Degrees Conferred, Dissertations, October 2004-May 2007
Following each student's name is the dissertation title and the name of the dissertation committee chair.
Doctor of Psychology
Michele R. Ballet* - Organizational Psychology The Experiences of Next Generation Siblings in Family Businesses: An Exploratory Study Advisers: Clayton P. Alderfer and Nancy Boyd-Franklin
Clifford E. Barneman* - School Psychology A Mental Health Needs Assessment of a Small Rural Community and Program Design for a School-Based Youth Services Program Advisers: Kenneth Schneider, Lucinda Seares-Monica, and Stanley B. Messer
Jessica L. Welt Betensky - School Psychology The R.A.F.T.-- Recovery after Family Trauma: A Manual for a Group Psychotherapy Intervention for Children and Families Experiencing Traumatic Grief Advisers: Barbara Menzel and Nancy Boyd-Franklin
Oren Blass* - Clinical Psychology Respect for Clients in Therapeutic Relationships: A Phenomenological Study Advisers: Nancy McWilliams and Lewis Gantwerk
James R. Bott* - Clinical Psychology The Concept of Aggression in the Work of Freud, Klein and Winnicott Advisers: Nancy McWilliams and Lewis Gantwerk
Jaime Bratspies** - School Psychology Needs Assessment and Development of a Guide Educating Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders in Included Classrooms: A Practical Training Guide for Elementary School Teachers Advisers: Kenneth C. Schneider and Sandra L. Harris
Michael B. Brooke* - Clinical Psychology Service Marketing for a Psychotherapy Practice: A Client and Employee Retention Approach Advisers: John Kalafat, Lewis Gantwerk, and Donald Morgan
Brenton J. Burke - Organizational Psychology Working for the Family: A Study of the Family and Nonfamily Manager Subgroups in Family Business Management Teams Advisers: Clayton P. Alderfer and Michele R. Ballet
Jamilla T. Butler - School Psychology A Program Evaluation of an Early Intervention Program in an Urban School Advisers: Charles A. Maher and Nancy Boyd-Franklin
Stella Castelli* - School Psychology Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders across the Lifespan: A Series of Case Illustrations with Implications for Professional Psychologists Advisers: Lucinda Seares-Monica, Kenneth C. Schneider, and Susan Adubato
Po Yee Chiu - Organizational Psychology A Model of Indecisiveness: The Impact of Psychological, Demographic, Decision-Specific, and Situational Factors on Indecisiveness Advisers: Nancy Fagley and Cary Cherniss
Nancy C. Coba - Clinical Psychology The Latina Values Scale: Translation and Cultural Adaptation Advisers: Peter J. Guarnaccia and Nancy Boyd-Franklin
Jonathan D. Cordell** - Organizational Psychology Toward an Understanding of Mental and Emotional Skills Needs of Marathon Runners Advisers: Charles A. Maher and Kenneth C. Schneider
Margaret Mary Courtney* - School Psychology The Characterization of Supports and Barriers to the Implementation of School-Based Youth Services Programs in New Jersey Advisers: John Kalafat and Maurice Elias
Jennifer Cyr** - Organizational Psychology Emotional Intelligence as Predictor of Performance in College Courses Advisers: Cary Cherniss and Lewis Gantwerk
Rosemarie Helen Daly - School Psychology An Investigation of the Relationship between Measures of Social Bonding, School Climate, and School Experiences and Student Performance in an Alternative Secondary School for Classified Students Advisers: John Kalafat and Maurice Elias
Kim Darlene Davenport - Clinical Psychology An Exploration of the Sojourn Experiences of Thai International Students and Implications for Psychotherapeutic Counseling Advisers: Donald Morgan and Kenneth G. Roy
Mary Ellen DiCataldo** - School Psychology A Team Approach to Program Evaluation: Linking Program Evaluation to Program Planning for a School-Based Mentoring Program Advisers: Charles A. Maher and Lucinda Seares-Monica
