The Department of Journalism and Media Studies seeks a highly motivated and diverse student body. Admission is not guaranteed. The review committee requires evidence of interest in journalism and media studies, including extracurricular involvement and commitment to study in the major. General writing ability and communication skills, as evidenced in both the personal essay and success in relevant courses, are required. Applicants must have completed successfully 01:355:101 Expository Writing I or an equivalent or 01:355:201 Research in the Disciplines or the English placement exam. The committee also will consider the grades in the two SCILS prerequisite courses and overall grade-point average at the time of admission. Grades in other journalism and media studies courses will get particular attention, but applicants are not required to have taken such courses before applying. Admission to the major in journalism and media studies is coordinated by the dean`s office at SCILS and is decided by the department. Students are urged to consult the department staff and the SCILS web site for detailed and up-to-date information about application procedures, program requirements, course offerings, and special programs.