Art 081 The following courses serve as studio classes for the bachelor of arts (B.A.) and the bachelor of fine arts (B.F.A.) curricula. |
07:081:101-102Artmaking (3,3) Fundamentals of artmaking, using a variety of materials, techniques, styles, and visual ideas. Exploration of a wide range of media; development of the individual`s expressive powers and of a critical and formal vocabulary. |
07:081:105Visual Arts Practice (1) Crew assignments each term in exhibition techniques and studio mechanics. Required of all B.F.A. visual arts majors. Must be repeated for a total of 3 credits. |
07:081:121Drawing Fundamentals I (3) Examination of the techniques, materials, and ideas of drawing, with emphasis on discovery, experimentation, and personal expression in relation to concepts and images in art. |
07:081:122Drawing Fundamentals II (3) Continues study of the techniques, materials, and ideas taught in Drawing Fundamentals I. |
07:081:211-212Ceramics I (3,3) Methods of handling clay centered on development of techniques in conjunction with design skills. Hand building and throwing on the wheel. Experimentation with varied techniques in glazing and firing and with using materials related to clay. |
07:081:215Computers in Graphic Design I (3) Provides an introductory level exploration of applications for text and image generation and manipulation including Photoshop, Illustrator, and In Design. Issues involving input and output are discussed. Pre- or corequisite: 07:081:231. |
07:081:216Computers in Graphic Design II (3) Provides an intermediate level exploration of applications for text and image generation and manipulation including Photoshop, Illustrator, and Quark. A familiarity with these programs required. Issues involving output to print screen are discussed. Prerequisites: 07:081:215 and 231. |
07:081:221-222Drawing I (3,3) Techniques for rendering objects and the human figure as well as the development of notation systems and abstract designs; drawing on a wide variety of materials and formats. Prerequisite: 07:081:121. |
07:081:223-224Figure Drawing I (3,3) Intensive study of the human figure using a variety of techniques to develop skill, accuracy, and expressiveness. Prerequisite: 07:081:121. |
07:081:227Design and Visual Thinking: Black and White (3) All the elements of form except colors as applied to two- dimensional art and low relief: line, shape, texture, volume, and light and dark. Black-grey-white as a range of pigments and as a range of illumination from shadow to light. Light as the medium of vision and as a visual tool in design and the fine arts. |
07:081:228Design and Visual Thinking: Color (3) Color considered primarily as pigment; some attention given to color as light and an introduction to color printing processes. Approaches to color relationship, theories of organization of color on both scientific and aesthetic levels. |
07:081:231Introduction to Graphic Design (3) Introduces the design process. Students develop the ability to generate and develop original design solutions using appropriate hand methods and computer technologies to communicate ideas; analysis of contemporary and historical design. 07:081:232. Introduction to Typography (3) Prerequisites: 07:081:101 and permission of instructor. Note that enrollment in 07:081:331, 332 Graphic Design II, III is limited to 20 students. |
07:081:236Introduction to Digital Media (3) An introductory course for basic digital media. Offered from a studio art perspective investigating critical issues through the use of applications including Photoshop, Illustrator, Flash, and Go-Live. The course is a prerequisite to advanced study in areas including photography, printmaking video, film, and graphic design. |
07:081:243Video I (3) An introduction to video in both black and white and color, using portable and studio equipment. Examination of the application of video to the contemporary fine arts, to documentation, and to television production. |
07:081:251-252Painting I (3,3) Individualized work that introduces a range of technical and experimental approaches to oils and acrylics. Varied approaches to the problems of structure, shape, and color, and to the development of formal coherence and imagery through individual and group critiques. |
07:081:261-262Photography I (3,3) Introduction to basic black and white photographic processes focusing on the camera, film development, and printing techniques, and on the potentiality of photography as an expressive, formal, and documentary medium. |
07:081:271Silkscreen I (3) Techniques of contemporary silkscreen printing including expressive and design possibilities of the print medium; aesthetic and social questions raised by modern printmaking explored. Handmade paper as an extension of the artwork introduced along with computer imaging and photo processes. |
07:081:273Lithography and Monoprints I (3) Training in the basic techniques of black and white and color lithography and monoprints; investigation of aesthetic and social questions raised by modern printmaking using black and white and color on both stone and aluminum plates. Introduction of computer imaging and photo processes. |
07:081:275Intaglio I (3) Training in the expressive and design possibilities of etching, aquatint, dry point, and other etching techniques, with individualized work in both black and white and color; investigation of aesthetic and social questions raised by modern printmaking with an introduction to photo processes and computer images; handmade paper formation for intaglio printing. |