Elizabeth Margaret Doerrbecker - School Psychology Loss of Sexual Identity and an Associated Future: A Qualitative Study with Gay Males Advisers: John Kalafat and Maurice Elias
David Jay Fischer - Clinical Psychology Video Modeling to Reduce Challenging Behaviors in Individuals Diagnosed with Autistic Disorder Advisers: Sandra L. Harris and Lara Delmolino-Gatley
Edmund Barry Freeman* - Organizational Psychology Caring Beyond Boundaries: A Case Study Using Social Defense Theory and Embedded Inter-Group Relations Theory Advisers: Clayton P. Alderfer, Larry Hirschhorn, and Ruth Orenstein
Christina Isana Garcia* - Clinical Psychology Parental/Caregiver Help-Seeking Behavior for their Children with Serious Emotional Disturbance Advisers: James Walkup and Philip Yanos
Hector A. Garcia - Clinical Psychology MMDA and the Disinhibition of Sexual Risk-Taking Behaviors: An Internet-Based Study Advisers: James Langenbucher and Erich Labouvie
Melissa J. Gartenberg - Clinical Psychology A Study of the Role of Psychologists Practicing in Long-Term Care Advisers: Daniel B. Fishman and Lee Hyer
Hannah Sterns Gordon** - Organizational Psychology Men and Women's Perceptions of the Climate for Creativity in Male-Dominated and Female-Dominated Work Environments Advisers: Cary Cherniss and Ruth Orenstein
Shannon Gould - Clinical Psychology Management of Challenging Behaviors among Dementia Residents: A Case Study in Needs Assessment and Program Design Advisers: Daniel B. Fishman and Lee Hyer
Lauren Marlena Gross** - School Psychology Needs Assessment and Development of a Manual for Psychologists and Psychologists in Training on Gang Awareness, Prevention and Other Psychological Issues Concerning Gang Involvement Advisers: Kenneth C. Schneider and Nancy Boyd-Franklin
Naomi H. Gross* - Clinical Psychology Helping Mothers Cope with Stress during the Maintenance Phase of Treatment for their Child's Leukemia: Three Pragmatic Case Studies Advisers: Daniel B. Fishman, Nancy Boyd-Franklin, and Norman J. Fried
Claire Haiman* - Clinical Psychology Bridging the Split: Integrating Psychodynamic and Body Centered Therapies Advisers: Karen Riggs Skean and Gordon Boals
Cynthia V. Haines - Clinical Psychology An Evaluation of the Proximal Outcomes of a School-Based Suicide Awareness Program: Changes in Knowledge, Attitudes, and Responses to Analog Scenarios Advisers: John Kalafat and Brian Chu
Lisa G. Henry* - Organizational Psychology An Embedded Intergroup Relations Approach to Understanding the Effects of Race on Salary Expectations of Black Undergraduates Advisers: Clayton P. Alderfer and Nancy Boyd-Franklin
Thomas Hildebrandt - Clinical Psychology Peer Influence on Self-Report of Physical Attractiveness between Genders Advisers: James Langenbucher and G. Terence Wilson
Tanya L. Holland - Clinical Psychology A Theoretical Model for a Prison Nursery Based on Infant Mental Health Principles Advisers: Gerard Costa and Nancy Boyd-Franklin
Barbara S. Irwin* - School Psychology Parents of Preschool Students with Disabilities: The Role of Schools in Understanding and Meeting Their Needs Advisers: Kenneth P. Schneider and Lucinda Seares-Monica
Debra Lynn Johnson* - School Psychology Alphacare: A Family Based Training Program for Foster Parents Living with and Caring for Sexually Abused Children Advisers: David M. Brodzinsky and Robin Lang
Kristen Marie Jones - School Psychology An Examination of Stress and Coping among Youth and High School Sport Coaches Advisers: Charles A. Maher and Kenneth C. Schneider
Amelia Gaia Hollander Kaplan - Clinical Psychology Listening to the Body: Pragmatic Case Studies of Body-Centered Psychotherapy Advisers: Daniel B. Fishman and Stanley B. Messer
