16:195:501Introduction to Literary Theory (3) Introduction to contemporary literary theory, including formalism, structuralism, poststructuralsim, feminism, psychoanalysis, cultural studies, and other approaches. Readings of theoretical texts and applications to short literary texts from a variety of literatures. |
16:195:502Women and Writing (3) Social, aesthetic, and theoretical issues of women and writing through representative writers, movements, texts, and contexts. |
16:195:503Poetry in Translation (3) Study of translation as creative interpretation, with emphasis on Greco-Roman classics. Readings may include works by Euripides, Homer, Aristophanes, and others. |
16:195:505,506Studies in Medieval Literature (3,3) Basic English and continental texts, with emphasis on relationships with modern literature. |
16:195:507,508Provenç Introduction to Old Provençal, with readings in major troubadours, and tracing of troubadour influences on the early lyrics of Western Europe. |
16:195:509Studies in the Renaissance (3) Survey of intellectual currents and study of representative works, including epic, lyric, prose fiction, and drama; analysis of stylistic changes from the early to the late Renaissance. |
16:195:511Studies in the Neoclassical Period (3) Late 16th- and 17th-century development of neoclassical intellectual, artistic, and literary doctrines, stressing the Italian baroque origins of the movement, its French development, and its English repercussions. |
16:195:512The Enlightenment (3) Major authors studied with emphasis on literary and aesthetic concerns and their link to the philosophical. |
16:195:513Romanticism (3) European romanticism as a literary movement, emphasizing the genres of the lyric, the novel, and the drama. |
16:195:514Symbolism (3) English, German, and American roots of French symbolism; its influence on such figures as Ruben Dario and A. Blok. |
16:195:515Studies in Contemporary Literature (3) Assessment of major trends in today`s literature, with equal attention paid to the traditions they question and the evolving society they illustrate. |
16:195:516Topics in Comparative Literature (3) |
16:195:517,518Individual Studies in Comparative Literature (3,3) Directed readings and frequent written analyses. |
16:195:519Topics in Comparative Literature and Other Fields (3) |
16:195:521Topics in Non-Western Literature (3) |
16:195:601The Novel (3) Generic and thematic study of the novel as it evolved in Europe and the Western world in general. Some attention to the non-Western novel. |
16:195:602Poetry (3) Studies in poetic genres. |
16:195:603Drama (3) Studies in dramatic genres. |
16:195:604Studies in Narrative (3) Studies in narrative genres. |
16:195:605Major Authors (3) Close study, in a comparative context, of the works of one or more major authors. |
16:195:606Theory and Practice of Translation (3) Consideration of various approaches to a common text, with attempts at creative practice. |
16:195:607Studies in Nonfictional Prose (3) From historical to scientific, to legal texts; from biography to autobiography, to private correspondence. The rhetoric and form of nonfictional prose and its relation to literature. |
16:195:608Advanced Topics in Comparative Literature (3) |
16:195:609Comparative Literature and Other Fields (3) Relationships between literature and such fields as art, history, anthropology, philosophy, and music. |
16:195:611Psychoanalytic Approaches to Literature (3) Function of literature viewed from a psychoanalytic perspective; the (psycho)analysis of the literary text; approaches to the biography of the artist; literary responses to modern psychoanalysis. |
16:195:612Literature and the Social Order (3) Society in the text; literary texts in society. Political and ideological aspects of a complex interaction. |
16:195:613Minority Literatures (3) Literary texts written and read by minority groups in various contexts. The social, philosophical, and aesthetic implications of the very notion of minority literature. |
16:195:614Comparative East-West Poetics (3) Comparison of the literary systems of the Eastern and Western worlds, including conceptions of literature, literary genres, and critical terminology. |
16:195:615East-West Literary Relations (3) Literary works of Eastern and Western worlds studied in the comparative context of actual historical meetings. |
16:195:617Topics in Advanced Literary Theory (3) |
16:195:621Advanced Topics in Non-Western Literature (3) |
16:195:701,702Research in Comparative Literature (BA,BA) |