Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
Graduate School of Education
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Degree Programs
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Degree Requirements
Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) Programs
Doctor of Education (Ed.D.) Programs
Master of Education (Ed.M.) Programs with No State Certification
Master of Education (Ed.M.) Programs with State Certification
Combined B.A./B.S./Ed.M. Five-Year Teacher Preparation Programs
Undergraduate Minor: Education as a Social Science
Nondegree Certification Programs
Nondegree Skill Development Programs
Undergraduate GSE Courses (05)
Graduate GSE Courses (15)
Educational Administration and Supervision (230)
Adult and Continuing Education (233)
College Student Affairs (245)
Learning and Teaching--General Electives (250)
Early Childhood/Elementary Education (251)
English Literacy/Language Arts (252)
Language Education (253)
Mathematics Education (254)
Nondepartmental Graduate Courses in Education (255)
Science Education (256)
Social Studies Education (257)
Creative Arts Education (259)
Educational Psychology (290)
Educational Statistics, Measurement, and Evaluation (291)
Special Education (293)
Learning, Cognition, and Development (295)
Counseling Psychology (297)
Reading (299)
Social and Philosophical Foundations of Education (310)
Ph.D. in Education Courses (16)
Faculty, Administration, and Centers
Divisions of the University
Camden Newark New Brunswick/Piscataway
  The Graduate School of Education 2009-2011 Courses Graduate GSE Courses (15) Learning, Cognition, and Development (295)  

Learning, Cognition, and Development (295)

Graduate Courses (Learning, Cognition, and Development 295)
15:295:502 Cognition and Memory (3)

Thinking and memory as viewed by contemporary cognitive psychology; integrates experimental finding concerning selective attention, perception, memory storage and retrieval, imagery, problem solving, and reasoning into holistic views of the human being as a processor of complex information. Class discussions include applications to educational questions.

15:295:504 Life Span Development (3)

Principles of human development with focus on educational application over the life span, emphasizing adolescent and adult years; topics include cognition, language, motivation, personality, and vocational behavior.

15:295:510 Cooperative and Collaborative Learning (3) Overview and critique of theories of cooperative and collaborative learning.  Includes the analysis and critique of research findings on cooperative and collaboration learning and an examination of the cognitive and affective consequences of various forms of peer learning.
15:295:512 Introduction to Child Psychology: Infancy through Adolescence (3) Growth and development from prenatal period through adolescence; topics include social-emotional development, language, cognition, learning, and perception.
15:295:518 Motivation in the Classroom (3) Examines the development of achievement motivation in educational settings from a psychological perspective. It will explore how major theories of achievement motivation--like expectancy-value theory and attribution theory--explain why students work. This course will also examine internal and external factors affecting student motivation.
15:295:550 Learning through Problem Solving (3) Sociocultural and situated cognition approaches to learning and instruction; overview and critique of various contextualized approaches; problem-based learning; anchored instruction; project-based learning; and design-based learning.
15:295:578 Developmental Theory of Jean Piaget (3) Piaget's theoretical formulations regarding the origins, nature, and development of thought; characteristics of sensorimotor adaptations, preoperational thought, concrete operations, and formal thought are considered, together with research evidence and implications for education.
15:295:580 Psychology of Learning (3) Introduction to psychological theories of human learning, including behavioral, social, and cognitive theories of learning. Principles of learning, mediation, and transfer as deduced from these theories. Applications to a variety of settings considered, including classrooms and information setting.
15:295:590 Seminar in Learning, Cognition, and Development (3) Opportunity for intensive study of topics of personal interest within selected areas of psychology. A paper of publishable quality and a report to the seminar are required. Students are encouraged to join with others in requesting the organization of a seminar on a stated, circumscribed area. Prerequisites: Advanced standing and permission of instructor.
15:295:609 Research in Learning, Cognition, and Development (3) Provides research experience leading to a paper suitable for publication or presentation to a scholarly audience. Provides training in formulating research questions; implementing a research plan; analyzing data; and writing about research in a clear, communicative, and technical manner appropriate for the professional reporting of research findings. Prerequisite: Permission of adviser. Required of master's students who intend to apply to the doctoral program in learning, cognition, and development. See student handbook for complete description.
15:295:611 Memory Systems and Processes (3) Examines recent theories and research on memory viewed as a unified system, with specific subsystems interacting in the processing of information. The operation of sensory stores and short-term and long-term memory, including information representation, retrieval, and loss. Topics include the effects of organization, rehearsal, elaboration, and mnemonics on memory functions, and the shaping of learning and instruction to the type and level of memory desired. Prerequisite: 15:295:502 or 580, or permission of instructor.
15:295:650 Seminar in Teaching Educational Psychology (3) The psychology of college teaching applied to educational psychology; numerous ways of organizing an educational psychology course discussed in light of the history of the discipline. Students outline a course, develop a unit within the course, and present it in a microteaching exercise. Prerequisite: Permission of instructor.
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