16:910:637(F) Quantitative Research Methods (3) Knowledge and skills needed to carry out independent doctoral-level research in social work. Identification and study of state- of-the-art methods of design and measurement; qualitative and quantitative formulations; data gathering, processing, analysis, and interpretation. |
16:910:638(F) Advanced Statistical Methods I (3) Analytic and measurement strategies fundamental to multivariate model testing in policy, administration, and direct practice research. Topics include tabular and loglinear analysis, multiple regression, analysis of covariance, and analysis of variance in its principal forms. Multiple indicators and measurement approaches, such as exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis. Prerequisite: 16:910:637. |
16:910:639(S) Advanced Statistical Methods II (3) Use of multivariate, quantitative methods. Employing multiple dependent variables, nonlinear relationships, mediator effects, instrument variables, and multilevel analysis. Prerequisite: 16:910:638. |
16:910:640(S) Qualitative Research Methods (3) Examination of the methods of collecting, analyzing, presenting, and applying qualitative data. History and evolution of qualitative research methods; theoretical orientations; data-collection methods, including ethnography, participant observation, in-depth interviewing, focus groups, and archival analysis; methods of data analysis; and research applications, including theory development and program design and evaluation. |
16:910:644(S) Current Perspectives (3) Theories and models of intervention used in social work direct practice. Applications. Prerequisite: 16:910:687. |
16:910:646(S) Family Theory and Program Development (3) Study of family theory and its relationship to program development at different levels of practice and social planning. Geared toward both a policy planning and intervention perspective, as well as a sociological interest in socialization and the study of deviance. |
16:910:647(F) Social Policy Analysis (3) Paradigms, methods, and strategies for the analysis of policy from social work, economics, sociology, political science, public administration, policy sciences, and planning. |
16:910:649(F) Mental-Health Policy (3) Major issues in mental-health policies and programs in socioenvironmental context. |
16:910:650(S) Problems in Health and Social Policy (3) Selected critical issues in the delivery of human services; application of social research to policy. The policy research process. Topics may include care of the aging and the health policy challenge posed by the AIDS epidemic. |
16:910:682(F) Advanced Individual Studies in Social Welfare (3) Study in depth, and on an individualized basis, various areas of social policy, social planning, social administration, or direct intervention. |
16:910:683(S) Advanced Individual Studies in Social Welfare (3) Provides an opportunity to specialize in a specific area of policy analysis, social planning, social administration, or direct intervention, on an individualized basis. |
16:910:687(S) Theory Development in Social Work Direct Practice (3) The relative places and contributions of theoretical conceptualization, "practice wisdom," and descriptive and prescriptive research. |
16:910:694(S) Social Work Organizations (3) Applicability of organizational theories and concepts from the social sciences for analysis of human service organizations; strategies and performance with clients and constituents. Criteria and procedures for organizational assessment and case studies of public and private social welfare organizations. Use of various paradigms for critical analysis of organizational culture, environmental interactions, resource dependency, policy impact, and program implementation. |
16:910:701,702Dissertation Research (BA,BA) Independent research study related to proposed dissertation, with assistance of appropriate faculty. Dissertation seminar. |
16:910:703,704Research Internship (BA,BA) Independent research internship under guidance from the faculty adviser to develop a dissertation proposal. |