Approximately six courses from the following list are offered each term.
16:940:500Methods of Spanish Language Teaching (K-12) (3) Methods of teaching Spanish to English speakers at the K-12 levels. Theoretical issues, curriculum development, uses of technology, software applications, library resources. Ph.D. students do not receive degree credit for this course. |
16:940:501(F) Methodology of Teaching and Research (3) Methods of teaching Spanish to English speakers at the university level. Discussion of issues arising in the classroom. Research in foreign languages: library resources, theoretical issues. L. Sánchez. Required of Ph.D. students and teaching assistants in Spanish. Ph.D. students do not receive degree credit for this course. |
16:940:502Advanced Translation (3) Intensive practice in the translation of short texts in various fields from Spanish into English and English into Spanish, with emphasis on technical, legal, and literary translation. Discussion of translation theory and research methods, including use of the Internet. Zatlin. Required of all candidates for the M.A. translation option. |
16:940:503,504Advanced Grammar and Stylistics (3,3) Selected problems of advanced style and grammar, with special emphasis on idiomatic usage, themes, essays, oral presentations. Ph.D. students do not receive degree credits for these courses. |
16:940:505(F) Spanish Culture and Civilization (3) The land and the people of Spain. The national character and its historical and cultural evolution through the present. Ph.D. students do not receive degree credit for this course. |
16:940:506(S) Culture and Civilization in Latin America (3) Emphasis on major sociological, geographical, and cultural factors. Ph.D. students do not receive degree credit for this course. |
16:940:507,508The Spanish Language across the Curriculum (K-12) (3,3) Development of content-based K-12 teaching materials with emphasis on humanities, social and natural sciences, and mathematics. Application of national standards in the Spanish-language classroom. Technology and culture components. Ph.D. students do not receive degree credit for these courses. |
16:940:509,510Main Currents of Hispanic Literature (3,3) Critical study of texts exemplifying the principal currents of Hispanic literature from the Middle Ages to the present. Ph.D. students do not receive degree credit for these courses. |
16:940:511(F) History of the Spanish Language (3) Development of the Spanish language from its origins to the present. Relationship of external history to linguistic development. Stephens |
16:940:512The Hispanic Child in Literature and Culture (3) Introduction to children`s literature in Spanish. Hispanic oral tradition, music, theater, performance, games, storytelling, total physical response applications, multimedia technology, the bilingual child in the classroom. Practical and theoretical issues. Ph.D. students do not receive degree credit for this course. |
16:940:513,514Medieval Literature (3,3) Major works of medieval literature, including epic poetry, mester de clerecía, prose, and lyric poetry. |
16:940:517(F) Drama of the Golden Age (3) Development of dramatic literature from its origins through the 17th century. Otero-Torres |
16:940:520(F) The Picaresque Genre in Spain (3) Origins, growth, and decline; such works as El Lazarillo de Tormes,
Mateo Alemán's Guzmán de Alfarache, La Pícara Justina, Quevedo's El
Buscón, Vincente Espinel's La Vida de Marcos de Obregón, Cervantes'
Novelas ejemplares. Gossy |
16:940:521(S) Poetry of the Golden Age (3) The poetical world of the period. Analysis and literary significance of the most representative poets: Garcilaso, Fray Luis de León, Herrera, Lope de Vega, Góngora, and Quevedo. Otero-Torres |
16:940:522(S) Balladry of Spain (3) How Spanish ballads originated, grew, and multiplied over the world.
