Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
Graduate School-New Brunswick
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Programs, Faculty, and Courses
Course Information
African Studies 016
Agricultural Engineering
Alcohol Studies 047
Animal Sciences 067
Anthropology 070
Art History 082
Arts, Visual and Theater
Asian Studies 098
Biochemistry 115
BIOMAPS 118 (Programs in Quantitative Biology)
Biomedical Engineering 125
Members of the Graduate Faculty
Graduate Courses
Bioresource Engineering 127
Biotechnology 126
Cell and Developmental Biology 148
Cellular and Molecular Pharmacology
Ceramic and Materials Science and Engineering 150
Chemical and Biochemical Engineering 155
Chemistry 160
Civil and Environmental Engineering 180
Classics 190
Cognitive Science 185
Communication, Information, and Library Studies 194
Communication Studies
Comparative Literature 195
Computer Science 198
Curatorial Studies
Ecology and Evolution 215
Economics 220
Education 300
Educational Psychology; Educational theory, Policy, and Administration; Learning and Teaching
Electrical and Computer Engineering 332
Engineering Geophysics
English, Literature In (English 350, Composition Studies 352)
English as a Second Language 356
Entomology 370
Environmental Change, Human Dimensions of 378
Environmental Sciences 375
Food and Business Economics 395
Food Science 400
French 420
Geography 450
Geological Sciences 460
Geospatial Information Science 455
German 470
History 510
Human Resource Management
Industrial and Systems Engineering 540
Industrial Relations and Human Resources 545
Interdisciplinary Ph.D. Program 554
Italian 560
Labor and Employment Relations
Library Studies
Linguistics 615
Literatures In English
Mathematics 640, 642
Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering 650
Mechanics 654
Medicinal Chemistry 663
Medieval Studies 667
Microbiology and Molecular Genetics 681
Molecular and Cell Biology 695
Molecular Biophysics 696
Molecular Biosciences
Music 700
Neuroscience 710
Nutritional Sciences 709
Oceanography 712
Operations Research 711
Packaging Science and Engineering
Pharmaceutical Science 720
Pharmacology, Cellular and Molecular 718
Philosophy 730
Physics and Astronomy 750
Physiology and Integrative Biology 761
Plant Biology 765
Plant Pathology
Plant Science and Technology
Political Science 790
Psychology 830
Psychology, Applied and Professional
Public Health 832
Public Policy
Quaternary Studies 841
Russian, Central and East European Studies 859
Social Work 910
Social Work: Administration, Policy and Planning, and Direct Practice
Sociology 920
Spanish 940
Statistics 960
Theater Arts
Toxicology 963
Urban Planning and Policy Development 970
Urban Planning, City and Regional
Visual Arts
Wireless Communications Certificate
Women's and Gender Studies 988
Research Centers, Bureaus, and Institutes
Governance of the University
Divisions of the University
Camden Newark New Brunswick/Piscataway
  Graduate School-New Brunswick 2003-2005 Programs, Faculty, and Courses Biomedical Engineering 125 Graduate Courses  

Graduate Courses

16:125:503,504Theory and Design of Biomedical Instruments (3,3) The principles of instrument-type transducer design, with illustrations of resistance, inductance, capacitance, piezoelectric, magnetostrictive, and force-balance-type transducers. Examples of stress instruments for medical applications. Semmlow
16:125:505(F) Biopolymers (3) Relationship among macromolecular structure, maintenance of tissue shape, and mechanical integrity, particularly in mammalian connective tissues. Emphasis on structural mechanisms related to viscoelastic behavior of collagen and matrix components, as well as rubberlike behavior of elastin. Laboratory demonstrations emphasize relationship of structure and physical properties of structural biomaterials. Silver. Prerequisite: Elementary biochemistry. Recommended: Physical chemistry.
16:125:506(S) Artificial Implantable Materials (3) Evaluation of biocompatibility. Specific biomaterials-tissue interactions. Toxicology of implanted materials. Surface phenomenon and membranes. Implantable electrodes and power sources. Implantable metals, alloys, polymers, and ceramics. Lubrication and wear of implants. Total hip and knee prostheses. Connective tissue replacement. Silver. Prerequisite: Bachelor`s degree in engineering or permission of instructors.
