16:730:501Survey in Epistemology and Metaphysics (3) A survey of central work in epistemology and metaphysics. Topics include modality, causation, laws, personal identity, freedom, skepticism, internalism and externalism, foundationalism. |
16:730:502Survey in Philosophy of Mind and Language (3) A survey of central work in philosophy of mind and language. Topics include theories of reference, theories of meaning, physicalism, functionalism, intentionality, language of thought, consciousness, and qualia. |
16:730:503Survey in Value Theory (3) A survey of central work in ethics, social and political philosophy. Topics include virtue theory, Kant, utilitarianism, consequentialism, nonnaturalism, emotivism, antirealism, justice as fairness, rights, liberalism. |
16:730:504Survey in Philosophy of Science and Decision Theory (3) A survey of central work in philosophy of science and decision theory. Topics include confirmation theory, scientific explanation, scientific realism, Bayesian decision theory, representation theorems, game theory. |
16:730:510(F) Mathematical Logic (3) Introduction to the basic results of mathematical logic, including completeness, indecidability, and Godel`s theorems. |
16:730:513(F) Logic and Natural Language (3) Logic as a tool in the semantic analysis of natural language; relation between symbolic and natural languages. Prerequisite: 16:730:510. |
16:730:520Seminar in Plato (3) Study of representative works from the main periods of Plato`s thought. |
16:730:521Seminar in Aristotle (3) Study of some main works of central importance in the Aristotelian Corpus. |
16:730:526Seminar in Medieval Philosophy (3) Medieval metaphysics; philosophy of nature and epistemology; time and eternity; the infinite; creation; causality; skepticism. |
16:730:530Seminar in 17th-Century Philosophy (3) Examination of a major philosopher, work, or topic of the period. Emphasis on metaphysics and epistemology; connections with other problems in philosophy and the natural sciences. |
16:730:533Seminar in 18th-Century Philosophy (3) Examination of a major philosopher, work, or topic of the period. Emphasis on metaphysics and epistemology; connections with other problems in philosophy and the natural sciences. |
16:730:536Seminar in 19th-Century Philosophy (3) From post-Kantian idealism to the early stages of phenomenology. |
16:730:550Seminar in Epistemology (3) Nature of justification, belief, and truth; rival accounts of knowledge; traditional and contemporary perspectives on empiricism, rationalism and pragmaticism, and skepticism. |
16:730:553Seminar in Metaphysics (3) The problem of universals. Concepts of the infinite, time, causality, notions of possibility and necessity, and counterfactuals. |
16:730:556Seminar in Philosophy of Science (3) Philosophical problems connected with modern science. |
16:730:570Seminar in Philosophy of Language (3) The nature and varieties of linguistic meaning; signs and symbols; speech acts criteria of meaningfulness. |
16:730:575Seminar in Philosophy of Mind (3) Contemporary discussions of cognitive and noncognitive mental activities and their influences on behavior; analyses of self- knowledge and self-deception; theories of mind-body identity. |
16:730:580Seminar in Ethics (3) Typically concerned with several philosophers (e.g., Aristotle, Hume, Kant, Mill) or problems, such as rights, justice, virtue, relativism, nihilism, utilitarianism. |
16:730:583Seminar in Social and Political Philosophy (3) Some recent philosophical theories and their relevance to contemporary issues in social science and politics. |
16:730:585Seminar in Philosophy of Law (3) The concept of law and criteria of legal validity. Relation of these issues to questions of political obligation and the limits of judicial discretion. |
16:730:590Seminar in Aesthetics (3) Study of representation, interpretation, and evaluation. The definition and the ontology of art. Expressive properties, artistic qualities, metaphorical expressions. |
16:730:595Seminar on Teaching (N3) Techniques and problems of teaching philosophy to undergraduates. |
16:730:601,602Special Studies in Philosophy (BA,BA) |
16:730:620Advanced Topics in Plato (3) Intensive study of selected dialogues or topics in Plato`s philosophy. |
16:730:621Advanced Topics in Aristotle (3) Intensive study of selected works or topics in Aristotle`s philosophy. |
16:730:624Advanced Topics in Ancient Philosophy (3) Detailed examination of selected central issues or writers, such as Parmenides and the early pluralists, theories of language, early Stoics, ancient Scepticism. |
16:730:626Advanced Topics in Medieval Philosophy (3) Detailed examination of selected central topics in metaphysics, philosophy of nature, and epistemology. Readings in translations from original sources. |
