Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
The Graduate School of Applied and Professional Psychology
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Course Listing
GSAPP Courses
Professional Psychology 820
Certification Courses
Clinical Psychology 821
School Psychology 826
Organizational Psychology 829
Graduate School-New Brunswick, Graduate School of Education, and School of Management and Labor Relations Courses
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  Graduate School of Applied and Professional Psychology 2007-2009 Course Listing GSAPP Courses Professional Psychology 820  

Professional Psychology 820

18:820:502 Theoretical Foundations: Organizational (2)
Explores how organizational theory can help psychologists to better understand the underlying causes of behavior in organizations. Also demonstrates how such an understanding can be used to improve quality of life and organizational effectiveness. Theoretical concepts are illustrated through examples drawn primarily from educational and human service organizations.
18:820:503 Theoretical Foundations: Analytical (2)
The model of human functioning offered by psychoanalytic theory, with a focus on understanding the person in the context of the life history. Topics include drives, inferred psychic structures, dreams, psychopathology, ego psychology, object relations, research in psychoanalysis, psychoanalytic psychotherapy, and integration of theory and application with examples from everyday life and from clinical practice. Unique sections for clinical/organizational and school students have been developed.
18:820:504 Theoretical Foundations: Cognitive-Behavioral (2)
An introduction to the theoretical foundations of the cognitive-behavioral paradigm for understanding human action. Included are the paradigm's behavioral roots in learning theory and its cognitive roots in theories such as Aaron Beck's. Cognitive-behavioral concepts will be learned and applied to formulate case examples from the clinic, schools, the community, businesses, and the students' own lives.
18:820:505 Foundations of Cognitive/Affective Psychology (1.5)
Introductory overview of topics in cognition and emotion. Includes emotion, intuition, rationality, language and thought, comprehension, memory, problem solving, heuristics of judgment, and decision making.
18:820:506 Foundations of Social Psychology (1.5) Surveys classic research and recent developments in major areas of social psychology. Topics include social perception, self-identity, social influence, and intergroup relations.
18:820:531 Systematic Observation and Interviewing (3)
Preparation for clinical work through experiential training. Demonstration and practice of basic helping skills and strategies for facilitating communication and change, with exploration and feedback on one's helping style. Provides the basic orientation to the role of the practicing psychologist.
18:820:543 Human Development (3)
Overview of normative, as well as atypical, development from birth to old age from the life-span developmental perspective. Students are exposed to the current body of knowledge in social, emotional, and cognitive development that will be useful for clinical work. Topics covered include development in perception and cognition; motor development; emotion and behavior regulation; temperament and personality; relationships with parents, peers, and romantic partners; and successful aging. In addition, developmental pathways of risk and resilience are discussed throughout the course, especially during transitional periods such as puberty and emerging adulthood. Gender differences and cultural/ethnic variations are also discussed. 
Required for school psychology students; elective for all others.
18:820:550 Systems of Psychology (3)
Compares the different metatheoretical paradigms in psychology. Considers historical and epistemological roots of the different images of the person, underlying contemporary approaches to the study of personality, psychopathology, and psychological assessment and treatment. Focuses on the value framework within which these perspectives operate. Considers a variety of methods in research, including both quantitative and qualitative approaches, and group and individual case study models. Develops ability to examine critically the different epistemological and theoretical approaches in professional psychology. Paradigms include positivism and associated philosophy-of-science models; pragmatism; postmodernism; hermeneutics; psychoanalysis; and existential, humanistic, and phenomenological approaches.
18:820:560 Self, Psychopathology, and the Modern Age (3)
An interpretive or hermeneutic perspective on psychological aspects of modern culture and society. The course focuses on various forms of psychopathology and on exemplary expressions of modernist and postmodernist culture--with each used to shed light on the nature of the self and subjectivity in the modern era. The forms of psychopathology considered include schizophrenia and schizoid personality disorder, as well as some of the following: narcissistic personality, depression, eating disorders, and dissociative identity disorder. Provides an introduction to hermeneutics, phenomenology, and cultural psychology as alternative approaches to an understanding of personality and psychopathology.
Offered in alternate years.