16:125:507(F) Wave Phenomena in Biomedical Systems (3) Wave propagation in electrical, mechanical, thermal, and chemical systems; the common parameters of distributed systems; blood flow in arteries; chemical diffusion in organs; and nerve action potential transmission.
16:125:508(S) Pathobiology (3) Cellular and tissue reaction to injuries resulting from ischemia, physical forces, and exposure to chemicals, including synthetic and natural polymers. Inflammation, immune reactions, regeneration, and repair. Transplantation of natural and synthetic materials as well as reactions to implanted materials. Silver. Prerequisites: 01 or 11:115:301 or equivalent, and permission of instructor.
16:125:509Medical Device Development (3) Development of medical devices that employ primarily polymeric materials in their construction. Materials selection, feasibility studies, prototype fabrication, functionality testing, prototype final selection, biocompatibility considerations, efficacy testing, sterilization validation, FDA regulatory approaches, writing of IDE, SID(K) and PMAs, device production, and record keeping.
16:125:510(S) Engineering Hemodynamics (3) Application of engineering techniques to the study of blood flow. Topics include the analysis of physiologically relevant models of the left ventricle, aorta, and peripheral vascular system in normal and diseased states. Analysis applied to the design of circulatory assist devices and cardiovascular instrumentation. Drzewiecki
16:125:512(S) Fundamentals of Computed Tomography (3) Image restoration and enhancement techniques, convex pro- jections, pseudo inverse, back projection, simplex methods, least mean square error, constrained solutions, nonlinearities. Applications include X ray, ultrasound, NMR, and optical medical imaging systems. Dunn. Prerequisite: 16:332:543.
16:125:513(S) Visual Research and Instrumentation (3) Control system analysis of human visual systems and survey of instrumentation used. Topics include anatomy of the visual system; triad: accommodation, vergence, and pupil; saccadic and pursuit eye movements. Shoane. Prerequisite: 14:332:345 or equivalent.
16:125:515(F) Bioelectrochemical Aspects of Implants and Devices (3) Applications of bioelectrochemical engineering to areas of biomedical engineering, including membrane properties, propagation of biological wave potentials, corrosion of implanted materials, and nerve and organ stimulation. Guzelsu, Salkind. Prerequisites: 16:125:503, 504, and 507.
16:125:516(S) Visual Pattern Recognition (3) Patterns are the means by which living organisms and "thinking" machines sense, interpret, classify, and act on information extracted from their surroundings. Recognition in the visual system within the context of information processing in living organisms and computers. Computer vision compared to biological vision. Micheli-Tzanakou. Prerequisites: 01:119:356 and 01:640: 244, or equivalent.
16:125:517(F) Circulatory Dynamics (3) The circulatory system with emphasis on invasive and noninvasive measuring techniques. Topics include measurement of blood pressure and flow in arteries and veins, muscle mechanics, models of the heart, microcirculation, the closed cardiovascular system, and cardiac assist devices. Li
16:125:518(S) Computer Applications in Biomedical Engineering (3) Digital and other computer techniques applied to the problems of biomedicine. The acquisition of data and its processing with small computers. Modeling of biological and other systems. Papathomas
16:125:519(F) Biological Materials (3) Mechanical and electromechanical properties of biological tissues. Bone, tendon, cartilage, and soft tissues. Composite and mixture modeling. Experimental and theoretical determination of strain energy function. Biomimetics. Guzelsu. Prerequisite: Bachelor`s degree in engineering.
16:125:520(S) Neuroelectric Systems (3) Introduction to function and models of the nervous system; generator and action potentials; conduction in nerve fibers and across synaptic junctions; analysis of sensory and neuromuscular systems; EEG and EKG waveforms. Micheli-Tzanakou. Prerequisites: 16:332:505 and general physiology.
16:125:523(F) Biomedical Instrumentation Laboratory (3) Practical design of biomedical transducers, electrodes, amplifiers. Operation and performance evaluation of biomedical instru- ments. Recording, filtering, processing, and analysis of physio- logical signals. Li. Prerequisites: 16:125:503, 504.
16:125:525(F) Biological Control Systems (3) Application of control theory to the analysis of physiological systems. Topics include pharmacokinetics, cardiovascular system, pulmonary system, stability analysis using Nyquist and root locus, LMS adaptive algorithm, renal concentrating mechanism, membrane potential, and ionic channels. Computer simulation exercises parallel each lecture topic. Shoane. Prerequisite: 01:119:356 or equivalent.
