16:148:503(F) Cellular and Molecular Signaling (3) Signal/transduction at the molecular level. Use of newer research techniques emphasized. Moyle. Prerequisite: General biochemistry. |
16:148:504(S) Developmental Biology (3) Mechanisms responsible for the morphogenetic changes that occur during development of selected vertebrates and invertebrates. The role of intercellular communication in development, including mechanisms of action of receptors and cell-adhesion proteins needed for this process. Babiarz |
16:148:507(F) Immunity to Animal Parasites (3) Various aspects of natural and acquired humoral and cellular immune mechanisms operative in humans and other hosts against protozoan and helminth parasites. The effects of immunosuppression, antigenic variation, and stage-specific immunity in experimental parasitic infections. Herman |
16:148:509,510Advanced Problems in Biology (BA,BA) Meets the needs of individual students. Required for nonthesis master`s degrees. Also may be used for independent study. Prerequisite: Permission of graduate director. |
16:148:514(F) Molecular Biology of Cells (3) Fundamentals of the molecular organization and functions of cells. Denhardt. Prerequisites: 01:119:380 and 460, or equivalents. Corequisite: Graduate course in biochemistry. |
16:148:517Cellular and Molecular Mechanisms of Disease (3) Theories on the cellular and molecular mechanisms that underlie the development and progression of human diseases. Cell injury, inflammation, regeneration and repair, neoplasia, immune protection and immune disorders, environmental disorders, vascular diseases, connective tissue disorders. |
16:148:530(S) Human Genetics (3) Examination of molecular and chromosomal bases for human inherited diseases. Molecular approaches to gene identification, including position cloning and linkage analysis. Role of mutations, evaluation of repetitive sequences in the human genome. Passmore. Prerequisite: Basic molecular genetics. Recommended: Biochemistry and physiology. |
16:148:534(S) Cytogenetic Analysis (4) Covers field of eukaryotic chromosome analysis from standpoint of development and application of various techniques to the elucidation of chromosome structure, organization, and function. Examples taken largely from mammalian and human material. Some emphasis on human molecular cytogenetics and the phenotypic manifestations of chromosomal aberrations. Sciorra |
16:148:547,548Current Topics in Endocrinology (1,1) Biochemical, physiological, and biological aspects of important current topics of endocrine research as reflected in recent journal articles. Topics vary to reflect the state of endocrine research. Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. Course may be repeated for credit. |
16:148:550(S) Advanced Developmental Biology (3) Molecular mechanisms of cell type differentiation and body part specification. Cell-cell interaction, signal transduction during development, morphogenetic gradients, pattern formation, focusing on three experimental organisms: the nematode C. elegans, Drosophila, and the mouse. Genetic experimental approaches will be emphasized. Steward. Prerequisite: 16:148:514 or equivalent or permission of instructor. Suggested: Genetics. Also open to advanced undergraduates. |
16:148:555(F) Cell Biology and Histology (4) Study of microscopic structure of cells, tissues, and organs as seen in the light and electron microscopes. Emphasis on correlation of structure and function. Wilson. Lec. 3 hrs., lab. 3 hrs. Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. |
16:148:565(F) Gross and Developmental Anatomy (7) Study of macroscopic structure of the human body by dissection and other methods with reference to functional mechanisms and changes during development and clinical correlations. Seiden, et al. Lec. 4 hrs., lab. 8 hrs. Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. |
16:148:581(F) Immunogenetics (3) Examination of the genetic control of antibody structure, immune response, graft rejection, and cell surface antigens. The use of immunology as a tool in genetic research. Passmore. Prerequisites: Immunology, genetics, or permission of instructor. |
16:148:591(F) Immunology: Cellular and Molecular (3) Development of humoral and cell mediated immune systems. Covey. Prerequisite: Basic immunology. |
16:148:598Seminar in Cell and Developmental Biology (1) Student, staff, and guest lectures on current topics in cell and developmental biology. |
16:148:600 through 605Selected Topics in Cell and Developmental Biology (1 each) Advanced study of rapidly emerging areas in cell and developmental biology. Prerequisites: 16:148:514, 550. |
16:148:610,611Laboratory Rotation (1.5,1.5) Laboratory research for incoming students. |
16:148:652Current Cell Biology (3) Analyses of progress in all areas of cell biology. Moyle |
16:148:701,702Research in Biology (BA,BA) |