Advising. The advising system provides general academic advising for all students, but is particularly designed to help students with undeclared majors.
The Academic Information Center collects most online forms (declaration and change of major, declaration of minor, deletion, and transfer credit). The Academic Information Center also maintains students` permanent academic files.
Educational Opportunity Fund (EOF). The Educational Opportunity Fund Program was established by the New Jersey legislature in 1968. It was designed to increase meaningful access to higher education by offering educational and support services to financially disadvantaged New Jersey residents attending the state`s colleges and universities. Since the founding of Livingston College in 1969, the Livingston EOF Program has responded to the diverse needs of educationally and economically disadvantaged students by providing them with three different, but equally important forms of assistance. First, during the summer before their initial term at Livingston College, students attend a residential campus program that prepares them for college life and college-level academic work. Second, for the remainder of their college careers, the EOF Program provides students with supplemental financial aid to defray such nontuition costs as student fees, books, and room and board. Third, the program also provides comprehensive counseling support to ensure that each student is socially and emotionally centered; enrolled in appropriate courses; registered for tutorial sessions; knowledgeable about campus support services and opportunities; and is in compliance with state, federal, and university financial guidelines. The Livingston College EOF Program enrolls approximately 300 students. Consistent with EOF regulations, students admitted to the university through the program are required to satisfy all stated conditions of admission eligibility and financial need.
Student Support Services. The Academic Resource Center is comprised of two learning laboratories: the microcomputer laboratory and the academic skills laboratory. These laboratories provide tutorial assistance for Educational Opportunity Fund students and those students who meet eligibility requirements of the Student Support Services program. The center is open five days a week. Services offered by the center include tutoring in all academic subjects.
Learning Resource Center. The Learning Resource Center at 111 Tillett Hall offers a variety of academic support services to all students interested in achieving academic excellence. All services are free and available at any LRC with unlimited access. Professional staff assist students in mastering information-processing skills and higher level organizational skills. Assistance is available in note-taking, text reading, test preparation, test-taking, and various other areas. Additional services include peer academic tutoring, supplemental instruction, and course support.
Writing Center. The Writing Center functions in conjunction with some required writing courses. Students in required writing courses also may seek assistance on their own from the Writing Center, which is located in Lucy Stone Hall, Room B-103.
Gateway Studies Program. The Gateway Studies Program is a one-year academic support program for students who need to develop college-level reading and writing skills. Students enroll in small sections of introductory courses in various academic disciplines such as history, psychology, biology, sociology, and philosophy, as well as in basic skills courses in reading, writing, and mathematics. The class schedules and academic performance of Gateway students are closely monitored by the dean`s office. Support services include academic, personal, and career counseling. Tutoring referrals are made on an individual basis.