16:125:526Brain Dynamics (3) Combined analysis procedures of EEG and evoked potentials may provide information on signal neural events provided that experiments are adequately designed. Presents conceptual development of resonance phenomena in biophysical sciences and considers the system at moment of stimulation for estimating and predicting its response. Stereodynamics, simultaneously recorded multichannel EEG data, and evoked potentials from substructures of the brain. Micheli-Tzanakou. Prerequisite: 16:125:520 or equivalent.
16:125:528(S) Molecular Systems Engineering (3) Interfacing of biomolecules and biological tissues with useful devices. Principles of recording and analysis of molecular signals discussed. Modeling of molecular electronic systems using simulation software. Craelius. Prerequisites: Mammalian physiology and cell physiology.
16:125:530Nonlinear Biodynamics, Chaos, and Fractals (3) Introduction to nonlinear dynamics and chaos, phase plots, strange attractors, deterministic/random fractals, fractal dimension. Applications in cardiopulmonary science and neurosciences. Drzewiecki
16:125:531(S) Electromagnetic Compatibility (3) Medical applications of electromagnetic (EM) energy; principles of reducing EM emission and noise susceptibility of devices in the 25-1,000 MHz band; test and measurements of EM fields for regulatory compliance. Craelius
16:125:532Cytomechanics (3) Mechanical properties and measurements of cells; stress-strain relationships in cells, organelles, and biomatrices, including methods of mechanical measurements. Craelius. Prerequisite: Undergraduate degree in engineering.
16:125:533Design of Microprocessor-Based Medical Instrumentation (3) Signal processing, display, and control components of medical instrumentation systems. Topics include bus and communication protocols, microprocessor interface design, signal conditioning and acquisition circuitry, and data display interfaces. Petrucelli. Prerequisites: 16:125:504 and 14:332:374, or equivalent.
16:125:540(S) Introduction to Limb Prosthetics I (3) Basics of prosthetic practice, ethics, health economics, and professionalism; neuropathology and orthopathology.
16:125:541(F) Biomechanical Measurements (3) Techniques for measuring biomechanical properties of limbs, organs, and tissues, as well as prosthetic devices, both at rest and during ambulation. Topics include experimental and statistical methods, clinical-research study design, mechanical properties and behavior of tissues, use of transducers, and major imaging modalities. Craelius, Dunn
16:125:542(S) Prosthetics for the Upper Limb (4) Material selection and mechanical-electrical design criteria for the upper-limb amputee. Design and fabrication of operational prostheses, starting from measurements of amputee subjects and finishing with operational testing. Craelius
16:125:543(F) Prosthetics for the Lower Limb I (4) Material selection and mechanical design criteria for the transtibial amputee. Design and fabrication of operational prostheses, starting from measurements of amputee subjects and finishing with operational testing. Bodily responses to amputation; casting; components; initial fitting; gait evaluation and training; pre- and postoperative care. Craelius
16:125:544(S) Prosthetics for the Lower Limb II (4) Material selection and mechanical design criteria for the transfemoral amputee. Design and fabrication of operational prostheses, starting from measurements of amputee subjects and finishing with operational testing. Bodily responses to amputation; casting; components; initial fitting; gait evaluation and training; pre- and postoperative care. Craelius
16:125:546(S) Self-Assembly Pattern (3) For engineers who seek familiarity with and tools to analyze self-assembly of polymers, proteins, cells, and multicellular systems encountered in subfields ranging from tissue replacement therapies to polymeric drug delivery systems. Shinbrot
16:125:551(F) Biopolymer Synthesis (3) Provides chemists, as well as chemical and biomedical engineers, with a solid understanding of the key principles that differentiate polymers as unique materials. Upon completion, students will be able to select polymers for industrial/medical applications, comprehend the scientific literature in polymer chemistry, and conduct applications-related research involving polymeric materials. Prior knowledge of polymer chemistry or materials science not required. Kohn, Uhrich
16:125:553(F) Biomaterials Characterization (3) Provides fundamental instruction on the methods and rationales used in characterization of metal, ceramic, polymeric, and biologic materials used in biomedical implant fabrication. Instruction in microscopy and imaging techniques, spectroscopy and electron-probe methods, mechanical characterization, and models used to characterize cell and tissue response to biomaterials. Includes such topics as response of specific tissues to biomaterials, tissue engineering, and artificial organs. Moghe, Ricci