07:081:277Relief Printmaking (3) Training in the expressive and design possibilities of woodcut, linoleum, and other relief processes with individualized work in both black and white and color. Exploratory techniques in photo imaging and experimentation as well as the investigation of aesthetic and social questions raised by modern printmaking. |
07:081:281-282Sculpture I (3,3) Investigation of the materials and concepts of three-dimensional art, focused on various techniques using plaster, wood, and metal and on each individual`s expressive and formal ideas. |
07:081:307,308Casting and Carving (3,3) Introduction to basic foundry techniques needed to cast art, modeling, mold making, direct wax, ceramic shell, pouring, and patination. Metal chasing techniques, including TIG and MIG welding, are covered. Introduction to stone carving tools and techniques for hand carving of various stones. Prerequisites: 07:081:281-282. Corequisite: 07:081: 381. |
07:081:311-312Ceramics II (3,3) Continuation of the training in techniques and concepts introduced in 07:081:211-212 Ceramics I. Prerequisites: 07:081:211-212. |
07:081:317Scriptwriting for Film, Video, and Performance (3) Techniques of scriptwriting for various media. Models for conceptualizing and developing ideas aimed at creating productions in film, video, and performance; students develop projects from an initial idea through treatment revisions to the final script. |
07:081:321-322Drawing II (3,3) Continuation of the training in techniques and concepts introduced in 07:081:221-222 Drawing I. Prerequisites: 07:081:221-222. |
07:081:323-324Figure Drawing II (3,3) Continuation of the training in techniques and concepts introduced in 07:081:223-224 Figure Drawing I. Prerequisites: 07:081:223-224. |
07:081:325-326Figure Drawing for Painting (3,3) Problems of the figure in drawing and painting. Focus on work- ing from the model in a variety of mediums and making the transition from line into paint. Figure/ground relationships. Expressive narrative. Prerequisites: 07:081:121, 251. |
07:081:331Graphic Design II (3) In-depth study of content-based design process. Students explore complex projects with emphasis on text and image; research, experimentation, visual refinement, technical and production skills further developed. Prerequisites: 07:081:231, 232. Corequisites: 07:081: 333, 334. Course enroll- ment is limited to 20 students based on competitive portfolio review by faculty committee. |
07:081:332Graphic Design III (3) Students explore complex projects with increased emphasis on interpretation and authorship in graphic design. Includes studio work that emphasizes sequences and series. Prerequisite: 07:081:331. Corequisite: 07:081:334. |
07:081:333Typography II (3) Continued study of typographic practice in various contexts. Students build an understanding and ability to use typography meaningfully as a tool for organizing information (denotion) as well as for expressing ideas (connotation). Covers publication design issues of concept development, page composition, sequence, and typographic grid. Prerequisites: 07:081:231, 232. |
07:081:334Professional Practice in Design (3) Prepares students for transition to design practice through the production of a professional portfolio, introduces techniques of print production and professional studio practices. Prerequisites: 07:081:331, 333. Corequisite: 07:081: 332. |
07:081:343Intermediate Video Production (3) Continuation of training in techniques and concepts introduced in 07:081:243 Video I. Prerequisite: 07:081:243. |
07:081:344Intermediate Media Workshop (3) Students use either film or video for production, learn digital postproduction techniques, and pursue individual projects and participate in group critiques. Prerequisite: 07:081:243. |
07:081:351-352Painting II (3,3) Continuation of the training in techniques and concepts introduced in 07:081:251-252 Painting I. Prerequisites: 07:081:251-252 or permission of department. |
07:081:353,354Interactive Design I,II (3,3) Deals with the theory and practice of interactivity, and is concerned mainly with web design. The principals of information design are applied to the planning of screen-based interfaces and systems. Students use appropriate software programs. Prerequisites: 07:081:231, 232. Pre- or corequisite 07: 081:331. |
07:081:355Digital Audio (3) Studio course in digital audio postproduction techniques and their application in independent film and video and the visual arts. Prerequisites: 07:081:243 and basic Macintosh computer skills. |
07:081:358Photo Book I (3) Design and construction of artists' books that employ photo- graphic
imagery. Emphasis on contents and use of a variety of photo processes. Prerequisites: 07:081:261-262. |
07:081:361-362Photography II (3,3) Continuation of the training in techniques and concepts introduced in Photography I. Prerequisite: 07:081:261. |
07:081:365Social Documentary Photography I (3) Development of documentary photographic techniques using black and white prints and slides, focusing on social, environmental, and personal issues. Training in use of sound, speech, and music in relation to photography and in various documentary formats, sound-slide and books primarily. Prerequisite: 07:081:261. |
07:081:367Alternative Photography Processes I (3) Nonsilver processes such as cyanotype and kwikprint. Also VanDyke brown and Rockland silver emulsions. Prerequisite: 07:081:261. |
07:081:368,369Digital Photo Image I (3,3) Concepts and tools of photo-based, computer-mediated still images. Students originate, appropriate, and manipulate images from a wide range of sources. Assignments and discussion address critical issues in contemporary digital practices. Prerequisite: 07:081:261 or equivalent by permission. |
