Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
Graduate School-New Brunswick
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Degree Requirements
Programs, Faculty, and Courses
Course Information
African Studies 016
Agricultural Engineering
Alcohol Studies 047
Animal Sciences 067
Anthropology 070
Art History 082
Arts, Visual and Theater
Asian Studies 098
Biochemistry 115
BIOMAPS 118 (Programs in Quantitative Biology)
Biomedical Engineering 125
Bioresource Engineering 127
Biotechnology 126
Cell and Developmental Biology 148
Cellular and Molecular Pharmacology
Ceramic and Materials Science and Engineering 150
Chemical and Biochemical Engineering 155
Chemistry 160
Civil and Environmental Engineering 180
Classics 190
Cognitive Science 185
Communication, Information, and Library Studies 194
Communication Studies
Comparative Literature 195
Computer Science 198
Curatorial Studies
Ecology and Evolution 215
Economics 220
Education 300
Educational Psychology; Educational theory, Policy, and Administration; Learning and Teaching
Electrical and Computer Engineering 332
Members of the Graduate Faculty
Graduate Courses
Graduate Courses Cont.
Engineering Geophysics
English, Literature In (English 350, Composition Studies 352)
English as a Second Language 356
Entomology 370
Environmental Change, Human Dimensions of 378
Environmental Sciences 375
Food and Business Economics 395
Food Science 400
French 420
Geography 450
Geological Sciences 460
Geospatial Information Science 455
German 470
History 510
Human Resource Management
Industrial and Systems Engineering 540
Industrial Relations and Human Resources 545
Interdisciplinary Ph.D. Program 554
Italian 560
Labor and Employment Relations
Library Studies
Linguistics 615
Literatures In English
Mathematics 640, 642
Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering 650
Mechanics 654
Medicinal Chemistry 663
Medieval Studies 667
Microbiology and Molecular Genetics 681
Molecular and Cell Biology 695
Molecular Biophysics 696
Molecular Biosciences
Music 700
Neuroscience 710
Nutritional Sciences 709
Oceanography 712
Operations Research 711
Packaging Science and Engineering
Pharmaceutical Science 720
Pharmacology, Cellular and Molecular 718
Philosophy 730
Physics and Astronomy 750
Physiology and Integrative Biology 761
Plant Biology 765
Plant Pathology
Plant Science and Technology
Political Science 790
Psychology 830
Psychology, Applied and Professional
Public Health 832
Public Policy
Quaternary Studies 841
Russian, Central and East European Studies 859
Social Work 910
Social Work: Administration, Policy and Planning, and Direct Practice
Sociology 920
Spanish 940
Statistics 960
Theater Arts
Toxicology 963
Urban Planning and Policy Development 970
Urban Planning, City and Regional
Visual Arts
Wireless Communications Certificate
Women's and Gender Studies 988
Research Centers, Bureaus, and Institutes
Governance of the University
Divisions of the University
Camden Newark New Brunswick/Piscataway
  Graduate School-New Brunswick 2003-2005 Programs, Faculty, and Courses Electrical and Computer Engineering 332 Members of the Graduate Faculty  

Members of the Graduate Faculty

Grigore C. Burdea, Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, SE; Ph.D., New York
Robotic complex sensors; assembly with task unknowns; compliance

Michael L. Bushnell, Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, SE; Ph.D., Carnegie Mellon
Computer engineering: computer-aided design of VLSI integrated circuit: testing, formal verification, and low-power design

Kin P. Cheung, Assistant Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, SE; Ph.D., New York
Nanocrystal arrays, high-K dielectrics, microwave electromechanical resonators, organic electronics, and optics

David G. Daut, Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, SE; Ph.D., Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Communications and information processing: digital-communication system design and analysis; image coding and transmission

James L. Flanagan, Board of Governors Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, SE; Sc.D., Massachusetts Institute of Technology Speech and image processing; multimedia systems; parallel computing

Zoran R. Gajic, Associate Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, SE; Ph.D., Michigan State
Systems and control

John K.-J. Li, Professor of Biomedical Engineering, SE; Ph.D., Pennsylvania
Circulatory dynamics; instrumentation; physiological control

Yicheng Lu, Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, SE; Ph.D., Colorado
Metal-semiconductor contacts; thin dielectric files; VLSI processing

Richard Mammone, Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, SE; Ph.D., CUNY
Digital signal processing: image restoration; speech recognition; medical imaging

Thomas G. Marshall, Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, SE; Ph.D., Chalmers (Gothenburg)
Digital signal processing: algorithms and specialized signal processing computers