16:125:562Digital Radiology (3) Models of image formation, part and process segmentation and recognition. Specialized models of living organisms. Structural and statistical models of form; reasoning and interpretation models of functions. Medical diagnosis. Artificial intelligence and computational biology. Dunn
16:125:571(F) Biosignal Processing (3) Application of basic signal analysis to biological signals and the analysis of medical image. Extensive use of the MATLAB language in example and problems. Semmlow
16:125:572(S) Biocontrol, Modeling, and Computation (3) Application of control theory to the analysis of biological systems. As foundation for other biomedical engineering courses, topics include (biocontrol) control systems principles, Nyguist and root locus stability analysis; (modeling) Nernst membrane model, action potential, cardiac and vascular mechanics, accommodation and vergence eye movements, saccades, pharmacokinetic models; and numerical solutions to different equations, computer methods using C++, and image processing of biological systems. S. Dunn, Shoane
16:125:573(F) Kinetics, Thermodynamics, and Transport in Biomedicine (3) Intended for those seeking familiarity with the effects of, and tools to deal with, fluid, multiphase, chemical, and thermal transport and kinetics problems in biological systems. Shinbrot
16:125:574(S) Biomaterials and Biomechanics (3) Foundation in basic engineering statistics, dynamics, and strength materials expected. These engineering concepts are applied to biologic tissues and the mechanics of musculoskeletal systems under both normal and pathologic conditions. Issues ranging from basic biocompatibility to engineered tissue replacements will be discussed. Harten
16:125:601Journal Club and Seminar (1) For first-year graduate students.
16:125:602Survival Skills and Seminar (1) For first-year graduate students.
16:125:603,604Seminar in Biomedical Engineering III,IV (1,1) Current topics in biomedical engineering discussed by invited speakers and in prepared presentations by students. For advanced graduate students.
16:125:607,608(F) Teaching Assistant Training Internship (1,1) All second year doctoral graduate students will take a yearlong teaching internship course. In the first term, students receive instructions in learning styles, teaching tools, and methodology. Most classes will feature one student who will present a topic in a one-on-many setting. This will be followed by constructive criticism by the participants, as well as feedback via videotape, a proven tool for self-improvement in teaching. In the second term, students will use these methods to teach undergraduates in the sophomore introductory laboratories. Langrana
16:125:610Advanced Topics in Computers in Biomedical Engineering (3) Advanced study of computer applications in biomedical engineering. Possible topics include computerized axial tomography (CAT), positron emission tomography (PET), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), use of artificial intelligence (AI) in medical diagnosis, learning systems, digital and sampled data implementations, large-scale systems, filtering, and image reconstruction. Topics vary. Dunn. Prerequisites: 16:125:518 and permission of instructor.
16:125:612Advanced Topics in Engineering Hemodynamics (3) Emphasis on assisted circulation and artificial hearts, noninvasive indices of cardiac disorders and their measurement, and models of coronary circulation. Prerequisite: 16:125:510.
16:125:615Advanced Topics in Brain Research (3) Advanced study of current areas of brain research. Topics include information processing in the brain, pattern recognition in different sensory modalities, advanced techniques of diagnosing different system disorders, and data recording and techniques of analysis. Topics vary depending on student interest and faculty availability. Papathomas. Prerequisites: 16:125:520 and permission of instructor.
16:125:620Neural Networks and Neurocomputing (3) Classical theories such as the Perceptron; LMS algorithm; the Boltzmann machine; Hopfield nets; back propagation; associative neurons; as well as adaptive algorithms, such as the ALOPEX algorithms, examined in detail. Different applications and current literature examined and discussed. Micheli-Tzanakou. Prerequisites: Advanced standing and permission of instructor.
16:125:621,622Special Problems in Biomedical Engineering (BA,BA)
16:125:699Nonthesis Study (1)
16:125:701,702Research in Biomedical Engineering (BA,BA)

See also courses listed under Electrical Engineering, as well as 16:650:518 Biomechanical Systems (3).

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