18:820:563 Child Psychopathology: Theoretical, Experimental, and Descriptive (3)
This descriptive and experimental psychopathology of childhood course is concerned with collecting information about and assessing problem behavior of children and adolescents of diverse cultures and in diverse contexts. The course covers disorders usually first evident in infancy, childhood, or adolescence and includes mental retardation, attention deficit disorders, conduct disorders, anxiety disorders, pervasive developmental disorders, disorders with physical manifestations, and related DSM-IV categories. The course considers developmental factors, and instruction includes demonstrations, interviews, observation, and didactic components.
18:820:565 Adult Psychopathology: Theoretical, Experimental, and Descriptive (3)
Largely DSM-based. Covers the process of diagnosis, differential diagnosis, case description, and the conduct of specialized diagnostic assessments including the mental status examination and various tests and inventories. Students visit local psychiatric facilities to interview patients and write findings. Classroom instruction combines interactive group exercises and role-plays, web-based resources, video and film characterizations, lectures, readings, and class discussion. Frequent papers and assignments are required.
18:820:570 Psychological Intervention with Ethnic and Racial Minority Clients and Families (3) Focuses on the psychological and cultural experiences of African-American, Hispanic/Latino, Asian, Asian Indian, and gay and lesbian populations. Implications of these findings are discussed in terms of their impact on assessment, intervention, research, and training in the cross-cultural context. The need for alternative strategies in the delivery of psychological services to minorities is addressed. Both semesters (fall and spring) include both didactic and experiential group process formats. Prerequisite: Must be at least a second-year GSAPP student.
18:820:575 Diversity and Racial Identity (3)
Using an empirically and theoretically based seminar format with both didactic and discussion components, this course teaches about the history, experiences, and backgrounds of racial and ethnic groups such as African Americans, Asians, and Hispanics/Latinos. Examines how diverse factors such as sexuality, gender, religion, socioeconomic status, and tendency to stereotype may function as risk and protective factors that are associated with human functioning, and how they may influence the development of one's identity. Students learn to alter and improve consideration of what is healthy or abnormal, while acquiring a broader repertoire of effective practices with diverse populations in the areas of intervention, assessment, research, and supervision/training. The course considers cross-cultural societal and organizational contexts. The course meets diversity requirements and may facilitate preparation for dissertation and/or comprehensive exams.
Prerequisite: One completed year of doctoral study.
18:820:579 Gender and Psychotherapy (2)
Examines gender issues in psychotherapy. Covers topics from the psychology of women and the psychology of men and masculinity, including development and socialization, diagnosis and assessment, couples and family therapy, the impact of gender of the psychotherapist, and emerging areas such as transgender concerns.
18:820:581 Statistical Methods and Design Analysis (3)
Develops a practical, conceptual understanding of statistical data analysis, hypothesis testing, statistical inference, and power analysis. Develops skills in conducting and interpreting several types of analysis of variance (ANOVA) and Pearson correlation/bivariate regression analysis. SPSS computer software is used for data analysis.
18:820:585 Advanced Statistics and Research Design (3)
Covers multiple regression and Cook and Campbell's (1979) threats to validity (construct, statistical conclusion, internal, and external). Provides the necessary foundation for critically analyzing and evaluating research.
Prerequisite: 18:820:581.
18:820:593,594 Community Psychology (3,3)
Presents the primary constructs of the community psychology perspective and how these can help psychologists better understand and improve the functioning of community groups and institutions. Special attention is paid to how the interplay of personal, interpersonal, and social-system factors influence psychological well-being in community settings such as schools, mental health programs, other human service agencies, and community groups. Examines innovative strategies for preventing psychological disorders and promoting psychological well-being. Course emphasis varies from semester to semester, and can be on schools, organizational settings, or mental health systems.
Prerequisite: 18:820:502 or advanced standing at GSAPP.
18:820:595 Self-Regulation Methods: Mind/Body Interventions (3)
Use of relaxation methods, breathwork, meditation, and biofeedback. The kinds of psychological and medical disorders that can be helped by these interventions are discussed. Data from clinical research and theoretical bases for these interventions are presented. Class time is divided between didactic and practice. Students are evaluated by observation and exam and are expected to demonstrate personal competence with the practices, a theoretical understanding of the psychological and psychophysiological aspects of these practices, and an ability to teach clients.
18:820:601,602 Independent Study in Professional Psychology (BA,BA) Papers required based on independent study. Prerequisites: Prior to registration, students must consult faculty members to determine arrangements and secure an approval form.
