Three competing foci define research in geospatial information
science. One strand of research addresses the fundamental questions of
the human conceptualization of space and how geospatial information
(i.e., information that can be tied to a particular location on the
earth`s surface) is generated, located, recorded, modeled, manipulated,
and/or communicated through computer technology. A second strand of
research addresses how geospatial information science and technology
can be applied to real world problems across a variety of physical,
environmental, and social science disciplines. A third strand of
research investigates the societal implications of GIS technology on
social interactions on a variety of levels, e.g., people to the
environment, people-to-people, and people-to-government. The
certificate program is designed to introduce students to these three
strands of research, as well as provide the students hands-on training
in the technology so that they may apply it in their disciplinary areas
of research. To receive the certificate, students must complete, in
addition to the requirements in their major program, the prerequisites
and the basic and advanced topics courses listed below. Also, the
student must complete a 3-credit seminar in geospatial information
science that will serve as a capstone course.
Proficiency in computer programming (e.g., one language: C,
VisualBasic, etc.), introductory cartography, geographic information
systems, and basic statistics. If this proficiency is lacking, then the
appropriate undergraduate courses should be taken:
01:198:111 Introduction to Computer Science (3)
01:450:321 Geographic Information Systems (3)
01:450:355 Principles of Cartography (4)
01:960:401 Basic Statistics for Research (or equivalent) (3)
11:372:362 Intermediate Environmental Geomatics (3)
Basic Topics in Geospatial Information Science (6)
One course each in geographic information systems and remote sensing as prerequisite for the certificate seminar:
34:970:592. Topics in Geographic Information Science (3)
Remote Sensing/Digital Image Processing
16:450:535. Advanced Remote Sensing (3)
Certificate Seminar (3)
16:___:501. Seminar in Geospatial Information Science (3)
Three competing foci define research in geospatial information science:
(1) human conceptualization of space as it relates to geospatial
information, (2) application of geospatial informa- tion science and
technology, and (3) societal implications of GIS technology.
Advanced Topics in Geospatial Information Science (3)
One course from the list below:
16:194:601 Information and Communication Processes (3)
16:198:535 Pattern Recognition Theory and Applications (3)
16:198:541 Database Systems (3)
16:332:560 Computer Graphics (3)
16:375:551 Remote Sensing of the Ocean and Atmosphere (3)
16:450:617 Seminar in Remote Sensing of the Biosphere (3)
16:712:615 Geophysical Data Analysis (3)
17:610:557 Database Design and Management (3)
22:198:603 Database Systems (3)
Alternative courses can be substituted with permission of the certificate director.