07:081:371Silkscreen II (3) Continuation of principles learned in 07:081:271 Silkscreen I. Prerequisite: 07:081:271. |
07:081:372Work and Print I (3) Emphasis on critical awareness of the relationships between language and society, printing and mass media, literacy and democracy, technology and tradition. Includes the history of writing and print with a focus on letterpress printing, bookbinding, and printmaking. Projects combine research and hands-on printing using traditional techniques while simultaneously incorporating computer technology. |
07:081:375-376Artists' Books: Bookworks I (3,3) Individualized projects on the book as alternative space with concentration on ideas of sequential information either as individual bookworks or installation; some information and technique in book formation and binding and formation of handmade paper for bookworks. Prerequisites: 07:081:101, 121. |
07:081:379Papermaking (3) Includes western style formation, working with Japanese fibers, and three-dimensional casting. Coloring of pulps, collaging, gluing, laminating, and designing sheets of paper for book projects. Prerequisites: 07:081:101, 121. |
07:081:381-382Sculpture II (3,3) Continuation of the training in techniques and concepts introduced in 07:081:281-282 Sculpture I. Prerequisites: 07:081:281-282. |
07:081:386Papermaking II (3) Development of a personal focus in the paper arts. Open to all students with a basic knowledge of papermaking and graduate students interested in executing contemporary ideas through this medium. |
07:081:391,392Independent Study (B.F.A.,BA) |
07:081:393,394Internships (B.F.A.,BA) |
07:081:411-412Ceramics III (3,3) Advanced work in ceramics. Prerequisites: 07:081:311-312. Primarily for students who have concentrated in this area. |
07:081:431Advanced Design I (3) Students work at an advanced level to develop a personal voice. Technical and conceptual skills are applied to complex design problems; students use research and brainstorming to define problems and develop formally refined solutions. Students produce thesis-level work that demonstrates an awareness of contemporary developments in design. Offered concurrently with 07:081:497-498 Thesis and Exhibition. Prerequisites: 07:081:231, 332, 333, 334. |
07:081:432Advanced Design II (3) Continuation of 07:081:431 Advanced Design I. Prerequisite: 07:081:431. |
07:081:442Video Installation Now (3) Focus is on space, time, and the body in relation to these elements. Things in a new context acquire new meaning and construct meaning around them. Students use video, sound, and other materials to create and manipulate space. A specific space and time factor will be the starting point for each project. Emphasis on the experimental and time-based nature of installation. |
07:081:445Digital Editing for Film/Video (3) An in-depth postproduction film/video course on digital editing techniques and editing aesthetics. Prerequisites: 07:081:243, 343, and 344. |
07:081:446-447Advanced Media Workshop (3,3) Offers more intensive investigations into media art and opportunities for collaborative projects. Prerequisites: 07:081:243 and 343 or 344. For video students. |
07:081:451-452Painting III (3,3) Advanced work in painting. Prerequisites: 07:081:351-352. Primarily for students who have concentrated in this area. |
07:081:453-454Advanced Painting I (3,3) Further work in painting. Prerequisites: 07:081:451-452. Primarily for students who have concentrated in this area. |
07:081:458Photo Books II (3) Advanced study of material taught in 07:081:358. Prerequisite: 07:081:358. |
07:081:461-462Photography III (3,3) Advanced work in photography. Prerequisites: 07:081:361-362. Primarily for students who have concentrated in this area. |
07:081:465Social Documentary Photography II (3) Advanced study of material taught in 07:081:365. Prerequisite: 07:081:365. |
07:081:466Digital Printmaking (3) Explores the digital manipulations of images in Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Illustrator, alternative forms of ink-jet prints, and photographic processes in lithography, intaglio, and silkscreen. Assignments concentrate on the development of critical issues. Prerequisites: 07:081:101, 121, 273, and 275. |
07:081:467Alternative   Advanced study of material taught in 07:081:367. Prerequisite: 07:081:367. |
07:081:471Lithography and Monoprints II (3) Continuation of principles learned in 07:081:273 Lithography and Monoprints I. Prerequisite: 07:081:273. |
07:081:472Intaglio II (3) Continuation of the principles learned in 07:081:275 Intaglio I. Prerequisite: 07:081:275. |
07:081:473Word and Print II (3) Continuation of the principles learned in 07:081:372 Word and Print I. Prerequisite: 07:081:372. |
07:081:475Artists' Books: Bookworks II (3) Continuation of 07:081:375 Artists` Books: Bookworks I. Prerequisite: 07:081:375. |
07:081:481-482Sculpture III (3,3) Advanced work in sculpture. Prerequisites: 07:081:381-382. Primarily for students who have concentrated in this area. |
07:081:483-484Advanced Sculpture (3,3) Further work in sculpture. Prerequisites: 07:081:481-482. Primarily for students who have concentrated in this area. |
07:081:491-492Independent Study (B.F.A.,BA) |
07:081:493,494Internships (B.F.A.,BA) |
07:081:497-498Thesis and Exhibition (3,3) Summary work for art majors combining individual creative work with the planning and production of a senior exhibition and the writing of a senior thesis. Open only to B.F.A. seniors. |