16:963:501,502General Toxicology I,II (2,2) Basic principles of toxicology, organ toxicology, toxicology of specific chemical agents and radiation, and overview of environmental and industrial toxicology and safety evaluation. Reuhl. Prerequisites: 16:115:503,504, 16:761:501,502, or equivalent. |
16:963:504(S) General Toxicology Laboratory (2) Introduction to the basic laboratory activities in toxicology. Emphasis on state-of-the-art techniques for toxicity evaluation of chemicals. Kauffman. Prerequisite: 16:963:501. Corequisite: 16: 963:502. |
16:963:505(F) Biochemical Toxicology (4) Metabolism and electrophilic reactions of subsequent toxic metabolites studied with emphasis on kinetics, mutagenesis, carcinogenesis, and organ toxicity. Iba, Thomas. Prerequisites: 16:115:503,504, permission of instructor. |
16:963:601,602Seminar in Toxicology (1,1) Students present reports on current topics in toxicology; during the first two years, a minimum of two reports a year required, and thereafter, one per year. |
16:963:603Advanced Problems in Toxicology (BA) Prerequisites: Permission of adviser and graduate director. |
16:963:605,606Advanced General Pharmacology I,II (4,4) |
16:963:631Toxicological Pathology (3) Stresses morphological effects of chemical agents in cells and organs. Includes chemical and pathological correlates in laboratory animal models. Reuhl |
16:963:632(S) Neural Injury and Repair (3) Mechanisms by which the nervous system is damaged by chemicals, trauma, and other agents. Neurobiological basis for its response to injury. Lowndes, Sonsalla |
16:963:633(S) Molecular Toxicology (2) Laboratory techniques used in toxicological research. Students will analyze research data and evaluate the techniques used. Hong, Zhou |
16:963:701,702Research in Toxicology (BA,BA) |