Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
Graduate School of Education
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About the School
Degree Programs
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Degree Requirements
Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) Programs
Doctor of Education (Ed.D.) Programs
Master of Education (Ed.M.) Programs with No State Certification
Master of Education (Ed.M.) Programs with State Certification
Combined B.A./B.S./Ed.M. Five-Year Teacher Preparation Programs
Undergraduate Minor: Education as a Social Science
Nondegree Certification Programs
Nondegree Skill Development Programs
Undergraduate GSE Courses (05)
Graduate GSE Courses (15)
Educational Administration and Supervision (230)
Adult and Continuing Education (233)
College Student Affairs (245)
Learning and Teaching--General Electives (250)
Early Childhood/Elementary Education (251)
English Literacy/Language Arts (252)
Language Education (253)
Mathematics Education (254)
Nondepartmental Graduate Courses in Education (255)
Science Education (256)
Social Studies Education (257)
Creative Arts Education (259)
Educational Psychology (290)
Educational Statistics, Measurement, and Evaluation (291)
Special Education (293)
Learning, Cognition, and Development (295)
Counseling Psychology (297)
Reading (299)
Social and Philosophical Foundations of Education (310)
Ph.D. in Education Courses (16)
Faculty, Administration, and Centers
Divisions of the University
Camden Newark New Brunswick/Piscataway
  The Graduate School of Education 2009-2011 Courses Graduate GSE Courses (15) Mathematics Education (254)  

Mathematics Education (254)

Graduate Courses (Mathematics Education 254)

15:254:540 Introduction to Mathematics Education (3)

Required of all graduate students in mathematics education. Review and study of literature in mathematics education research and practice, including theoretical perspectives and empirical studies. Students develop projects on topics of current interest.

15:254:541 Analysis of Mathematics Curricula I (3) A close and critical look at K-12 mathematics curricula in light of current recommendations for curricula, teaching, and learning.
15:254:542 Analysis of Mathematics Curricula II (3) Development and implementation of lessons arising out of the foundation of Analysis of Mathematics Curricula I. Prerequisite: 15:254:541.
15:254:543 Background for Teaching Elementary School Mathematics I (3) Focus on numeration skills, counting, place value and number base, and the four basic arithmetic operations as they are taught to, and learned by, elementary school children.
15:254:544 Background for Teaching Elementary School Mathematics II (3) The development of basic ideas in geometry, measurement, probability and statistics, and related areas, and methods for developing this content in the classroom.
15:254:547 Seminar in Elementary School Mathematics Education (3) Analysis of the philosophical and psychological bases of mathematics education in the elementary school, and an examination of current trends in curriculum and materials development, teacher training, achievement assessment, and other lines of research.
15:254:548 Technology in Mathematics Teaching (3) Focus on development of familiarity and facility with major technologies used in K-12 teaching. Highlighted hardware and software include graphing calculators; algebraic system, function plotting, and geometry construction software; and modeling, simulation, and tutorial software. Potential impact of technologies on traditional school mathematics curricula. Prerequisite: Undergraduate mathematics major or equivalent.
15:254:644 Mathematics Education Practicum (3) Laboratory or fieldwork activity in which students work on a project related to learning mathematics.
15:254:645 Independent Study in Mathematics Education (BA) Each student defines and carries out an appropriate project in mathematics education.
15:254:649 Topics in Mathematics Education (3) Selected current work related to issues in the learning and teaching of mathematics.
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