The undergraduate majors offered by the Rutgers Business School:
Undergraduate-New Brunswick presently include accounting, finance,
management, management science and information systems, and marketing.
Each major leads to the degree of bachelor of science. The degree is
granted jointly by the Rutgers Business School: Undergraduate-New
Brunswick and the student's liberal arts college. All business students
must satisfy the requirements of RBS-UNB as well as the academic
requirements of one of the following undergraduate liberal arts
colleges at New Brunswick/Piscataway: Douglass College, Livingston
College, Rutgers College, or University College-New Brunswick. Rutgers
Business School: Undergraduate-New Brunswick students retain their
affiliation with their undergraduate liberal arts colleges while
enrolled in RBS-UNB.
Each of the business majors has been
coordinated with the curricula of the four colleges to combine a
liberal arts foundation in mathematics, the natural sciences, the
social and behavioral sciences, and the humanities, with an
upper-division professional specialization in one of the broad
functional areas of business. The Rutgers Business School:
Undergraduate-New Brunswick's curriculum is an upper-division course of
study and is taken during the student's junior and senior years.
The purpose of the curriculum is to provide for a broad education that
prepares the student for imaginative and responsible citizenship and
leadership roles in business and society. The curriculum is responsive
to social, economic, and technological developments and reflects the
application of evolving knowledge in economics and the behavioral and
quantitative sciences. All Rutgers Business School: Undergraduate-New
Brunswick programs of study include emphases on written and oral
Through course work at RBS-UNB, every student is
exposed to the international dimensions of business, to the economic
and legal environments as they pertain to profit and nonprofit
organizations, and to the effects of ethical considerations and social
and political influences on such organizations. In studies outside the
Rutgers Business School: Undergraduate-New Brunswick, each student
gains an understanding of the political and legal environments of
business and society through course work in areas such as political
science, public administration, and ethics.