A limited number of matriculated doctoral students in nonclinical areas of psychology, or from the Graduate School of Education, the School of Social Work, or UMDNJ-RWJMS (psychology interns) may be able to register for theoretical courses, as defined by the GSAPP Faculty Council, by means of intercollege registration, provided that (1) they meet admissions standards and prerequisites, (2) there is room in the course as approved by the GSAPP associate dean, and (3) they have the permission of the course instructor.
Meeting these same requirements, UMDNJ-RWJMS staff not enrolled in a doctoral program may request permission to officially audit GSAPP courses. Since these students are not matriculated, no credit is given, but the course and grade are recorded. The student must register at the regular time, pay tuition, and complete all course work except the final exam. The student may receive a narrative evaluation if he or she so chooses.
Nontheoretical courses are available only to students matriculated in GSAPP or in the Ph.D. clinical psychology program. This policy recognizes the school`s integrated and coordinated program of courses and its mission to train professional psychologists, as well as the extraordinary number of applicants who wish access to these programs.
Requests for rare exceptions to this policy must be documented in writing by the graduate student to the associate dean, who consults with the course instructor and the department chairperson. The final decision is made by the GSAPP Operations Committee. Graduates of the Psy.D. and clinical Ph.D. programs are able to take courses on a space-available basis.
A maximum of three courses in GSAPP may be taken by graduate students who are not matriculated in GSAPP or the clinical Ph.D. programs.