Sigrid R. McAfee, Associate Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, SE; Ph.D., Polytechnic Institute of New York
Solid-state electronics: deep levels in semiconductors; molecular beam epitaxy and MO-CVD Gallium Arsenide, AlGaAs, and GaAs on silicon

Peter Meer, Associate Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, SE; D.Sc., Technion (Israel)
Computer vision; image processing; pattern recognition

Evangelia Micheli-Tzanakou, Professor of Biomedical Engineering, SE; Ph.D., Syracuse
Visual-pattern recognition; evoked potentials; image quality

Sophocles J. Orfanidis, Associate Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, SE; Ph.D., Yale
Adaptive signal processing; spectrum estimation; neural networks

Paul Panayotatos, Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, SE; Eng.Sc.D., Columbia
Solid-state electronics: organic semiconductor p-n heterojunction solar cells

Narindra N. Puri, Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, SE; Ph.D., Pennsylvania
Systems and controls: optimal adaptive control systems

Lawrence R. Rabiner, Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, SE; Ph.D., Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Digital signal and speech processing, communications, and networking

Dipankar Raychaudhuri, Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, SE; Ph.D., SUNY (Stony Brook) Architecture, design, and prototyping of future computing systems, both wired and wireless; mobile computing

Christopher Rose, Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, SE; Ph.D., Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Dynamic behavior of multielement networks: communications and neural

Peddapullaiah Sannuti, Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, SE; Ph.D., Illinois
Communication and control systems: singular perturbation analysis of Kalman filter with weak measurement noise

George K. Shoane, Professor of Biomedical Engineering, SE; Ph.D., California (Berkeley)
Binocular vision; vergence; accommodation model; amblyopia

Deborah E. Silver, Associate Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, SE; Ph.D., Princeton
Visualization; computer graphics; computational geometry; numerical analysis

Edwardo D. Sontag, Professor of Mathematics, FAS-NB; Ph.D., Florida
Linear and nonlinear control; neural networks; feedback design

Predrag Spasojevic, Assistant Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, SE; Ph.D., Texas A&M Wireless communications, sequence estimation, multiple access, and multiuser detection

Joseph Wilder, Research Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, SE; Ph.D., Pennsylvania Image processing; pattern recognition; machine vision

Roy D. Yates, Associate Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, SE; Ph.D., Massachusetts Institute of Technology Data networks; queuing; stochastic processes

Jian H. Zhao, Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, SE; Ph.D., Carnegie Mellon
Semiconductor heteroepitaxial growth and optoelectronic devices

Associate Members of the Graduate Faculty

Vishwani D. Agrawal, Visiting Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, SE; Ph.D., Illinois
VLSI circuit spectral testing, built-in self-test; hardware verification

Michael F. Caggiano, Assistant Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, SE; Ph.D., California (Los Angeles)
High-performance and microwave IC device packaging

Kristin Dana, Assistant Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, SE; Ph.D., Columbia
Computer vision and computer graphics, surface modeling and texture analysis

Stanley M. Dunn, Professor of Biomedical Engineering, SE; Ph.D., Maryland
Computer engineering: image processing; pattern recognition; machine vision; software engineering

James G. Evans, Research Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, SE; Ph.D., New York
Radio techniques to minimize system cost and signal-processing complexity

Narayan B. Mandayam, Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, SE; Ph.D., Rice
Communication theory; spread spectrum; wireless systems; multiaccess protocols

Ivan Marsic, Associate Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, SE; Ph.D., Rutgers
Distributed systems for collaborative/information processing and learning; image reconstruction; machine vision

Manish Parashar, Assistant Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, SE; Ph.D., Syracuse Parallel and distributed computing; software engineering

Michael A. Parker, Assistant Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, SE; Ph.D., Syracuse
Solid-state electronics; optical interconnects and switching; nanoscale devices and signals; quantum vacuum effects for optoelectronics; semiconductor lasers fabrication

Steve Petrucelli, Professor of Biomedical Engineering, SE; Ph.D., Rutgers
Electronics: pulse circuits design and analysis; analytical instrumentation

Kuang Sheng, Assistant Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, SE; Ph.D., Heriot-Watt
Solid-state power ICs, electronics, and devices; novel devices and SOI technology

Wade Trappe, Assistant Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, SE; Ph.D., Maryland
Multimedia and multicast information security, signal, image, and video processing

Yangyong Zhang, Assistant Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, SE; Ph.D., Pennsylvania State
Operating systems, parallel, and distributed systems; networking

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