The major requires 30 credit hours beyond 04:189:101 and 102. All majors must complete the following two courses:
04:567:324 News Reporting and Writing (3)
04:567:480 Media Ethics and Law (3)
All students must take at least one of the following two courses:
04:567:310 Broadcast Newswriting (3) or
04:567:325 Writing and Editing for Print Media (3)
Students also must take at least two conceptual courses in journalism
and media studies, of which at least one must be at the 300 or 400
level. The remainder of the 30 credits (students may not take more than
30 credits in the major) may be in additional professional and
conceptual courses; up to 9 credits may be taken in a combination of
internship and independent study. Students must earn a grade of
C or better in all courses taken for major credit.
The Department of Journalism and Media Studies does not offer a minor.