Courses in Historiography, Theory, and Practice
16:510:500, 502
The Historian's Craft (1.5,1.5)
Introduction to the professional study of history, the diverse methodological approaches of current historiography, and the place of historical scholarship in both academic and nonacademic spheres.
First-year graduate students only.
Teaching of History (3)
Bell, Mittelstadt, Lee
Courses with
Transnational, Comparative, or Interdisciplinary Themes
(F) Africa in World History (3)
Themes in global history (population movements, disease, development of crops and domesticated animals, technological innovation, cultural forms, empire) approached by placing Africa and Africans at the center of the debates.
(F) Global History: Theory, Historiography, and Pedagogy (3)
Course is designed for students enrolled in the Global M.A. program.
(F) Islam: A Global Civilization (3)
The history and development of Islam as a global civilization from sixth-century Arabia to the contemporary period.
T. Jones
Colloquium in Comparative History (3)
Triner, Zerubavel
Colloquium in Cultural History (3)
Lears, Matsuda, Satter
(S) Approaches to Global History (3)
Teaching, thinking, and writing about global history and cross-cultural comparisons of and interactions among major human societies from prehistoric times to the present.
Intended for students in the history M.A. and education M.Ed. programs.
Colloquium in United States Foreign Relations (3)
Carruthers, Foglesong
(S) Protest and Consciousness: African Labor History in the Comparative Global Context (3)
The history of African labor, political consciousness, and popular protest; case studies from both the precolonial and modern periods.
Brown. Designed for students in the global M.A. program. Prerequisite: Undergraduates require permission of the instructor.
Colloquium in Intellectual History (3)
An investigation of consciousness (past and present) through the writings of philosophers, moralists, and cultural critics from the 17th through the 20th centuries.
Livingston, Surkis
(F) South Asian Global History (3)
A long view of South Asia, emphasizing interactions with other world
civilizations up to the present. Aspects of culture, politics,
labor processes, and political economy.
Course is designed for students enrolled in the Global M.A. program.
Colloquium in Labor History (3)
Cobble, Lauria-Santiago, Livingston
Topics in the History of Sexuality (3)
Problems and historiography in the history of sexuality in selected historical and cultural contexts.
Koven, DeVun, Schoen
Colloquium in Atlantic History and the African Diaspora (3)
Bay, Butler, Fuentes, Holsey, White
Colloquium in Environmental History (3)
Studies how environments and cultures have interacted throughout human history.
Israel, T. Jones, Maher
Colloquium in the History of Technology (3)
Explores how culture has shaped technology as well as the social impact of technology.
Delbourgo, Israel, Pietrusek
Colloquium in the History of Health and Medicine (3)
How culture has shaped medical and scientific knowledge and how ideas about health and illness have influenced aspects of culture.
Marsh, Pemberton, Schoen
Colloquium in Urban History (3)
Introduction to the urbanization process, with emphasis on the city-building process, social mobility and social structure, ethnicity, social and geographic mobility, and political and social reform.
Colloquium in Women's and Gender History (3)
Women's and gender history across national/cultural contexts and time periods.
Cobble, Davis, DeVun, Feinberg, Ikeya, J. Jones, Koven, Schoen, Surkis, Townsend, White
(F) Colloquium in World History (3)
Focuses on a specific problem or set of problems in world history using readings designed to promote an understanding of the relevant theoretical and analytical literature.
Delbourgo, T. Jones, Lears, Mathew
Seminar in Cultural History (3)
Greenberg, Lears, Matsuda
Seminar I in the History of Science, Technology, Environment, and Health (3)
Theoretical perspectives, drawn chiefly from the social sciences, emphasizing their role in initiating historical research projects.
Delbourgo, Israel, T. Jones
Seminar II in the History of Science, Technology, Environment, and Health (3)
Directed research related to the global history of technology, environment, and health.
