The master's degree program in educational statistics, measurement, and evaluation (ESME) enables students to take a broad spectrum of courses within and outside the specialty area. The program does not require an extensive background in mathematics. An applicant for the program, however, should be comfortable in researching and solving educational and psychological problems using quantitative methods. Students who receive the Ed.M. are often employed as researchers or data analysts in the fields of social science research, educational testing, marketing research, or pharmaceutical research. The program is individually tailored to the student's needs, and attempts to provide maximum flexibility by encouraging students to pursue a minor area outside of the specialty. A total of 33 credits is required.
1. A minimum of 21 credits in statistics, measurement, and evaluation, including:
Statistics and Measurement Courses (18 credits) 15:291:531 Statistical Methods I (3) 15:291:532 Statistical Methods II (3) 16:300:515 Quantitative Research Methods in Education II: ANOVA (3) 16:300:519 Quantitative Research Methods in Education III: Regression (3) 15:291:515 Psychometric Theory (3) 16:300:683 Applied Multivariate Analysis or 16:300:685 Causal Modeling or 16:300:687 Item Response Theory (3)
Evaluation Course (3 credits) 15:291:520 Program Evaluation: An Introduction to Methods and Practice (3)
2. Electives in educational psychology courses (6 credits)