Different themes and styles. Their significance as sources of other
literature. Analysis of several "romanceros," including Menéndez
Pidal's Flor nueva de romances viejos. Persin |
16:940:523(F) Don Quixote  Critical study of Cervantes' masterpiece; analysis of its importance within the Golden Age and across the centuries. Gossy |
16:940:525(S) Neoclassicism (3) Major works of the 18th century, including Feijóo, Jovellanos, Moratín, and Cadalso. |
16:940:527(F) Romanticism (3) Poetry, prose, and theater of the romantic period. Relation of Spanish romanticism to other European literature. |
16:940:529(F) Realism and Naturalism (3) Spanish literature of the latter part of the 19th century, with emphasis on the novel. |
16:940:531(S) Spanish Modernism (3) Study of representative authors from early 20th-century Spain and the problem of such classifications as "Generation of 1898," "Modernismo," and "Novecentismo." Persin |
16:940:533(F) Prose Fiction of the 20th Century (3) Selected novels and short stories of the pre- and post-Civil War period. The vanguardistas, social realism, the new novel. Zatlin |
16:940:535(S) Spanish Poetry of the 20th Century (3) Application of contemporary critical methods to poets of the generation of 1927 and postwar period. Persin |
16:940:537(F) Twentieth-Century Spanish Theater (3) Benavente, Valle-Inclán, García Lorca, Buero Vallejo, Mihura, the Generación Realista, and the Nuevos Autores. Relationships to the Hispanic tradition and to currents in modern theater. Zatlin |
16:940:539(S) Spanish Women Writers of the 19th and 20th Centuries (3) Application of contemporary feminist criticism to selected poetry, prose, and plays. Persin, Zatlin |
16:940:541(F) Modern Spanish Essay (3) Study of the essay in Spain through representative writers from the 18th, 19th, and 20th centuries. |
16:940:542Spanish Literature into Film (3) Spanish novels and plays compared to their film counterparts. Theoretical consideration of narrative strategies of cinema and television in relation to narrative or theatrical techniques of the source texts. Zatlin |
16:940:543(F) Colonial Spanish-American Literature (3) Development of new world literature as an independent entity. |
16:940:545(S) Nineteenth-Century Spanish-American Literature (3) Regionalism, romanticism, and the Wars of Independence; precursors of modernism. |
16:940:547(F) Modernism in Spanish America (3) Development of modernism, with special emphasis on poetry. Darío, Parnassianism, and symbolism; French influence and the autochthonous contribution. The evolution of modernism toward postmodernism. |
16:940:549(F) Contemporary Spanish-American Poetry (3) Spanish-American poetry as an autonomous linguistic and artistic product incorporating literature in Spanish into modern world literature as part of a general renaissance in culture. Narváez |
16:940:551,552Contemporary Spanish-American Novel (3,3) Accepted masterpieces of contemporary writing in Spanish America. Relation of the American novel to the genre in Europe, and Spain in particular. Marcone, Narváez, Schwartz, Sifuentes |
16:940:553(S) Contemporary Spanish-American Short Story (3) Tendencies in the modern short story, with particular emphasis on the postmodern period. Realism and fantasy; the short story as a document and as a social instrument. Schwartz |
16:940:555(S) Contemporary Spanish-American Theater (3) Spanish-American theater renaissance in the 20th century. Origins of rural theater in Argentina; experimental theater and revolutionary theater in Mexico. Postwar movements. Particular emphasis on works of Florencio Sánchez, Rodolfo Usigli, and the younger playwrights. |
16:940:556(S) Spanish-American Thought from Pre-Independence through Modernism (3) Consideration of texts that figure in the Spanish-American debate concerning the Enlightenment, the movement toward independence, and eventual development of Spanish-American modernism. |
16:940:557(S) Twentieth-Century Spanish-American Essay (3) Consideration of representative essayists of the 20th century; their impact on literary and cultural development of Spanish America. |
16:940:562(S) Approaches to the Teaching of Hispanic Literature (3) Current approaches to literature and methods of teaching literature to introductory-level students. Persin |
