Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
Graduate School New Brunswick
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Programs, Faculty, and Courses
Course Information
African Studies 016
Agricultural Engineering
Alcohol Studies 047
Animal Sciences 067
Anthropology 070
Art History 082
Arts, Visual and Theater
Asian Studies 098
Atmospheric Science 107
Biochemistry 115
BioMaPS 118 (Programs in Quantitative Biology)
Biomedical Engineering 125
Bioresource Engineering 127
Biotechnology 126
Cell and Developmental Biology 148
Cellular and Molecular Pharmacology
Ceramic and Materials Science and Engineering 150
Chemical and Biochemical Engineering 155
Chemistry 160
Civil and Environmental Engineering 180
Classics 190
Cognitive Science 185
Communication, Information and Library Studies 194
Communication Studies
Comparative Literature 195
Computer Science 198
Curatorial Studies
Ecology and Evolution 215
Economics 220
Education 300
Educational Psychology; Educational Theory, Policy, and Administration; Learning and Teaching
Electrical and Computer Engineering 332
Engineering Geophysics
English, Literature In (English 350, Composition Studies 352)
English as a Second Language 356
Entomology 370
Environmental Change, Human Dimensions Of 378
Environmental Sciences 375
Food and Business Economics 395
Food Science 400
French 420
Geography 450
Geological Sciences 460
Geospatial Information Science 455
German 470
History 510
Human Resource Management
Industrial and Systems Engineering 540
Industrial Relations and Human Resources 545
Interdisciplinary Ph.D. Program 554
Italian 560
Labor and Employment Relations
Library Studies
Linguistics 615
Literature and Language 617
Literatures in English
Mathematics 640, 642
Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering 650
Mechanics 654
Medicinal Chemistry 663
Medieval Studies 667
Microbiology and Molecular Genetics 681
Molecular and Cell Biology 695
Molecular Biophysics 696
Molecular Biosciences
Music 700
Neuroscience 710
Nutritional Sciences 709
Oceanography 712
Operations Research 711
Packaging Science and Engineering
Pharmaceutical Science 720
Pharmacology, Cellular and Molecular 718
Philosophy 730
Physics and Astronomy 750
Physiology and Integrative Biology 761
Planning and Public Policy 970
Plant Biology 765
Plant Pathology
Plant Science and Technology
Political Science 790
Psychology 830
Psychology, Applied and Professional
Public Health 832
Public Policy
Quaternary Studies 841
Russian, Central and East European Studies 859
Social Work 910
Social Work: Administration, Policy and Planning, and Direct Practice
Sociology 920
Graduate Courses
Spanish 940
Statistics and Biostatistics 960
Theater Arts
Toxicology 963
Urban Planning, City and Regional
Visual Arts
Wireless Communications Certificate
Women's and Gender Studies 988
Research Centers, Bureaus and Institutes
Governance of the University
Divisions of the University
Camden Newark New Brunswick/Piscataway
  Graduate School-New Brunswick 2005-2007 Programs, Faculty, and Courses Sociology 920 Graduate Courses  

Graduate Courses

16:920:501,502Sociological Research Methods I,II (3,3) Logic, design, and implementation of research to test sociological hypotheses. First term: fundamentals of research design, sampling, and measurement. Second term: data collection, data management, and exploratory data analysis, including an introduction to computer techniques. Laboratory exercises required.
16:920:503,504Selected Sociological Problems (3,3) Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. For graduate students wishing to pursue advanced work. By arrangement.
16:920:505,506Individual Studies in Sociological Theory (3,3) Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. For graduate students wishing to pursue advanced work in fields where no advanced courses are provided. By arrangement.
16:920:511,512Proseminar in Sociology (3,3) Selected special topics in sociology.
16:920:515Classical Sociological Theory (3) Discussion of the major figures who shaped sociological theory from the mid-19th century to the first three decades of the 20th century.
16:920:516Contemporary Sociological Theory (3) Survey of the dominant lines of theoretical development in contemporary sociology.
16:920:520Comparative and Historical Methods (3) Philosophical, theoretical, and methodological issues involved in sociological explanations of the development of social systems over time.
16:920:521Sociology of Education (3) Analysis of the U.S. educational system and its relation to other social systems. Major focus on the ideology of the system, the interrelationship of various occupations, and special problems of urban schools.
16:920:523Sociology of Health (3) Social correlates of health and illness in the United States; major social roles and organizational structures concerned with health and medical care.
16:920:524Sociology of Organizations (3) Basic survey of the sociology of organizations, with emphasis on current developments.
16:920:527Research Seminar in Political Sociology and Development (3) Major theoretical frameworks of political sociology and development, and historical and contemporary debates within these fields.
16:920:528Marriage and the Family (3) Review of the basic concepts and research in the field of marriage and the family.