16:730:630Advanced Topics in 17th-Century Philosophy (3) Detailed examination of a problem, such as Descartes` theory of method, Spinoza`s doctrine of substance and attributes, or controversies about the nature of time and space. |
16:730:633Advanced Topics in 18th-Century Philosophy (3) Detailed examination of a problem (e.g., Berkeley`s and Hume`s attack on abstract ideas, Kant`s refutation of idealism, issues in the theory of perception). |
16:730:636Advanced Topics in 19th-Century Philosophy (3) Post-Kantian philosophy from Fichte to Nietzsche. The new social sciences; theories of interpretation; anticipations of 20th- century philosophy. |
16:730:640Advanced Topics in American Philosophy (3) Reception and transformation of European world views by American philosophers from Peirce to Dewey. Emphasis on notions of meaning, truth, freedom, and education. |
16:730:645Advanced Topics in Continental Philosophy (3) Husserl`s different conceptions of philosophy. Existential phenomenology: Heidegger and Merleau-Ponty. Contemporary Marxism. The tension between analytic and continental thought. |
16:730:648Advanced Topics in Analytic Philosophy (3) Writings of such authors as Russell, Moore, Carnap, Wittgenstein, Ryle, and Strawson. |
16:730:650Advanced Topics in Epistemology (3) Detailed examination of selected central issues or writers, such as scepticism, causal theories of perception and knowledge, epistemic rationality, Wittgenstein`s On Certainty. |
16:730:653Advanced Topics in Metaphysics (3) Intensive examination of one or two selected issues in contemporary metaphysics. |
16:730:656Advanced Topics in Philosophy of Science (3) Intensive examination of one or two selected issues in contemporary philosophy of science. |
16:730:658Advanced Topics in Philosophy of Physics (3) Philosophical issues related to particular areas of both classical and modern physics. Discussions of relativity and quantum theory. |
16:730:660Ethics and Literature (3) Examination of ethical issues as they arise within literary texts, focusing on the nature of evil, questions of character and motivation, and the way such matters are treated by literary works. |
16:730:664Advanced Topics in Philosophy of Social Science (3) Intensive examination of one or two selected issues in contemporary philosophy of social science. |
16:730:667Advanced Topics in Philosophy of History (3) Conceptions of historical knowledge from the early 19th century to the present; explanation and understanding; narration and description in historical writings; limits of historical understanding. |
16:730:670Advanced Topics in Philosophy of Language (3) Intensive examination of one or two selected issues in contemporary philosophy of language. |
16:730:675Advanced Topics in Philosophy of Mind (3) Intensive examination of one or two selected issues in contemporary philosophy of mind. |
16:730:676Advanced Topics in the Philosophy of Psychology (3) Examination of selected topics in the philosophy of psychology, focusing especially on issues in the foundations of cognitive/ computational psychology. Topics include representationalism, learnability theory, the innateness controversy. |
16:730:678Advanced Topics in Decision Theory (3) The logic of choice and of action; valuation and probability; risk and uncertainty; coherence and rationality. Survey of current theories and of outstanding problems. |
16:730:679Topics in Logic (3) Survey of a variety of topics in logic. |
16:730:680Advanced Topics in Ethics (3) Intensive examination of one or two selected issues in contemporary ethics. |
16:730:683Advanced Topics in Social and Political Philosophy (3) Intensive examination of one or two selected issues in contemporary social and political philosophy. |
16:730:685Advanced Topics in Philosophy of Law (3) Limits of state authority in the context of criminal law. Conduct beyond criminal sanction. Discussions of paternalism, obscenity, negligence, strict liability, mistake, excuses, justifications, harm. |
16:730:690Advanced Topics in Aesthetics (3) Study of representation, interpretation, and evaluation. The definition and ontology of art. Expressive properties, artistic qualities, metaphorical expressions. |
16:730:692Advanced Topics in Interpreting: Theory and Practice (3) Development of our notions of interpretation since the late 18th century. The search for a theory supporting interpretive decisions. Sceptical challenges raised against such theories. |
16:730:693Advanced Topics in Philosophy of Religion (3) Detailed examination of a problem in the contemporary literature, such as divine omniscience, religion and morality, problem of evil, the nature of religious belief. |
16:730:695Proseminar in Philosophy (3) Advanced seminar in which students present their disser- tation research. Open only to upper-level Ph.D. students in philosophy. |
16:730:701,702Research in Philosophy (BA,BA) |