Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
The Graduate School of Applied and Professional Psychology
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Degrees Conferred, Dissertations October 2002– May 2004
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Financial Aid
How to Apply
Sources of Financial Aid
Fellowships, Scholarships, and Grants
Other Sources of Aid
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Camden Newark New Brunswick/Piscataway
  Graduate School of Applied and Professional Psychology 2005-2007 Financial Aid Sources of Financial Aid Fellowships, Scholarships, and Grants  

Fellowships, Scholarships, and Grants

American Psychological Association Minority Fellowship Program.  This program is funded jointly by the National Institute of Mental Health and the American Psychological Association. It is open to minority students beginning or continuing graduate study leading to the doctorate. Students should apply to the American Psychological Association, 750 First Street NE, Washington, DC 20002. The program provides matching funds.

Diversity Advancement Program (DAP) in Teaching and Research.  DAP awards support African-American, Hispanic, or Native American students in various graduate programs. These fellowships include stipends plus tuition. For more information, contact DAP, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, 25 Bishop Place, New Brunswick, NJ 08901-1181 (732/932-8122).

Educational Opportunity Fund (EOF).  New Jersey residents who are full-time students and who can demonstrate backgrounds of financial and academic hardship are eligible for EOF grants ranging from $200 to $2,650. Students who received EOF grants as undergraduates are presumed eligible if they fall below the maximum income parameters required for all recipients of this state grant. Graduate students who did not receive EOF grants as undergraduates, but feel that they come from backgrounds of financial hardship and wish to be considered, should write to the financial aid office for consideration. The grants are renewable for the duration of the student`s degree work, subject to continued student eligibility and provided satisfactory academic progress is made. Students must complete the FAFSA form.

Graduate and Professional Scholar Awards.  Outstanding students in the graduate and professional schools are eligible for scholarships for full-time study for up to two academic years. To apply, check the appropriate box on the graduate and professional school application form. Only those applicants receiving an award are notified. The award is contingent upon acceptance into a graduate or professional school program.

GSAPP Alumni Fellowship . The Alumni Fellowship, first offered in fall 1997, is given to an incoming student who evidences excellent potential as a professional psychologist. The amount of the fellowship fluctuates based on interest received the previous year from the ever-increasing Alumni Endowment Fund.

GSAPP Scholars.  First awarded in fall 1996, these funds are divided equally between the two departments and are given annually. All incoming students are considered for these scholarships.

New Jersey State Grant.  Full-time graduate students who are classified as New Jersey residents for tuition purposes and who demonstrate financial need are eligible to receive a New Jersey State Grant. Amounts vary from $200 to $1,000 per year and are dependent upon available funds. Grants are renewable. Application is made by submitting a FAFSA. EOF grant recipients are not eligible.

Other Nonuniversity Awards.  Some graduate students at the university are supported by fellowships funded by sources outside the university. Students may wish to consult standard reference materials for sources of nonuniversity fellowships.

Students should be aware that each department continually seeks funds from outside agencies to help defray student expenses. Grants and awards of this nature vary each year. Inquiries regarding the availability of such monies can be made through program advisers.

Students should contact clubs; fraternal, religious, and national professional organizations; and local interest groups for possible aid through stipends and tuition credits. A student who receives any of these awards is required to notify the Office of Financial Aid.

Ralph Johnson Bunche Distinguished Graduate Award. Established in 1979, this distinguished graduate award is named after Ralph Johnson Bunche, the black American statesman, Nobel Peace Prize laureate, and recipient of an honorary doctor of laws from Rutgers in 1949.

Bunche fellowships provide $15,000 per academic year, plus tuition remission, to exceptional full-time students with backgrounds of substantial educational or cultural disadvantage who are U.S. citizens or permanent residents. The award is renewable for a second year. To apply, check the appropriate box on the graduate and professional school application form and attach a statement (in duplicate) that describes the reasons for consideration for this award. Only those applicants receiving an award are notified. The award is contingent upon acceptance into a graduate or professional school program and upon full-time enrollment. The applicant must submit an application form to the admissions office by the program deadline.

Rutgers Excellence Fellowship Awards.  This award is issued on the basis of exceptional academic merit as evidenced by scholarly promise. The award is for $13,000 plus tuition remission for varying periods of time.

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