16:695:601Advanced Cell Biology (3) Molecular analysis of eukaryotic cells, including cell structure, receptors, cell-cell interactions, cytoskeleton, growth, differentiation, and transformation. Hitchcock-DeGregori, Pintar. Prerequisites: 16:115: 501,502. Corequisites: 16:681:502, 16:695:612. |
16:695:611,612Special Topics in Molecular and Cell Biology I,II (1,1) First term: student seminars and discussions based on assigned literature readings in biochemistry and molecular genetics, with emphasis on structure and function of macromolecules. Second term: student seminars and discussions based on assigned literature readings in molecular cell biology, with emphasis on molecular approaches to cellular structures and activities in eukaryotic cells. Leibowitz. Corequisites: 16:681:502; 16:695:601. |
16:695:615,616Laboratory Rotation in Molecular and Cell Biology I,II (4, 2 or 4) Students participate in research projects in the laboratories of selected faculty members. Leibowitz |