16:710:511(S) History of Neuroscience (2) The origins of neuroscience from antiquity to the current era. Changing concepts of brain function, the development of the neuron theory, localization of function, and the role of instrumentation in the development of neuroscience. Prerequisite: Interest in neuroscience. |
16:710:517(S) Molecular Neurotransmission (2) Emphasis on current topics on molecular mechanisms that govern neuron-to-neuron communication through chemical pathways in the mammalian brain; pharmacological and pathological conditions. Wu. 2 hrs., 15 weeks. Prerequisite: 16:710:557. |
16:710:540(S) Trophic Mechanisms in the Nervous System (2) Introduction to neurotropic factor field. In particular, the critical nature of trophic agents in the establishment and maintenance of a functioning nervous system. Dreyfus. 1.5 hrs., 14 weeks. Prerequisites: Cell biology, neurobiology, and biochemistry. Offered in even-numbered years. |
16:710:544(F) Molecular Regulation of Neurogenesis (2) Discussion of current literature, explores concepts and mechanisms regulating neuronal generation, and specification from undifferentiated precursors in invertebrates and vertebrates examined, including cell lineage, homeotic genes, neurotransmitters, and growth, trophic, and transcription factors. DiCicco-Bloom. Prerequisites: Neurobiology, molecular biology of cells. Offered in even-numbered years. |
16:710:546(S) Neuroendocrinology (3) Principles of neurosecretion and neuroendocrine regulation. The CNS control of hormone secretion and function. Rabii. Prerequisites: Mammalian physiology and permission of instructor. Recommended: General endocrinology. |
16:710:554(F) Gene Regulation in Neural Development (2) Survey of recent literature regarding the regulation of gene expression in the nervous system. Emphasis on the molecular mechanisms involved in gene regulation during neuronal development. Abate-Shen. Offered in odd-numbered years. See also 16: 115:554. |
16:710:555(F) Neurobiology (4) Introductory survey emphasizing experimental approaches to the study of invertebrate and vertebrate nervous systems. Molecular, biophysical, and biochemical bases of nerve cell function. Higher-level functions shown as emerging from nerve cell properties, anatomical development, and mature connections. See also 16:830:555. Plummer. Recommended: Biochemistry, physiology, or animal behavior. |
16:710:557(S) Neuroscience (4) Study of the human central nervous system involving gross and microscopic examination and physiological study of the brain, spinal cord, receptors, and effectors with correlated clinical demonstration of neurological disorders. Nowakowski. Lec. 3 hrs., lab. and demonstration 3 hrs. |
16:710:558,559Special Topics in Neurobiology (2,2) Analysis and discussion of contemporary research in cellular and molecular aspects of neuronal functioning, or of selected topics of current research in developmental neurobiology examined by historical review, presentation of current research papers, and analysis of new approaches and unifying theories, in alternating terms. Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. |
16:710:605,606Advanced Studies in Neuroscience (BA,BA) Research literature review or independent reading. |
16:710:701,702Research in Neuroscience (BA,BA) Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. |