(S) Advanced Plant Physiology (3)
Overview of physiological mechanisms of plant adaption to abiotic stresses. Topics covered include changes in cellular structure and functions, water relation, plant nutrition, carbon metabolism, and hormone metabolism in response to abiotic stresses.
Prerequisites: Undergraduate plant physiology or equivalent; organic chemistry, botany, or equivalent.
(S) Methods in Plant Systematics (3)
Systematic methods and techniques used in plant systematics, phylogenetics, and biogeography. Lab, software demos, and lectures will be intermingled with independent projects and discussions.
(F) Advanced Plant Systematics (3)
A broad, evolutionary overview of major groups of vascular plants, from club mosses and ferns to conifers and flowering plants. Principles of classification and field identification, morphology, and basic concepts in evolutionary studies in botany. Independent project.
Prerequisite: Introductory botany course, or permission from instructor.
(F) Advanced Plant Genetics (3)
Topics in plant genetics from both a classical and a molecular
perspective. Topics include breeding systems, nuclear and
organelle genomes, chromosome variation, linkage analysis and
chromosome maps, recombination, mutation, transposons, epigenetics, and
genetic approaches to genomic analysis.
Prerequisite: Undergraduate course in genetics. It is strongly recommended that students have had a course in biochemistry or molecular biology.
(S) Plant Molecular Biology (3)
Fundamental and applied aspects of plant molecular biology, including isolation, structure, and regulation of nuclear and organellar genes, molecular biology of plant-microbe interactions, molecular biology of plant development, and plant biotechnology.
Prerequisites: Undergraduate genetics or equivalent, organic chemistry. Course in molecular genetics or molecular biology recommended.
(S) Plant Biochemistry and Metabolism (3)
Physiological significance of principal metabolic systems, including photosynthesis, photorespiration, sulfate and nitrate reduction, and hexose metabolism; synthesis of lipids and lipid pigments, photochemical, and hormonal controls, chloroplast development, and biochemistry of secondary plant products.
Prerequisite: Plant physiology or equivalent.
(F) Applied Plant Science Statistics (3)
Statistical methods such as experimental design, regression, ANOVA, covariance, field plot techniques, sampling, factorial experiments, treatment comparisons, and estimates of effects.
(F) Advanced Plant Breeding (3)
Breeding, self-pollinated, cross-pollinated, and apomictic plants; role of mutation, polyploidy, and interspecific hybridization in plant improvement; inheritance of adaptive plant characters; developing and maintaining improved varieties.
Prerequisite: A course in general genetics.
(F) Principles of Plant Pathology (3)
Fundamental concepts elucidating the nature, cause, diagnosis, dissemination, and control of plant diseases. Includes an overview of all plant disease agents.
Lec. 3 hrs. Prerequisite: Biology or microbiology.
(F) Advanced Mycology (3)
Detailed study of the filamentous and fleshy fungi, with emphasis on identification, mycological literature, reproduction, and other special topics.
Lec. 2 hrs., lab. 3 hrs. Prerequisite: General mycology or equivalent.
Plant Disease Clinic (3)
Workshop in diagnosing both pathogenic and nonpathogenic plant disorders, isolation and identification of causal organisms, and current disease control measures.
Lec./lab. 6 hrs. Prerequisite: General plant pathology or equivalent. Offered only during the Summer Session.
(F) Plant Pathogenic Bacteria (3)
Basic concepts of phytobacteriology, including diagnosis and identification of plant bacterial diseases, ecology and control of bacteria, pathogenicity, disease physiology, and molecular biology of pathogenicity factors.
Lec. 2 hrs., lab. 3 hrs. Prerequisite: General plant pathology.
(S) Plant Pathogenesis (3)
Mechanisms of pathogenesis; responses of plants to pathogens in terms of structure, function, and metabolism; disease resistance, mechanisms, and genetics of pathogenesis.
Prerequisite: 16:765:531 or equivalent.
Bioinformatics (3)
Basic UNIX, Perl, and R scripting designed to enable biologists to handle large DNA and protein datasets.
Problems in Plant Biology (BA,BA)
Laboratory and conference course for special problems.
Prerequisite: Permission of instructor.
Selected Topics in Plant Biology (BA,BA)
Advanced topics of current interest; may be lecture and/or laboratory study.
(F) Scientific Communications in Plant Biology (1,1)
Advanced topics investigated and presented by students in seminar and poster format.
Required of all graduate students.
(F) Core Seminar in Plant Biology I (1)
In conjunction with invited seminars on the
selected topic,
students read and analyze current papers in primary literature in
molecular/cell biology. Plant
Biology Track.
Prerequisite: Completion of or concurrent registration in 16:765:513.
(S) Core Seminar in Plant Biology II (1)
In conjunction with invited seminars on the
selected topic,
students read and analyze current papers in primary literature
horticulture and
plant technology. Horticulture
and Plant
Technology Track.
Prerequisite: Completion of or concurrent registration in 16:765:502.
(F) Core Seminar in Plant Biology III (1)
In conjunction with invited seminars on
the selected topic,
students read and analyze current papers in primary literature
plant pathology. Plant
Pathology Track.
Prerequisite: Completion of or concurrent registration in 16:765:531.
(S) Core Seminar in Plant Biology IV (1)
In conjunction with invited seminars on
the selected topic,
students read and analyze current papers in primary literature
plant breeding
and genomics. Plant
Breeding and
Genomics Track.
Prerequisite: Completion of or concurrent registration in 11:776:506.
Nonthesis Study (1)
Nonthesis master's degree research paper.
Research in Plant Biology (BA,BA)
Thesis experimental research.