John Clabby: social problem solving/social decision making; cognitive-behavioral psychotherapy; behavioral medicine; adult learners; program development
Javier I. Escobar: somatoform disorders; long-term care facilities; neuropsychology of aging; cognitive-behavioral therapy (personality); trauma and resilience with elders
Alejandro Interian: Latino mental health; motivational interviewing; antidepressant adherence; cognitive-behavioral therapy; depression; somatization
Paul Lehrer: relaxation methods and stress reduction; behavioral medicine; biofeedback; music performance anxiety and its treatment; psychophysiology of asthma; breathing, meditation, and respiratory psychophysiology
Elaine Leventhal: normal aging and pathologies associated with geriatric disease; mental health of the elderly; emotional changes across the life span; aging and the autonomic nervous system
Steven Silverstein: schizophrenia;
visual perception abnormalities and cognitive deficits in schizophrenia;
cognitive rehabilitation; cognitive-behavior therapy for psychosis;
psychophysiology; first episode psychosis; trauma history and post-traumatic
stress disorder (PTSD) in people with psychotic disorders