Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
Undergraduate-New Brunswick
About the University
Undergraduate Education in New Brunswick/Piscataway
Programs of Study For Liberal Arts Students
Douglass College
Livingston College
Rutgers College
University College
Cook College
Mason Gross School of the Arts
Ernest Mario School of Pharmacy
General Information
Academic Policies and Procedures
Degree Requirements
Programs of Study
Course Listing
Chemical Biology 158
Pharmaceutical Chemistry 715
Pharmacology and Toxicology 718
Pharmacy 720
Pharmaceutics 721
Pharmacy Practice and Administration 725
Administration and Faculty
Rutgers Business School: Undergraduate-New Brunswick
School of Communication, Information and Library Studies (SCILS)
School of Engineering
Edward J. Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy
General Information
Camden Newark New Brunswick/Piscataway
New Brunswick/Piscataway Undergraduate Catalog 2005-2007 Ernest Mario School of Pharmacy Course Listing Pharmacology and Toxicology 718  

Pharmacology and Toxicology 718
30:718:304Pathophysiology (3) General principles of disease and their application to the study of clinical disorders that affect the body as a whole, its specific systems, and individual organs. Reuhl and staff. Lec. 3 hrs. Practicum provided as needed. Prerequisites: 01:119:102; 01:694:301.
30:718:320Introduction to Pharmacology (2) Chemical structure, physiochemical properties, drug absorption, and metabolism of medicinal agents. Iba, Kauffman. Prerequisite: 01:694:301.
30:718:401Theoretical Aspects of Pharmacology (2) Introduction to some of the emerging theoretical concepts and principles in the areas of biochemistry, molecular biology, cell biology, physiology, and human genomics. Theoretical concepts and principles surveyed applied to pharmacologically relevant topics, such as receptor-ligand interactions, signal transduction, genotype-phenotype coupling, and others. Ji. Prerequisite: First professional year or higher.
30:718:405-406Pharmacology I,II (3,2) Effects of drugs on living systems, the mechanism of their effects, and their application to the therapy of disease. Gerecke, Lowndes. Prerequisite: 30:718:304.
30:718:409Pharmacogenetics (2) Survey of the polymorphisms (population and individual differences) in the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of therapeutic drugs. Genetics and molecular basis of these polymorphisms and examples of associated abnormal responses to therapeutic agents and sensitivity to environmental toxicants. Iba. Prerequisites: One year of pharmacology or graduate standing and consent of instructor.
30:718:495,496,497,498Problems in Pharmacology (BA) Undergraduate research in pharmacology. Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. No more than two terms of Problems courses may be used to satisfy degree requirements.
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