Motor Learning and Control for Dance Pedagogy (3)
Motor Learning and Control for Dance Pedagogy provides students an overview of theories and
practice in motor learning, concepts, and principles that relate to the
acquisition and relearning of motor and movement skills. Students are
involved in class lectures, discussions, and movement laboratories that examine
and apply these principles.
Introduction to Curriculum Design and Assessment for Dance (3)
Introduces basic concepts of instructional planning and
assessment necessary for the development of PK-12 dance curricula that are
meaningful in PK-12 settings as well as culturally situated. Students will be guided in
developing PK-12 dance yearlong plans, instructional units, and lesson plans
based on their own teaching visions, the culture of a specific school community,
as well as in consideration of local educational guidelines.
Dance Technique Pedagogy (3)
Introduces students to developing theoretical knowledge and practicing essential pedagogic skills for teaching developmentally appropriate dance technique classes for children and adolescents in PK-12 education. Students will learn to situate lesson planning within movement theory, educational standards, artistic traditions, and backward planning, and to scaffold movement principles to help diverse learners achieve shorter- and longer-term educational and artistic goals.
Creative Dance and Choreography Pedagogy (3)
Students will examine pedagogical issues and methods
for planning, teaching, and assessing creative dance, dance improvisation,
dance-making, and responding to dance across a range of learner development and
English language learners and as appropriate for PK-12 urban learning settings.
Teaching Concepts in Dance for Students with Special Needs (3)
Prepares students with the knowledge and skills to design and implement a program in dance education that addresses students with special needs. Topics will include federal legislation, an examination of common diseases/conditions, Individual Education Plans (IEP) and 504 plans, Universal Design for Learning, resource development, adaptive planning, adaptive dance teaching methods, and related classroom management and adaptive dance assessments. Students will be provided concrete models of adaptive dance pedagogy and practice teaching specific adaptive teaching skills.
Embodied Dance History Pedagogy (3)
The course content focuses on historically significant traditions in dance education and the ways in which they can inform pedagogic strategies that illuminate and clarify dance in urban education. Students will examine pedagogical issues and methods for planning, teaching, and assessing dance technique across a range of learner development as appropriate for PK-12 urban education settings.
Introduction to Research in Dance Education (3)
Aims to engage students in developing introductory knowledge and skills for discerning, reviewing, and conducting qualitative research data collection in educational dance contexts. Students will explore various elements of research inquiry such as narrowing researching questions, searching, skimming and scanning literature, developing critical annotations, and examining various data elicitation methods.
Leadership in Dance Education (3)
This course introduces leadership concepts and program planning as it applies to directing dance programs in PK-12 schools and other settings. It will examine the interrelationships between curriculum, programming, and service and the development of professional career materials that demonstrate leadership potential. During this seminar-based course, students will engage in activities such as examining critical contemporary issues in PK-12 education, examining case studies, developing strategic employment materials, and examining the leadership responsibilities of dance educators. This course will draw upon the student's prior knowledge of Ed.M. courses, including instructional planning and educational technology, to successfully complete course assignments and projects.
Graduate Independent Study (1-3)
Special Topics in Graduate Dance Education (1-3)
By special permission, students can continue their technique training by participating in select B.F.A. dance classes.