Students who wish to pursue four-year engineering curricula normally take the entire program in the School of Engineering at New Brunswick/Piscataway. In the four-year programs, the first year is common to all curricula. At the end of the first year, the student selects a curriculum in which to specialize. Guidance in selecting a curriculum is provided principally through the introductory engineering course. Departmental advisers also are available. For program details, see Four-Year Engineering Curricula in this chapter.
It is possible for a student to complete the first two years of a four-year program at the Camden College of Arts and Sciences (CCAS) or the Newark College of Arts and Sciences (NCAS). Some curricula may require attendance at Summer Session or an extra year of study in New Brunswick/Piscataway in order to complete degree requirements. For program details, see Transfer Programs with Camden and Newark in this chapter.