Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
Undergraduate-New Brunswick
About the University
Undergraduate Education in New Brunswick/Piscataway
Programs of Study For Liberal Arts Students
Douglass College
Livingston College
Rutgers College
University College
Cook College
Mason Gross School of the Arts
Ernest Mario School of Pharmacy
Rutgers Business School: Undergraduate-New Brunswick
School of Communication, Information and Library Studies (SCILS)
School of Engineering
General Information
Descriptions of Fields of Study
Academic Policies and Procedures
Student Responsibility to Keep Informed
Academic Credit
Registration and Course Information
Scholastic Standing
Cumulative Grade-Point Average
Repeated Courses
Grade Replacement
Class Designation
Dean's List
Poor Academic Performance
Disciplinary Procedures
Degree Requirements
Programs of Study
Four-Year Engineering Curricula
Five-Year Engineering Curricula
Transfer Programs With Camden and Newark
Other Academic Programs
Course Listing
Administration and Faculty
Edward J. Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy
General Information
Camden Newark New Brunswick/Piscataway
New Brunswick/Piscataway Undergraduate Catalog 2005-2007 School of Engineering Academic Policies and Procedures Scholastic Standing Poor Academic Performance  

Poor Academic Performance

Academic Review. At the end of each term, the Committee on Scholastic Standing, composed of elected faculty and representatives of the dean of the college, reviews and may take action on the record of every student whose university term or cumulative grade-point average is 2.0 or less or whose cumulative grade-point average within the major is 2.0 or less. Students who were placed on probation at the end of the previous term also are reviewed. These students may be given a warning, placed on probation, or dismissed from the School of Engineering.

Probation. Students are placed on probation when the academic record indicates that the student is in danger of being dismissed unless substantial improvement is shown. Students are notified in writing of probationary status and the conditions of probation before the start of the next term. While on academic probation, students are advised to consult with faculty advisers regularly, curtail extracurricular activities including employment, and attend class regularly. Removal from probation depends on academic performance, including grades and progress in the major, in the following term.

Students placed on probationary status may appeal in writing to the associate dean. Grounds for appeal include technical error and/or changes in temporary grades. Letters of appeal must state the reasons for appeal and must be written by the student, although advice from others may be sought in formulating the appeal.

Dismissal. Except for students in their first term, students may be dismissed if (1) the university cumulative grade-point average is 2.0 or less, or (2) the cumulative grade-point average in the major is 2.0 or less, or (3) the term grade-point average is 1.4 or less, or (4) there have been two prior terms in which the student was placed on probation. Students in their first term may be dismissed if their grade-point average for the term is less than 1.0. Students are notified in writing of academic dismissal.

Students dismissed from the college by action of the Committee on Scholastic Standing may appeal their dismissal in writing to the committee chairperson. Grounds for appeal include technical error, changes in temporary grades, extenuating circumstances, and/or additional information not previously available to the committee. The letter of appeal must state the reasons for appeal and, when possible, should be accompanied by appropriate documentation. Letters of appeal must be written by the student, although advice from others may be sought in formulating the appeal. The appeal must be received by the committee within one week after the date of the dismissal letter. Action by the committee is final.

Readmission. Students who have been dismissed from the college because of poor academic performance may not apply for readmission until they can produce evidence to indicate that the causes of failure have been overcome. Normally, this evidence consists of the satisfactory completion of one year of work at another accredited college in a program of study approved in advance by the associate dean for academic affairs. The program of study should include at least 24 credits of engineering or engineering-related courses. Students are usually not considered for readmission after a second dismissal action. Juniors and seniors are considered for readmission only in special cases with the approval and advice of the associate dean for academic affairs.

Each application for readmission is considered on its own merits. In no case may it be assumed that satisfactory grades at another institution will lead automatically to readmission.

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