Delbourgo, Israel, T. Jones, Schoen
Seminar in the History of Women (3,3)
Davis, Feinberg, J. Jones, Koven, Mittelstadt, Surkis, White
(S) Seminar in World and Comparative History (3)
Directed research in projects related to a specific theme (such as immigration, imperialism, comparative gender ideologies) that are announced in advance by the instructor.
Ikeya, Roden, Townsend, Zerubavel
Courses in African-American and American History
Readings in African-American History (3)
Survey of African-American history and historiography.
Bay, Fuentes, Murch, Rucker, White
Readings in American History I (3)
Introduction to the history and historiography of 16th- to 18th-century
North America. Emphasis on encounters in early America between
Europeans, Africans, and Native Americans; comparative experiences of
Spanish (Caribbean and Mexico), French (Canada), and English; colonial
society and politics; Atlantic economy and slavery; and 18th-century
revolutions and nation building. Designed to help students
prepare for qualifying exams and to teach the U.S. surveys.
Clemens, Delbourgo, Silver, Townsend
Readings in American History II (3)
Introductory survey of history and historiography; America from the early 19th through early 20th centuries, covering key themes of political, military, social, and cultural development.
Bay, Lears, Masur, Satter, White
Readings in American History III (3)
Introductory survey of history and historiography; America from the early 20th century to the present, covering key themes of political, military, social, and cultural development.
Cobble, Foglesong, Livingston, Mittelstadt, Murch, White
Problems and Directed Readings in Women's and Gender History (3)
DeVun, Feinberg, J. Jones, Schoen
Colloquium in American History (3)
Bay, Devlin, Fogelsong, Greenberg, Lears, Livingston, Silver
Colloquium in African-American History (3)
Bay, Fuentes, Murch, Rucker, White
Seminar in Recent American History (3)
Bay, Cobble, Greenberg, Markowitz, Mittelstadt, White
Seminar in African-American and American History (3)
Bay, Murch, Rucker, White
Seminar in American Urban History (3)
Courses in European History
Readings in Medieval History (3)
Introduction to the major problems and readings in the field of medieval history. Designed to prepare students to become competent and informed teachers in their major field.
DeVun, Kelly, Masschaele, Reinert
Colloquium in Medieval History (3)
DeVun, Kelly, Masschaele, Reinert
Readings in Early Modern European History (3)
Introduction to the major problems and readings in the field of early modern European history. Designed to prepare students to become competent and informed teachers in their major field.
Artun, Bellany, J. Jones
Readings in Modern European History (3)
Introduction to the major problems and readings in the field of modern European history. Designed to prepare students to become competent and informed teachers in their major field.
Davis, Feinberg, Hanebrink, Hellbeck
Colloquium in European History (3)
Bellany, Davis, DeVun, Feinberg, Galili, Hanebrink, Hellbeck, J. Jones, Koven, Matsuda, Sinkoff, Surkis
Colloquium in British History (3)
Bellany, Koven
Seminar: Western Europe in the Middle Ages (3)
DeVun, Kelly, Masschaele, Reinert
Seminar in European History (3,3)
Davis, DeVun, Feinberg, Hanebrink, Hellbeck, Jones, Kelly, Koven, Matsuda, Surkis
Seminar in European Intellectual History (3)
Courses in African and Latin American History
Colloquium in African History (3)
Study of development prior to colonialism. Commercial systems and religious movements analyzed in the context of culture and social organization. Background for studying carryover of culture to the Americas; recent African history.
Brown, Cooper
Colloquium in Latin American History (3)
Lauria-Santiago, Lopez, Townsend, Triner, Wasserman
Seminar in Latin American History (3,3)
Lopez, Townsend, Triner, Wasserman
Advanced Topics in History (3)
Advanced Topics in History (3)
Advanced Topics in History (3)
Minor Field Preparation (3)
Supervised preparation and study for the minor field examination.
Major Field Preparation (3)
Supervised preparation and study for the major field examination.
Dissertation Proposal Preparation (3)
Supervised preparation of the dissertation proposal.
Research in History (BA,BA)
Designed to record research work toward the doctoral dissertation.
Open only to students who have advanced to candidacy.