16:940:563(F) Theory and Practice of Translation (3) Introduction to translation studies. Application of linguistic and literary theory to translation. Problems of equivalence. Translation quality assessment. Practice in nonliterary and literary translation, including narrative, poetry, and theater. Zatlin. Prerequisite: 16:940:502 or equivalent, or permission of graduate director. |
16:940:579(F) Translation Workshop (3) Intensive practice in advanced translation, Spanish to English and English to Spanish. Nonliterary and literary texts. Individual and group projects, with emphasis on translation into the native tongue. Zatlin. Prerequisite: 16:940:502 or equivalent, or permission of graduate director. |
16:940:584(S) Spanish Syntax (3) Structuralism, transformational-generative grammar, case grammar, and generative semantics. |
16:940:585(S) Spanish Phonology (3) Spanish phonetics, phonology, and morphology within the structuralist, generative, and natural generative frameworks. |
16:940:586(S) The Spanish Language in Social Contexts (3) Theoretical issues of dialectology and bilingualism and applications to the Spanish of Spain, Spanish America, and the U.S. Spanish language contact areas throughout the world. Stephens |
16:940:588,589Seminar: Topics in Hispanic Linguistics (3,3) Recent developments in applied and theoretical linguistics. Topics include second language acquisition; applied phonetics and syntax; pedagogical implications of linguistics, language contact phenomena, and language variation. Ph.D. students normally do not receive degree credit for these courses. |
16:940:590(F) Main Currents in Portuguese Literature (3) Critical study of texts exemplifying principal currents of Portuguese literature from the Middle Ages to the present. |
16:940:591(S) Topics in Portuguese Literature (3) Major 16th-century poets and writers, such as Gil Vicente, Luís De Camões, and Bernardím Ribeiro. |
16:940:595(S) Modernism in Brazilian Literature (3) Critical readings of the major poets and writers, such as Mario de Andrade, Oswald de Andrade, and Manuel Bandeira. |
16:940:597,598(S) Seminar in Hispanic Literature (3,3) In-depth study of a specific genre, author, or theme in Spanish- language literature. Critical theory, literary analysis, and development of interpretation skills. |
16:940:599Independent Study in Spanish (3) Intensive study of a specific area of peninsular or Latin American literature or language not covered in regularly scheduled classes. Staff. Prerequisites: One term of course work. First-term students normally not eligible. Permission of the graduate director and the faculty member directing the study required. Students limited to one independent study course during their degree program. |
16:940:612(S) Seminar: Literary Theory (3) Current critical theory applied to Hispanic texts, starting with Russian formalism and including phenomenological, structuralist, psychoanalytical, sociological-Marxist, reader-response, and deconstructionist, as well as other poststructuralist approaches. Gossy, Persin. Required of Ph.D. candidates. |
16:940:613(S) Seminar: Medieval Literature (3) |
16:940:617(F) Seminar: Drama of the Golden Age (3) |
16:940:619(F) Seminar: Novel of the Golden Age (3) |
16:940:620(F) Seminar: Nonfiction of the Golden Age (3) |
16:940:621(F) Seminar: Poetry of the Golden Age (3) |
16:940:623(S) Seminar: Cervantes (3) |
16:940:629(F) Seminar: Realism and Naturalism (3) |
16:940:631(F) Seminar: Generation of 1898 (3) |
16:940:633(S) Seminar: Novel of the 20th Century (3) |
16:940:635(S) Seminar: Poetry of the 20th Century (3) |
16:940:637(S) Seminar: Theater of the 20th Century (3) |
16:940:645(F) Seminar: Nineteenth-Century Spanish-American Literature (3) |
16:940:647(S) Seminar: Modernism in Spanish America (3) |
16:940:649(F) Seminar: Poetry of Spanish America (3) |
16:940:651(S) Seminar: Novel of Spanish America in the 20th Century (3) |
16:940:653(S) Seminar: Short Story of Spanish America in the 20th Century (3) |
16:940:655(F) Seminar: Contemporary Spanish-American Theater (3) |
16:940:659,660Seminar: Advanced Topics in Hispanic Literature (3,3) |
16:940:701,702Research in Spanish (BA,BA) |