Third Year
First Term
18:826:615 Planning and Evaluation of Human Service Programs (3)
18:826:605 Advanced Supervision in School Psychology (E3)
18:820:689 Professional Practicum Placement (E3)
Second Term
18:826:616 Planning and Evaluation of Human Service Programs (3)
--:---:--- Elective (3)
18:821:546 Psychological Clinic Practicum (E1)
18:826:606 Advanced Supervision in School Psychology (E3)
18:820:689 Professional Practicum Placement (E3)
Summer Term
18:820:701 Dissertation (3)
Fourth Year
First Term
18:820:622 Adult Learning and Training (3)
--:---:--- Diversity Elective (3)
18:826:605 Advanced Supervision in School Psychology (E3)
18:826:635 Part-Time Internship (E1) or 18:820:689 Professional Practicum Placement (E3)
18:820:701 Dissertation in Professional Psychology (3)
Second Term
--:---:--- Unconstrained Elective (3)
--:---:--- Unconstrained Elective (3)
18:821:546 Psychological Clinic Practicum (E1)
18:826:606 Advanced Supervision in School Psychology (E3)
18:826:636 Part-Time Internship (E1) or 18:820:689 Professional Practicum Placement (E3)
Fifth Year
First Term
Second Term
18:826:631, 632 Internship in School Psychology (E6) or 18:826:635, 636 Internship in School Psychology (E4)
18:820:702 Dissertation in Professional Psychology (3) (first or second term)
To meet degree requirements, beginning students are required to earn a
minimum of 82 graduate credits in course work, and 36E (experiential)
credits that total approximately 825 clock hours of graduate
preinternship practicum experience.
After completion of the
supervised practicum the student is eligible to begin the required
full-time internship of 1500 hours (departmental requirement) or 1,750
Policy Regarding Practicum Placements
For the second term of the first year and the full second year,
students spend one day per week at a practicum setting in a public
school. In the third year, students spend two days per week at a
practicum setting, often a paid opportunity. Students' experiences are
of increasing diversity and involve increasing responsibilities.