Executive Director: Penelope E. Lattimer, Ph.D.
Program Coordination: Carrie Harris, Rutgers, Graduate
School of Education
President New Jersey School Development Council: Crystal
Edwards, Ed.D., Superintendent, Lawrence Township Public
School District
Vice President NJSDC: Christina VanWoert, Ed.D.,
Superintendent, Chester Public School
Website: https://njschooldevelopmentcouncil.org
For more than 50 years, the New Jersey School Development Council has enjoyed a professional affiliation with the Graduate School of Education at Rutgers, The State University, in New Brunswick, New Jersey. New Jersey School Development Council is a cooperative, not-for-profit network of educational agencies and school districts joined together to mutually benefit from the discussion and exploration of emerging issues and concerns relevant to leadership in education. The council undertakes a variety of activities toward this goal, including: (a) provision of informative and relevant conferences; (b) provision of professional learning sessions; (c) forums for discussion of appropriate topics; and (d) special projects, as designated by the Council's Executive Committee. Our funding comes from membership payments received from participating schools and school districts.