A full-time student is defined as one who is enrolled for 12 or more credits; a part-time student is one who registers for less than 12 credits. All courses, including practicum placements and audited courses taken "not for credit," are totaled in determining a student`s status. A full-time program averages 12 to 15 credits per term. The maximum program is normally 18 credits, although under some circumstances, additional credits may be permitted with the approval of the department chairperson and the associate dean.
Students engaged in part-time employment outside the university that averages 16 to 30 hours per week may not register for more than 9 course credits per term.
Full-time graduate/teaching assistants register their assistantship for 6 E credits. These 6 E credits plus at least 6 additional course credits constitute full-time status. All courses, including official audits, are counted in determining a student`s recordable program of work. These regulations govern tuition charges, student fees, statistical records, residence requirements, and other issues affected by this definition.