Stephanie Alpert Klingsburg - Organizational Psychology The In-Basket Exercise and its Contributions to Assessment Center Methodology Advisers: Cary Cherniss and Nancy Fagley
Monica Marianne Knopf - Organizational Psychology Exploring the Culture of a Virtual-Community: A Study of an Online Cancer Support Group Advisers: Lewis Gantwerk and Cary Cherniss
Rebecca Jeanne Lamberth - School Psychology Sport Psychology in the Schools: The Process of Designing and Implementing Scholastic Sport Psychology Programs at the Secondary Level Advisers: Charles A. Maher and Lewis Gantwerk
David A. Lane* - Clinical Psychology Pragmatic Case Studies Integrating Short-Term Psychodynamic Therapy and Mindfulness Interventions Advisers: Daniel B. Fishman, Stanley B. Messer, and Donald Morgan
Suzanne Elizabeth Lee - School Psychology The Racial Socialization of African-American Children: An Examination of the Racial and Educational Socialization Practices of Married African-American Parents and Its Impact on the Racial and Academic Development of their Children Advisers: Shalonda Kelly and Kenneth C. Schneider
Gianna M. Locascio - School Psychology Childhood Psychopathology: Relations to Neuropsychology, Neuroanatomy and Family History Advisers: Marsha E. Bates, Kenneth C. Schneider, and Jennifer F. Buckman
Renee Anne Lomangino** - Organizational Psychology The Influence of Parallel Processes on Training Design Advisers: Lewis Gantwerk and Ruth Orenstein
Julian L. Manetti-Cusa* - Clinical Psychology Medically Unexplained Physical Symptoms in Latino Primary Care Patients: A Descriptive Analysis of Psychiatric Comorbidity and the Association of Physical Symptoms with Psychopathology and Physical Impairment Advisers: Peter J. Guarnaccia, Nancy Boyd-Franklin, and Michael Gara
Katherine A. Martinez* - Clinical Psychology Stress and Stress Vulnerability: A Review of the Generic Stress Literature with a Developmentally Disabled Population toward Integration and Synchrony Advisers: Michael Petronko and John Kalafat
Courtney Jill Popaca Matthaei - School Psychology The Implementation and Evaluation of a School-Based Multicultural Program: Without Exposure Can Children Gain Awareness, Acceptance, and Tolerance? Advisers: Kenneth Schneider and Charles A. Maher
Heather Barbara McGarry* - School Psychology An Investigation into the Current State of School-To-Career Transition Programs for New Jersey Public Middle School Students with Disabilities Advisers: Charles A. Maher and Kenneth Schneider
Erick Alexei Medina* - Clinical Psychology Play and Truth: Hermeneutics and Psychoanalysis in Dialogue Advisers: Karen Riggs Skean, Donald P. Spence, and Louis A. Sass
Jennifer E. Melerski* - Clinical Psychology Trauma, Coping, and Functioning in a Sample of Rescue Workers 34 to 39 Months after September 11th Advisers: John Kalafat and Michael Petronko
Tracy A. Menzie - School Psychology Emotional Intelligence and Social and Academic Competence in Middle School Youth Advisers: Maurice Elias and Charles A. Maher
Christopher Lawrence Mesopotanese* - School Psychology A Parent Training Program for Parents of Children with Autism: Training for Generalization of Skills from Instructional Sessions to Daily Life Advisers: Sandra L. Harris and Kenneth Schneider
Tania Mara Miller - Clinical Psychology A Qualitative Treatment Study Integrating Short-Term Dynamic Therapy and Yoga for Generalized Anxiety Disorder and Depression Advisers: Stanley B. Messer and Donald Morgan
Aaron L. Mishara* - Clinical Psychology The Neuropsychology of Time-Perception in Schizophrenia: Evidence for a Core Deficit Advisers: Charles R. Gallistel, Sandra L. Harris, and James Walkup
Nydia Yvette Monagas** - Clinical Psychology Social Support and Adjustment over Time in a Sample of Sexually Abused Latino Children Advisers: Candice Feiring and Brenna H. Bry
