Degrees are conferred by the university on the recommendation of the Douglass College Fellows. Degrees are dated October, January, or May, but diplomas are issued only at the annual commencement convocation. A student who completes the requirements for her degree at any other time may request an interim certificate for use in lieu of the diploma until the next commencement exercises. A student must complete all degree requirements in their entirety in order to participate in the commencement exercises. Official notice of all academic work should be received by the registrar at least 72 hours prior to the graduation ceremony.
Degrees are conferred in absentia only if the candidate has been excused in advance from attendance at commencement exercises by the appropriate official of the college.
Diplomas are withheld from all students whose financial or library accounts are not clear.
To ensure that her eligibility may be verified, a candi- date for graduation is asked to submit a Graduation and Diploma Application form at least three months before the expected degree date. This is especially important for ordering diplomas in time for the May commencement.