Manufacturing Automation Laboratory.
This laboratory is equipped with state-of-the-art equipment in CAD/CAM (computer aided design and computer aided manufacturing) and manufacturing automation systems. It includes production type CNC milling machines, a CNC lathe equipped with force dynamometers and an acoustic emission sensor, a mini-CNC laser-micro machining station, an innovative sheet folding machine, an impact testing machine, an automated storage and retrieval system, a material handling carousel, and a robot assembly work station.
Manufacturing Processing Laboratory. Basic machine tools such as turning, milling, drilling, grinding, welding, and measuring machines are available to help the student become familiar with metal-processing operations.The equipment is also used to perform laboratory experiments in heat treatment, tool life, and chip formation assessments.
Computer Laboratory. This lab is equipped with state-of-the-art PCs.The lab has the latest simulation software such as ARENA, Matlab/Simulink, and optimization software LINDO, GINO, etc.It has software for quality control, plant layout, production control, statistical analysis, and text processing. It also has CAD/CAM/CAE software including AutoCAD, SolidWorks, ABAQUS, and FeatureCAM. The laboratory is connected to a universitywide network and the internet.
Quality and Reliability Engineering Laboratory. This lab has been developed to allow students to have hands-on experience in actual methods for quality control and reliability engineering. A variety of software for control charts, sampling plans, and design of experiments is available. The laboratory has a wide array of metrology equipment such as digital calipers and micrometers, a roundness measurement equipment, surface profilometers, and a coordinate measuring machine. It also has various materials testing equipment, a Rockwell hardness tester temperature chamber, vibration test stands, and failure analysis equipment such as voltage stressing equipment, and measuring microscopes. LABVIEW, Minitab, and STATGRAPHICS software are available for students' use.
Information Technology Laboratory. The laboratory has the state-of-the-art client/server network with Apache and WebLogic application servers, database, and middleware. This lab is mainly used for graduate dissertation research, collaborative projects with industrial partners in typical areas of logistics of supply chains, distribution systems, marine ports, and port security. The lab is equipped with various simulation modeling software, SAP's IDES training system, as well as software for mathematical analysis including Mathcad and Mathematica. The IT research in the lab includes operations at marine terminals, waterways, C/S transaction processing middleware design, and military ammunition supply chain operations, among many others.
Computer Control and Manufacturing Information Laboratory. This laboratory is used for instruction in manufacturing automation. Students learn to use programmable logic controllers (PLC's) and other electronic controllers, as well as sensors and actuator devices to control manufacturing processes and equipment. The lab includes local area networks for integrating controllers in peer-to-peer communication and with databases, as well as a Lanworks local area network for distributed control of intelligent sensors and actuators.