Sara Murray - Clinical Psychology The Relationship of the Significant Other to the Therapeutic Change Process Advisers: Nancy McWilliams and Lewis Gantwerk
Kimberly Alice Nenemay - Clinical Psychology An Exploratory Study of Tribal Membership, Blood Quantum, and Identity among the Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribe of Western Montana Adviers: Nancy Boyd-Franklin and Brenna H. Bry
Jeffrey S.C. Ng** - Clinical Psychology Sexuality and Psychotherapy: An Exploratory Study of the Subjectivities of Psychotherapists with Experience and Expertise in Working with Sexuality Advisers: Nancy Boyd-Franklin, Lewis Gantwerk, and Raymond Rosen
Deirdre O'Malley - School Psychology Needs Assessment and Development of a Manual for Child Study Team Members on How to Identify, Assess, and Treat Children with Traumatic Brain Injury Advisers: Kenneth C. Schneider and Lucinda Seares-Monica
Bibiana Graciela Ortiz-Levine** - Clinical Psychology Incorporating Mental Health into the Primary Health Care of Young Children and Their Families: An Assessment of the Training Needs of Pediatric Occupational Therapists Working in Early Intervention and the Proposed Use of Filial (Family Play) Therapy to Address Their Clients' Mental Health Needs Advisers: Lewis Gantwerk and Robin Lang
Jennifer Lynn Perry - Clinical Psychology Children Who Have Lost a Father in the Line of Duty: An Exploratory Study of Coping and Resiliency Contributions from Internal and External Supports Advisers: Lewis Gantwerk and Barbara Menzel
Andrea Marie Quinn - Clinical Psychology Development of a Program Evaluation Plan for a University-Based Mental Health Service Project for Foster Care Children and Families Advisers: Charles A. Maher and John Kalafat
Richelle Marie Reyes** - Organizational Psychology Breaking Through the Glass Ceiling: An Exploratory Study of Filipino-American Senior Executive Experiences Advisers: Ruth Orenstein and Daniel B. Fishman
Karla Adams Rivera* - School Psychology Academically High Achieving African-American Students: An Exploratory Study of a Middle-Class Sample Advisers: John Kalafat and Nancy Boyd-Franklin
Kenneth Brian Robin* - School Psychology The Effects of Extended-Day, Extended-Year Preschool on Learning in Literacy and Mathematics Advisers: W. Steven Barnett and Kenneth C. Schneider
Cornelia W. Roche* - Organizational Psychology A Validation Study of the Intergroup Empathy Questionnaire Advisers: Cary Cherniss and Clayton P. Alderfer
Amanda Esther Rose - Organizational Psychology An Exploratory Study of High Achieving Women's Definition of Success Advisers: Cary Cherniss and Lewis Gantwerk
Scott Aaron Roth - School Psychology Decision Making, Organizational Structure, Leadership, and the Educational Placement of Students with Special Needs: A Qualitative Case Analysis Advisers: Kenneth C. Schneider and Lewis Gantwerk
Stephanie L. Rubain - Clinical Psychology The Development of a Home-Based Family Intervention Manual Advisers: Nancy Boyd-Franklin and Brenna H. Bry
Melissa L. Scherzer - School Psychology An Evaluability Assessment of a Preschool Program in a Public School for Children on the Autistic Spectrum Advisers: Kenneth C. Schneider and Karen Haboush
Susan Schnur** - Clinical Psychology Fraternity Hazing: A Multi-Perspective Analysis of a Universal Phenomenon Advisers: Nancy McWilliams and Seth Warren
Sarika Seth* - Clinical Psychology Walking the Tightrope: A Phenomenological Exploration of Second-Generation Asian Indian Male Experience Advisers: Nancy McWilliams and Anita McLean
Janear Sewell - Organizational Psychology Mentors Black and White: Examining the Developmental Relationships of African-American Professional Women Protégés Advisers: Clayton P. Alderfer and Flora Taylor
