Introduction to Health Sciences (3)
Provides students with an overview of issues central to the health sciences and careers in the field of health. Through the discussion of classic and cutting-edge research, students will develop an appreciation for the vast array of complex issues central to this emerging and applied field. Further, exposure to these topics will prepare students to make informed decisions about their future education and careers.
Careers in Health Sciences (3)
In this course students will explore their own career strengths and interests, gain exposure to a variety of careers and graduate school paths open to people with health sciences degrees, and participate in professional development and graduate school preparation activities.
Health Law (3)
This is a survey course of Health Law. Students will explore legal issues in the past, present, and future health care environment. Topics covered include an overview of the U.S. health care system, private and public health insurance, regulation of health care providers and institutions, and health privacy.
This course fulfills one of the requirements for the health-law certificate.
Special Topics in Health Sciences (3 each)
An advanced course in health sciences that addresses a specific area of study. Intended to be taught as seminars. Topics to be discussed vary from semester to semester based on student and faculty interests.
Applied Experiences in Health Sciences (3)
Provides advanced health sciences majors with an opportunity to integrate and expand their knowledge through applied experiences in the community. Students are encouraged to develop their own placements, but may consult with the instructor and the career center for help in establishing a placement. Students are expected to meet with the instructor regularly throughout the semester, keep a journal of their experiences, and complete a class project/paper.
Independent Study in Health Sciences (R) (1-3)
The student is required to undertake a semester-long or yearlong laboratory or library project under the supervision of a health sciences faculty member.
Prerequisite: Permission of instructor.