18:820:609 Crisis Intervention (3)
Historical and conceptual bases for crisis intervention as a distinct treatment modality. Students learn generic individual and community-based crisis intervention strategies, current approaches for the assessment and outpatient management of suicidal individuals, and basic disaster response approaches.
18:820:613,614 Professional Ethics, Standards, and Career Development (3,3)
Issues involved in the delivery of professional psychology services, including general ethical principles; professional self-definition and self-regulation; and governmental sanctions (judicial, legislative, and executive). Sample areas covered include history and identity of professional psychology, the American Psychological Association's ethical standards, involuntary commitment, right to treatment, confidentiality versus access to clinical information, managed care and the funding of mental health services, and career development.
Prerequisite: One-and-a-half years of study at GSAPP or equivalent.
18:820:615 Family Treatment of Childhood Disorders (3)
Provides a representative sampling of empirically supported cognitive-behavioral and systems-oriented treatments for families having children with a range of behavioral, emotional, and developmental disorders, including internalizing and externalizing disorders, as well as developmental challenges experienced across the family life cycle. Through lectures and readings, students are exposed to theoretical and philosophical underpinnings of an integrated cognitive-behavioral (especially parent training) and family systems (especially structural) orientation, and participate in experiential in-class activities such as role-plays.
For students of all levels.
18:820:616 Qualitative Research Methods (1)
Provides an overview of the broad range of qualitative research methods that are available, from traditional coding of narrative information into quantitative categories, to pragmatic case studies, ethnographic methods, and hermeneutic studies. Three possible goals of qualitative research are covered: description, theory development, and program evaluation. Finally, the course provides an opportunity to practice qualitative research skills by designing, conducting, and writing systematic, semistructured narratives.
18:820:618 Case-Based Program Evaluation (2)
Explores the nature, historical background, many forms, and many uses of program evaluation, with particular emphasis on comparing and contrasting the use of qualitative and quantitative research methods in program evaluation and how to translate evaluation questions into the design of one or more case studies. Each student designs, conducts, and writes a systematic evaluation case study employing both qualitative and quantitative data to learn how to apply the course's concepts and methods.
Recommended to build upon 18:820:616.
18:820:622 Psychopharmacology (3)
Basic principles necessary for understanding brain behavior relationships; emphasis on linkage between models of neuropsychological functions, physiological mechanisms, and biochemical processes; issues, methods, and problems fundamental to understanding the role and limitations of psychotropic drugs in management and treatment of major clinical problems such as pain, anxiety, major affective disorders, schizophrenia, other psychoses, and alcohol and drug dependencies.
Prerequisite: Undergraduate course in physiological psychology or equivalent, or 18:820:500.
18:820:632 Cognitive Assessment (3)
The process of integration of various means of assessment and communication of assessment findings; recent theory, research, principles of measurement, and sociocultural factors relevant to individual cognitive assessment. Instruction and supervision in administration and scoring of individual intelligence tests, interpretation of findings in written reports, and use of findings for relevant intervention.
18:820:633 Individual Cognitive Assessment (3)
The purpose of this course is to attain knowledge of intellectual functioning and develop skills in the cognitive assessment of children and adolescents. This course integrates the skills of administration and scoring of major cognitive assessment instruments (e.g., WISC-IV, WJ-III COG, KABC-II, DAS-II, and SB5) in the context of recent cognitive theories and research. The Cattell-Horn-Carroll (CHC) theory of cognitive abilities will be the primary underlying framework for interpreting test data. This course will also discuss APA and National Association of School Psychologists (NASP) ethics codes and professional standards pertinent to testing and dissemination of test results, social and educational implications of assessment, and development of communication skills and appropriate interventions. Issues of assessing culturally and linguistically diverse children and adolescents are integrated throughout the course. Individual supervision provided. 
18:820:634 Psychodynamic Interview (2)
Enhance interviewing skills and formulate a case within a broad, psychodynamic, and life-history framework, arriving at a diagnostic impression, along with appropriate recommendations for treatment. Students interview clients while being observed and receive feedback on interviewing style and assessment reports. Each student must conduct one interview based on videotaped interviews.
Prerequisite: 18:820:531.
