Leave of Absence. A leave of absence for a period not
to exceed one year may be granted a student if, in the opinion of the
Student Academic Affairs Committee, such a leave seems educationally
advisable. Among reasons that are given consideration are study abroad
under an approved program, illness that prevents continuation during
the current term, or other reasons of weight. Application forms for a
leave of absence may be secured from the Office of Academic Services
and must be submitted to the executive secretary of the Student
Academic Affairs Committee. Students returning from a leave of absence
are expected to complete their registration by the beginning of the
term in which they are returning. Students who fail to register for the
term following a leave of absence are withdrawn from the college.
Withdrawal. Any
student withdrawing from college is considered as having left in good
standing provided she is in good academic standing, is not subject to
disciplinary action, is not in arrears in payment of college bills, and
has signed the official withdrawal form and submitted it to the Office
of Academic Services. The effective date of withdrawal is the day on
which the registrar receives the form properly completed, unless the
form indicates that the student intends to leave at some specified
future date.
A student who has withdrawn or been dismissed has
no further opportunity to make up the work of an uncompleted term, nor
may she again be considered a registered student until she has been
readmitted to the college.
A student who withdraws from
college during the last two full weeks of instruction in any term
automatically receives a grade of F or No Credit in each course in
which she was enrolled.
Withdrawal by the College. A
student may be withdrawn at the discretion of the college if she fails
to complete registration for a term without obtaining an approved leave
of absence, fails to comply with a regulation or condition set by the
college, fails to submit official transcripts for all secondary and
postsecondary work, or misrepresents her academic records.
Readmission. Students
seeking readmission to the college should request an application from
the Office of Academic Services. Applications for the fall term should
be filed in that office by June 15, and notification is sent after July
1 provided the record is complete. Students seeking readmission for the
spring term are considered on a space-available basis only.
Applications should be filed by November 15.
The readmission
decision will be based on evidence of a student's readiness to resume
her studies and ability to do satisfactory work at the university. In
no case is readmission guaranteed or automatic.
For the
college's policy on readmission after dismissal for academic reasons,
see Scholastic Standing later in this chapter.