16:395:502(F) International Agricultural Development (3) The role of agriculture in economic development of low-income nations. Analysis of induced technical and institutional innovations, human capital investments, and public policies to promote development. Pray |
16:395:503(F) Research Methods (3) The scientific method and applied research in economics. Planning of research, including problem definition and preparation of research proposals. Overview of commonly used analytical techniques. Pray |
16:395:504(S) Industrial Organization of Food Industries (3) Firm organization and behavior in the U.S. food marketing system. Structure-conduct-performance, strategic behavior (game theory), price discrimination, integration, welfare analysis of noncompetitive markets. Bhuyan |
16:395:505(F) Microeconomic Theory with Applications (3) Theories of consumption, production, markets, economic welfare, and efficiency, with empirical applications. |
16:395:506(S) Applied Econometrics (3) Applications of econometrics to agricultural demand and price- related problems. Specification, estimation, and verification of single equation and simultaneous equation models. Topics include multicollinearity, autocorrelation, heteroschedasticity, dummy variables, analysis of variance, time series analysis and forecasting, and specification error. Hossain |
16:395:507,508(F,S) Agricultural Economics Workshop (1.5,1.5) Critical evaluation of the current research of faculty, graduate students, and invited scholars. |
16:395:509(S) Environmental and Resource Economics (3) Externalities, public goods, and causes of environmental problems. Efficiency and welfare aspects of environmental policies. Common property resource problems and optimum extraction rates for renewable and nonrenewable resources. Parks |
16:395:510(S) Agribusiness Marketing Research (3) Experience in formulating and conducting a relevant and meaningful agribusiness marketing research project. |
16:395:511,512(F,S) Contemporary Topics in Agricultural Economics (3,3) Economic theory as it relates to problems in agriculture and environmental and resource economics. Bhuyan |
16:395:620Independent Study in Agricultural Economics (3) |
16:395:701,702Research in Agricultural Economics (BA,BA) Research topic approved by graduate committee. |