16:920:535Professions (3) Development and functions of professions in advanced industrial societies. Alternative theories of professionalism evaluated against the background of sociological studies of different professions, such as medicine, law, social work, psychology, education, nursing, engineering, management and planning, the clergy, and the artistic professions.
16:920:541-542Analysis of Sociological Data I,II (3,3) Application of classical and modern statistical techniques to the analysis of sociological data. Problems of optimal fitting of technique to level and quality of data emphasized. First term: bivariate techniques, up to and including the analysis of variance. Second term: multivariate techniques, multiple regression, and the general linear model. Laboratory exercises required. Prerequisite for 16:920:542, 16:920:541 or permission of instructor.
16:920:550Practicum in Teaching Sociology (3) Trains sociology graduate students to teach, with a specific emphasis on clear presentations, logical argument, and day-to- day pedagogical issues.
16:920:570,571,572,573Special Topics in Sociology (3,3,3,3)
16:920:602Culture, Symbols, and Social Interaction (3) Examines several dimensions of the complex interaction between the social and cultural spheres. Focuses on the ways in which norms, gestures, and symbols structure interpersonal encounters; the symbol systems that make possible large-scale interaction between social members; the ways in which social structure orders interactions; and the ways in which technology can mediate social interactions.
16:920:603Sociology of Religion (3) Religious belief systems and forms of social organization in historical and cross-cultural perspective; public religious behavior and private spiritual practice; old and new religious movements; relationship between religion and other major social institutions (especially the political and the economic).
16:920:607Seminar in Organizations (3) Development of theories and research models concerned with organizations.
16:920:611Criminology and Corrections (3) Theories of criminality and methods of treatment and prevention within the context of the general analysis of deviance and social control.
16:920:612Social Deviance and Social Control (3) Conditions under which people tend to conform or deviate; probable consequences of deviance and social control for both deviants and conformists.
16:920:613The Sociology of Age (3) Theory of age stratification, age structure of the society, aging of individuals, and connections between aging and various social processes and social institutions.
16:920:614Seminar in Race and Ethnic Relations (3) Analysis of race and ethnic relations from a comparative perspective; contemporary theory, issues, and problems.
16:920:615Seminar in Qualitative Research Methods (3) Discussion and guided practice in the collection and analysis of qualitative data. Major attention on research designs employing participant observations and/or in-depth interviewing. Case studies reviewed; collection and analysis of data from a field research study.
16:920:616Seminar in Social Stratification (3) Fundamental features of social stratification in both its structural and dynamic aspects and in terms of its consequences for society and for the individual.
16:920:618Sociology of Gender (3) Cross-cultural and historical analysis of gender roles; gender in modern society; gender roles and social institutions; work, family, religion, politics, and education. A range of theoretical and empirical approaches included.
16:920:627Sociology of Socialization (3) Study of socialization as a concept and as a process; the socialization of children and adults; variations in socialization among cultures, socioeconomic status groups, and types of social groups.
16:920:629Development and Underdevelopment (3) Interdisciplinary perspectives on processes of development, with focus on phenomena of class and politics.
16:920:631Sociology of Mental Illness (3) Study of the epidemiology of psychiatric disorders, help-seeking processes for mental illness, social responses to the mentally ill, and social policy issues in the mental health field.
16:920:632Sociology of Work (3) Meaning and organization of work; the division of labor: who does what and how; interactions among occupations; and the quality of work life in industrial societies.
16:920:633Seminar in Social Science Data Analysis (3) Advanced topics in quantitative reduction and analysis of data generated by research in the various social sciences. Topics chosen from, but not limited to, loglinear analysis, structural equations models, panel analysis, network analysis, time-series analysis, and continuous-time process models. Initial sessions focus on developing the basics of matrix algebra upon which most of these techniques rely. Prerequisite: 16:920:542 or permission of instructor.
16:920:640Sociological Perspectives on Feminist Theory (3) Detailed examination of major feminist theories, with an emphasis on contemporary feminist thought.
16:920:645Drugs and Society (3) Examination of causes and consequences of illegal drug use; how drugs came to be criminalized; the current system of drug prohibition in the United States; and alternatives to prohibition, such as decriminalization and legalization.
16:920:646(S) Cognitive Sociology (3) Social context of thinking, focusing on specific cognitive processes: classifying, framing, symbolizing, time-reckoning, perceiving, attending, remembering, and making sense. Draws on sociology of knowledge, phenomenological sociology, ethnomethodology, sociology of science, symbolic interactionism, semiotics, symbolic anthropology, and linguistics.
16:920:701,702Research in Sociology (BA,BA) Prerequisite: Candidacy for Ph.D. required of all students engaged in Ph.D. dissertation research.
16:920:703Writing Seminar (3) Sharpen writing and publishing skills as professional sociolo- gists. Writing and rewriting doctoral qualifying papers and dissertation proposals.
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