Topics include contemporary subjects that have a direct impact on pharmacy practice. Subjects include automation, politics, ethics, customer satisfaction, "pharmacy practice in the news," and the future of pharmacy practice.
Prerequisite: First professional year or higher.
Pharmacy practice faculty.
Women's Health Issues (2)
Investigate, explore, and discuss issues important to women's health.
An in-depth presentation of the female reproductive system, along with
related diseases and disorders, is covered in addition to broad
coverage of other disorders prevalent in women.
Pharmacy practice faculty.
Herbal and Alternative Medicine (2)
Reviews the herbal/alternative medicine used to alleviate the common disease states. Topics include overview of the history of alternative medicine, in-depth analysis of the most popular herbs, and patient counseling for herbal use.
Introduction to Pharmacoepidemiology (2)
This course will cover basic concepts of pharmacoepidemiology including pharmacovigilance and its role in drug regulation, study methods, basic statistical tools, and data resources.
Problems in Pharmacy Practice and Administration (BA)
Undergraduate research in pharmacy practice and/or administration.
Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. No more than two semesters of problems courses may be used to satisfy degree requirements.
Clinical Research Design (2)
Delineates the principles of clinical research design, characteristics and types of clinical trials, selection and usage of statistical methods appropriate to various designs, and methods and issues related to outcomes assessment alongside clinical trials.
Pharmacoeconomics (3)
Principles and methods of pharmacoeconomics, measuring costs, identifying and valuing health outcomes, clinical decision analysis, incorporating health-related quality of life, time preference and sensitivity analyses, clinical trials, evaluation studies, applications and current issues, and critique of methods.
Pharmacy Law and Bioethics (4)
Provides understanding of the theoretical and applied aspects of pharmaceutical jurisprudence and ethics, as required for professional practice and licensure as a pharmacist.
Prerequisites: 30:725:308 and 320.
Cifaldi, Colaizzi, and Kane.
Self-Care and Home Care (4)
Provides opportunity to learn the concepts and acquire knowledge
required for the pharmacist's involvement in self-care and home care.
Prerequisites: 31:725:570 and 585.
Feudo and pharmacy practice faculty.
Clinical Pharmacokinetics (4)
Introduction to advanced concepts in clinical pharmacokinetics, with emphasis on special patient populations and specific drugs.
Prerequisite: Completion of all earlier coursework. For fifth-year students in the doctor of pharmacy program.
Pharmacy practice faculty.
Clinical Immunology, Hematology, and Oncology Therapeutics (3)
Provides understanding of the basic principles of immunology, hematology, and oncology and their application to clinical situations.
Prerequisite: Completion of all earlier required pretherapeutics courses.
Pharmacy practice faculty.
Renal, Gastrointestinal, and Nutrition Therapeutics (3)
Introduces pharmacotherapeutic concepts in renal, gastrointestinal, and nutrition patients. Case discussions.
Prerequisite: Completion of all earlier required coursework. For fifth-year students in the doctor of pharmacy program.
Pharmacy practice faculty.
Physical Assessment (2)
Introduces various aspects of the physical examination to assist in monitoring response to pharmacotherapy and disease progression.
Prerequisite: Satisfactory completion of all professional coursework in the first four years of the curriculum.
Sui and pharmacy practice faculty.
Advanced Pharmacotherapy Applications (2)
This course is intended to enhance and develop problem-solving skills relative to the management of complex patient cases similar to those encountered in the inpatient setting. For third professional year students in the doctor of pharmacy program.
Thomas and Kimborowicz.
Advanced Neuropsychiatric Therapeutics (2)
The course will explore more in-depth the disease states from therapeutics, as well as discuss other topics such as autism, eating disorders, personality disorders, and factitious disorders. The course will be interactive, as students will have the opportunity to conduct a simulated patient interview, write SOAP notes, and present topics.
Corequisite: 31:725:595.
Critical Care Pharmacotherapy (2)
Students will develop critical thinking, problem-solving, and decision-making skills that will help them effectively evaluate the types of medication-related issues for patients seen in the intensive care unit.
Prerequisite: For third professional year students in the doctor of pharmacy program.
Pharmaceutical Advertising and Promotion (2)
Educates on the skills that pharmaceutical marketers will need to master to be successful. Provides an in-depth understanding of the development of pharmaceutical advertising, promotional pieces, and messages. Also provides information on potential marketing career options in the pharmaceutical industry.
Managed Care Pharmacy Practice (2)
Focuses on issues surrounding practice of pharmacy in a managed care environment, including cost, payment, and recognition of stakeholders. Discusses the impact of managed care on other pharmaceutical environments.
Prerequisite: Third-year student or higher.
Pharmacy Communications I (2)
Overview of the communication, patient monitoring, and patient counseling skills required to deliver pharmaceutical care in pharmacy practice settings.
Prerequisite: 30:725:480 or 31:725:580.
Pharmacy practice faculty.
Pharmacy Communications II (2)
Continues to develop and refine interpersonal and interprofessional communicative and collaborative skills necessary to render pharmaceutical care.
Prerequisite: 31:725:585.
Pharmacy practice faculty.
Endocrine Therapy and Special Patient Populations (3)
Provides fundamental understanding of the diagnosis and therapeutic management of disease states and/or conditions unique to endocrine, pediatric, and geriatric population groups.
Prerequisite: Completion of all required pretherapeutics courses.
Pharmacy practice faculty.
Neuropsychiatric Therapeutics (3)
Provides fundamental understanding of the pathophysiology and therapeutic treatment of selected neurologic and psychiatric disorders. Didactic lectures and small-group discussions.
Prerequisite: All coursework preceding therapeutics modules.
Pharmacy practice faculty.
Student Portfolio (2)
Documentation of students' experiences, activities, and personal reflections regarding their Introductory Practice Experience through Advanced Practice Experience rotations.
Pharmacy practice faculty.
31:725:791 through 799
Advanced Practice Experience Rotations (5)
Pharmaceutical-care experience rotations conducted in the final professional year of the program. Sequence consists of seven, five-week rotations to include community-based pharmaceutical care experience, hospital-based pharmaceutical care experience, and general medicine practice experience. One elective practice experience can be selected from available sites and preceptors.
Prerequisites: Successful completion of didactic coursework and permission of instructor.
Pharmacy practice faculty.