18:820:635 Cognitive-Behavioral Assessment of Psychological Disorders (2)
An introduction to cognitive-behavioral assessment, case conceptualization, and treatment planning for adult psychological disorders. Emphasis will be on Axis I disorders, but Axis II disorders and adjustment reactions will be covered as well. The use of evidence-based assessment and treatment strategies is emphasized. Course focuses on providing step-by-step instructions so students can learn to systematically assess patients, use the data to conceptualize the case using a modification of Person's approach, and to implement cognitive-behavioral treatment interventions to resolve symptoms and address underlying causes. Students will learn to administer semistructured clinical interviews such as an intake interview, the SCID I, the ADIS, and a variety of self-report questionnaires, such as the BDI, oQ-45, PAI, and/or MMPI.  Each student will do an intake assessment with an incoming clinic patient over the course of one to three sessions, and will then retain the case for therapy if appropriate. Assessment will include semistructured clinical interviews as well as self-reports to cover a wide domain of psychological disorders and problems.
Corequisite: Plus a clinic credit.
18:820:636 Personality Assessment: Child (3)
Theory, administration, scoring, and interpretation of projective techniques and objective tests with children and adolescents. Primary concentration on objective measures used in the schools, clinical interviewing, projective drawings, and various apperception techniques. Critical evaluation of legal and ethical issues surrounding personality testing in schools, the use of projective techniques, and psychological report writing.
Prerequisites: 18:820:503, 531; or equivalent as determined by instructor.
18:820:637 Objective Adult, Child, and Family Assessment (3)
Course covers the following five areas of assessment: 1) broad-band individual measures (e.g., the Child Behavior Checklist, SCL-90-R, etc.); 2) broad-band family measures (e.g., the Dyadic Adjustment Scale, FACES IV, the Family Environment Scale, etc.); 3) measures of specific child/adult problems (e.g., Beck Depression and Anxiety Inventories, etc.); 4) diagnostic interviewing (e.g., SCID); and 5) individual personality measures (e.g., the MMPI-2/A). Students will learn basics of interviewing, administering, and interpreting an integrated assessment of a child, adult, and/or couple/family using at least three assessment instruments.
18:820:638-639 Personality Assessment: Adult (3,3)

Fall semester: An introduction to the use of the major "projective" techniques in psychological assessment: the Rorschach Inkblot Method and the Thematic Apperception Test. The main focus will be on learning to administer, code (in the case of the Rorschach), and interpret these tests. Individual supervision is provided.

Spring semester: A continuation of the fall semester course Personality Assessment: Adult. Provides a more advanced introduction to personality assessment, with emphasis on the interpretation and preparation of integrated psychological reports. Individual supervision is provided.

Prerequisites: 18:820:531, 632, and 634; or permission of the instructor.
18:820:689 Professional Practicum Placement (E3)   One day per week. Required during most semesters for full-time Psy.D. students. Special section(s) for regional public school practicum. For characteristic placements, see listings under each program.
18:820:690 Professional Practicum Placement (E3)    For characteristic placements, see listings under each program.
Corequisite: For students taking a two-day-per-week practicum, register for 18:820:689 and 690.
18:820:691 Professional Practicum Placement (BA, E1)   Special sections for Rutgers-Somerset Counseling Project (E1), and work and careers practicum (E1).
18:820:694 Advanced Community Psychology (1) Focus on the integration of theory, research, and practice in community psychology.Class sessions will primarily involve discussion of current student practicum experiences from a community-psychology perspective.Students also will be able to get support planning a community-oriented dissertation. Meets five times during the semester--approximately once every three weeks. Can be taken more than once.
Prerequisites: Theoretical Foundations: Organizational (18:820:502), Community Psychology (18:820:593 or 18:830:653), and permission of the instructor.
18:820:700 Advanced Dissertation and Research (3)
Dissertation research design and conduct, from selecting a topic through interpreting the results, and writing the final manuscript. Group supervision in dissertation research. This course can be used to meet some of the 9 required dissertation credits.
18:820:701,702 Dissertation in Professional Psychology (3,3) Required of all Psy.D. students actively involved in and soliciting input on dissertation preparation, literature research, data collection, and writing of a doctoral project (fall, spring, summer). Student must register with a particular faculty adviser.
18:820:703 Dissertation in Professional Psychology (1) For students defending during the first two weeks of September only (by special permission of the department chair).
18:820:800 Matriculation Continued (0) May be used only if a student has a written official leave of absence granted by the department chair.
18:820:811 Graduate Fellowship (0)
18:820:866 Graduate Assistantship (BA)
18:820:877 Teaching Assistantship (BA)
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