Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
Graduate School New Brunswick
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  Graduate School–New Brunswick 2014–2016 Other Graduate Study at the University  

Other Graduate Study at the University

In addition to degree programs offered by the Graduate School–New Brunswick, the following schools of Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, provide postbaccalaureate programs in New Brunswick and Piscataway.

Edward J. Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy. Master of public health (M.P.H.) and doctor of public health (D.P.H.) degrees are awarded. The school also offers a master of public policy (M.P.P.) degree, a master of public affairs and politics (M.P.A.P.), and master of city and regional planning (M.C.R.P.) and master of city and regional studies (M.C.R.S.) degrees in urban planning and policy development. In addition, the school awards several joint degrees in public policy, urban planning and policy development, and urban studies and community health. These programs are described in the school's catalog.

Ernest Mario School of Pharmacy. The school offers the doctor of pharmacy (Pharm.D.) degree.

Graduate School of Applied and Professional Psychology. The school offers the doctor of psychology (Psy.D.) degree in professional psychology, with specializations in clinical psychology and school psychology. It awards the master of psychology (Psy.M.) en passant to the doctorate. 

Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences. The school offers a master of biomedical sciences (M.B.S.) degree.

Graduate School of Education. In educational psychology, the school offers master of education (Ed.M.) and doctor of education (Ed.D.) degrees in counseling psychology; educational statistics and measurement; learning, cognition, and development; and special education.
In the areas of educational theory, policy, and administration, the school offers Ed.M. degrees in administration and supervision in elementary education; administration and supervision in secondary education; adult and continuing education; school business administration; social and philosophical foundations; and social studies education. Also offered are Ed.D. degrees in educational administration and supervision and school business administration.  

For teachers, the school offers Ed.M. and Ed.D. degrees in elementary/early childhood education and for instruction in English/language arts, languages, mathematics, and science. Finally, the school confers the same three degrees in literacy education.

Mason Gross School of the Arts. The school grants master of fine arts (M.F.A.) degrees in theater arts and visual arts and the master of music (M.M.), doctor of musical arts (D.M.A.), and artist diploma (A.Dpl.) degrees in music.

School of Communication and Information. The school offers a master of communication and information studies (M.C.I.S.) degree and a master of library and information science (M.L.I.S.) degree.

School of Management and Labor Relations. The school awards a master in human resource management (M.H.R.M.) degree and a master in labor and employment relations (M.L.E.R.) degree.

School of Public Health. The school awards master of public health (M.P.H.) and a doctor of public health (Dr.P.H.) degrees, as well as the Ph.D.

School of Social Work. Master of social work (M.S.W.) degrees are offered in administration, policy, and planning, and in direct practice. The school also offers the D.S.W.

Through Rutgers Biomedical and Health Sciences, programs are offered in Newark and other locations in the state by the Graduate School of Biomedical Science, the Rutgers School of Dental Medicine, the School of Health Related Professions, and Rutgers School of Nursing.

At Rutgers University-Newark, programs are offered by the Graduate School–Newark, the Rutgers Business School: Graduate Programs-Newark and New Brunswick, the School of Criminal Justice, the School of Law-Newark, and the School of Public Affairs and Administration. At Rutgers University-Camden, programs are offered by the Graduate School-Camden, the School of Business-Camden, and the School of Law-Camden.

Each of the university's graduate-level schools publishes an online catalog (see More complete descriptions of the schools located in New Brunswick can be found under their respective program listings in this catalog.

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