Joshua Ari Slater - Clinical Psychology New Jersey Psychologists' Knowledge of and Attitudes towards Involuntary Commitment of Sex Offenders Advisers: Lewis Gantwerk and Monica Indart
Yasemin Sohtorik* - Clinical Psychology Assessing the Needs for Mental Health Services among Turkish Immigrants in the United States Advisers: Nancy McWilliams, Monica Indart, and Lewis Gantwerk
Virginia Gail Stillson - Organizational Psychology Case Study of Participation and Perceptions of Wheelchair Athletes in Wheelchair Sports Advisers: Charles A. Maher and Lewis Gantwerk
Rachel Strohl - Clinical Psychology Immediate and Intermediate Changes in Suicidality among Callers to Telephone Crisis Services Advisers: John Kalafat, Brenna H. Bry, and Madelyn Gould
Julie Elizabeth Surbaugh - Clinical Psychology What is the Experience Really Like? A Qualitative Research Study on Egg Donor Recipiency Following Age-Related Infertility Advisers: Lewis Gantwerk and Karen Riggs Skean
Kinya L. Swanson** - Clinical Psychology An Exploratory Study of High-Achieving, Professional, Single, African-American Women and Their Quest For Education, Career, Marriage, and Motherhood Advisers: Nancy Boyd-Franklin and Kenneth C. Schneider
Luciene Sant'Anna Takagi - Clinical Psychology An Exploratory Study of the Experiences of Brazilian Female Immigrants Living in the USA Advisers: Karen Riggs Skean and Nancy Boyd-Franklin
Martha Temple* - Clinical Psychology Experiences of Reality and Delusion in Schizophrenia Advisers: Louis A. Sass and James Walkup
Elizabeth A. Wade - Clinical Psychology Without Even Noticing, You Become What You See: An Exploration of the Adjustment and Acculturation Experiences of Latino Immigrant Teens Advisers: Peter J. Guarnaccia and Kenneth C. Schneider
Kay-Megan Washington** - Clinical Psychology Factors Contributing to Attrition and Placement Breakdown in Foster Care Advisers: Shalonda Kelly and Robin Lang
Carol R. Wenzel-Rideout* - Clinical Psychology Rorschach and the Histories of Art: On the Parallels between the Form-Perception Test and the Writings of Worringer and Wolfflin Advisers: Louis A. Sass and Jack Spector
Mary Elizabeth Westhead* - School Psychology Social-Emotional Assessment of Preschoolers in a Public School Setting Advisers: Kenneth C. Schneider and Lucinda Seares-Monica
Cloey A. Wilcox - School Psychology Needs Assessment and Development of a Bullying Prevention Program for Elementary School Students Advisers: Kenneth C. Schneider and Margaret Cangelosi
Kirsten Stoldt Wittenborn* - Clinical Psychology The Role of Collective Guilt in the Cultural Identity of German Expatriates: A Qualitative Study Advisers: Louis A. Sass and Karen Riggs Skean
Maria Elena Xiques* - Clinical Psychology Application of the Program Planning and Evaluation Framework to the Design of a Training Program for Direct Care Staff Serving Medically Ill Adults with Mental Retardation Advisers: Charles A. Maher and Michael Petronko
Ping Yao* - Clinical Psychology Chinese Women and Gender: An Exploratory Study of Attitudes about Gender Roles Advisers: Nancy McWilliams and Karen Riggs Skean
David Aaron Yusko* - Clinical Psychology Collegiate Athletes and Substance Use: Developing a Prevention Program Advisers: Robert J. Pandina and Helene R. White
Robert Andrew Zambrano - Clinical Psychology Preferred Practices of Licensed Psychologists in the Treatment of Panic Disorder Advisers: William Sanderson and Daniel B. Fishman
Michael C. Zarabi - School Psychology The Impact of Inflammatory Bowel Disease on Student Functioning: A Resource Guide for Students, Parents, and School Personnel Advisers: Kenneth C. Schneider and Lucinda Seares-Monica Salaheddine Ziadeh* - Clinical Psychology The Presence of Absence: Schizophrenic Voices in Light of Phenomenological Notions in Francophone Psychiatry Advisers: Louis A. Sass and Karen Riggs Skean
* October graduate ** January graduate