See Music in the Programs of Study for Liberal Arts Students section for bachelor of arts (B.A.) program information.
The bachelor of music (B.Mus.) program offers three areas of
concentration: performance, jazz studies, and music education. Students
are admitted specifically to one of these three areas. Any change must
be made with the approval of the department. All students in the
bachelor of music program must pass a piano proficiency examination no
later than the spring term of the junior year, or upon completion of
course sequences 07:701:159-160 and 259-260 (students in the music
education concentration must pass the piano proficiency examination
prior to the beginning of the term in which they fulfill the student
teaching requirement). The course 07:701:100 Music Assembly must be
passed during each term of enrollment; if a student has an
Unsatisfactory grade in any term, he or she will not be allowed to
schedule a senior recital or student teaching. Students are also
expected to perform in Music Assembly at least once a year after the
first year.