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  Camden Undergraduate Catalog 2023-2025 Academic Policies and Procedures Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, Academic Integrity Policy Sanctions and Policies for Addressing Alleged Violations of Academic Integrity  

Sanctions and Policies for Addressing Alleged Violations of Academic Integrity

Any violation of academic integrity is a serious offense subject to appropriate sanctions or penalties. Violations of academic integrity may result in academic penalties, educational sanctions, and/or disciplinary sanctions, and are not limited to the examples below.

A. Academic Penalties
  • Requirement to resubmit the assignment or complete an alternate assignment.
  • A grade reduction for assignment or course.
  • A failing grade for the assignment.
  • A grade of F in the course.
  • A grade of XF in the course, where applicable.
B. Educational Sanctions
  • An assigned paper or research project related to ethics or academic integrity.
  • Participation in a workshop or seminar.
  • Service to the university community.
C. Disciplinary Sanctions
  • Disciplinary reprimand.
  • Disciplinary probation.
  • Dismissal from a departmental or school program.
  • Denial of access to internships or research programs.
  • Loss of appointment to academic positions.
  • Loss of departmental/graduate program/school endorsements for internal and external fellowship support and employment opportunities.
  • Removal of fellowship or assistantship support.
  • Suspension for one or more semesters.
  • Requiring a delay in the completion of a professional program.
  • Dismissal from a graduate or professional program.
  • Expulsion from the university with a permanent notation of disciplinary expulsion on the student's transcript.
  • Degree or certificate revocation.
Note: Any of these sanctions may have an impact on financial aid, scholarship, or fellowship eligibility, or scholastic standing.

Policies for Addressing Alleged Violations of Academic Integrity

A. Standard of Proof: The standard of proof in academic integrity cases is by the preponderance of the evidence, which means that the person or hearing panel deciding the case finds that it is more likely than not that the accused student is responsible for the alleged violation.

B. Reporting and Adjudicating Alleged Violations: Procedures for adjudicating alleged violations of academic integrity are described at

C. Withdrawal and Assignment of Grades during the Disciplinary Process: Once a student has been notified of an alleged violation of academic integrity related to a course, the student may not drop the course until the disciplinary process is completed. Students may request permission to withdraw retroactively from the course after the disciplinary process is completed unless the sanction issued includes an F or XF grade in the course, or a C grade for graduate students.

If the student wishes to withdraw from all courses while a case is pending, that request must be approved by the dean of the school in which the student is enrolled, in consultation with the Academic Integrity Facilitator.

If a faculty member must submit a final course grade before the disciplinary process for an alleged violation of academic integrity is completed, the accused student shall be given a TZ grade or similar (e.g., Incomplete) until the disciplinary process is completed.

D. Removal of an XF Grade: Requests for removal of the X from an XF grade must be submitted in writing to the appropriate Campus Appeals Committee. Such requests will not be considered until at least 18 months from the time of the violation that resulted in the XF. In order for the request to be granted, the student, at a minimum, following the original violation, must have an exemplary record with respect to academic integrity, must have completed a Rutgers academic integrity workshop or seminar, and must satisfactorily answer a required series of essay questions on why the X should be removed. The Campus Appeals Committee shall make the final decision concerning the request. If the request is denied, the student must wait another year to submit another request.

The Procedures for Adjudicating Alleged Academic Integrity Violations, the Procedures for Adjudicating Alleged Violations of Academic Integrity for RBHS Schools, and the Academic Integrity Education Recommendations can be found at

For additional information, contact RU-info at 848-445-info (4636) .
Comments and corrections to: One Stop Student Services Center.

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