All computer science prerequisites (i.e., courses beginning with 50:198) must be satisfied with a grade of C or better.
Programming Fundamentals (R) (4)
Fundamental concepts of structured programming and algorithmic problem
solving: primitive data types, control structures, functions and
parameter passing, top-down design, arrays, files, and the mechanics of
compiling, running, testing, and debugging programs. These concepts
will be taught using the high-level language Python.
Prerequisites: 50:640:113 or 115, or by placement.
Corequisite: 50:640:121 or 130.
Object-Oriented Programming (R) (3)
Principles of object-oriented program design and advanced algorithmic
problem solving illustrated through an object-oriented language. Topics include encapsulation and information hiding;
classes, subclasses, and inheritance; polymorphism; class hierarchies,
and the creation, implementation, and reuse of APIs (application programming interfaces). Extensive practice with designing and
implementing object-oriented programs, especially using elementary data
structures such as linked lists, stacks, and queues.
Prerequisites: 50:640:121 or 130, and 50:198:111.
Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science (R) (3)
Sets, relations, and functions; pigeon-hole principle; cardinality, countability, and uncountability; propositional and
predicate logic; universal and existential quantification; proof
techniques: formal proofs using counterexample, contraposition,
contradiction, and induction; recursive definitions; basic
counting: inclusion-exclusion, arithmetic, geometric
progressions, and summations; properties of special functions such as
logarithms, exponentials, and factorials; permutations and
combinations, solving recurrences; graphs and trees; basic
discrete probability.
Prerequisite: 50:640:113 or 115.
C and Systems Programming (R) (3)
Introduction to programming in the C language with an emphasis on its use in writing low-level systems programs. Topics will include coverage of standard C programming idioms, especially with macros and memory management; introduction to programming with the Unix shell and POSIX system calls; and experience with testing and code maintenance using standard tools like debuggers and code revisioning systems.
Prerequisite: 50:198:113.
Data Structures (R) (3)
Basic algorithmic analysis: asymptotic notation (Big-Oh,
little-oh, and Theta) for estimating the complexity of a problem,
using recurrence relations to analyze the complexity of recursive
algorithms. Tree-based data structures: binary search trees,
heaps, and balanced search trees; hash functions and hash tables;
abstract dictionaries; using data structures to implement basic
algorithms (such as searching, sorting, and depth- and
breadth-first search in graphs; data compression).
Prerequisites: 50:198:113 and 171.
Java Applications (3)
Java class hierarchy and inheritance; applications and applets; graphical user
interfaces, exception handling, input/output; multithreading, multimedia,
and networking.
Prerequisites: 50:198:113 and 331.
Introduction to Computer Organization (3)
Elementary digital logic; machine-level representation of data;
assembly-level machine organization: the von Neumann machine with
its fetch-decode-execute cycle, instruction sets, and assembly
language programming; addressing modes; subroutine calls and
returns; I/O and interrupts; memory systems: hierarchy,
organization, and operations.
Prerequisite: 50:198:113.
Corequisite: 50:198:211.
Cybersecurity Fundamentals (3)
Cybersecurity Fundamentals will cover basic topics in cybersecurity related to risk management and mitigation, encryption, network security, wireless security, social engineering, malware and ransomware, operating system security, defense in depth, secure software life cycle, and penetration testing. Students will complete this course with a basic working knowledge of these topics, as well as a working understanding of the current cybersecurity threat landscape.
Prerequisites: 50:198:211 and 331.
Operating Systems (3)
Comprehensive, hands-on coverage of operating system
principles, design, and implementation. Topics include kernel
development; process concurrency issues such as starvation,
mutual exclusion, deadlock avoidance, concurrency models and
mechanisms, producer-consumer problems, and synchronization;
scheduling policies and algorithms for preemptive and
nonpreemptive scheduling; memory
management and analysis of paging and segmentation policies;
and file systems.
Prerequisite: 50:198:331.
Secure Coding (3)
Introduction to some of the most common forms of security vulnerabilities a software engineer must be aware of when designing, implementing, and verifying software systems. The course will review the most common form of defects, bugs, and logic flaws that can become security vulnerabilities, cite real-world examples of their exploitation, and provide students with a working knowledge of how to mitigate against such exploitations, including the use of static code analysis tools.
Prerequisites: 50:198:211 and 331.
Design and Analysis of Algorithms (3)
Algorithm design techniques: divide-and-conquer, greedy method, dynamic programming, backtracking, and branch-and-bound. Advanced data structures, graph algorithms, and algebraic algorithms. Complexity analysis, complexity classes, and NP-completeness. Introduction to approximation algorithms and parallel algorithms.
Prerequisites: 50:198:171 and 213.
Compiler Construction (3)
Topics in the design of programming language translators, including parsing, run-time storage management, error recovery, code generation, and optimization.
Prerequisites: 50:198:211, 213, and 331.
Software Engineering (3)
Principles and techniques for the design and construction of reliable, maintainable, and useful software systems. Software life cycle, requirements specifications, and verification and validation issues. Implementation strategies (e.g., top-down, bottom-up, teams), support for reuse, and performance improvement. A treatment of human factors and user interfaces included.
Prerequisites: 50:198:113 and 171.
Parallel, Distributed, Grid, and Cloud Computing (3)
This course introduces the concepts, models, implementations, and applications of parallel and distributed systems. Topics include parallel and distributed architectures; grid and cloud computing frameworks; programming models and algorithmic techniques; performance analysis and evaluation; and applications of parallel and distributed computing. The course provides students experience in programming using different parallel/distributed programming paradigms and the opportunity to examine a course topic in depth through a significant semester project.
Prerequisites: 50:198:171 and 331.
Computer Networks (3)
Introduction to computer communication networks, including physical and architectural components, communication protocols, switching, network routing, congestion control, and flow control. End-to-end transport services, network security, and privacy. Networking software and applications. Network installation, testing, and maintenance.
Prerequisites: 50:198:331 and a good working knowledge of C.
Network Security (3)
This course will provide in-depth instruction on network security methods and technologies. Today, data is typically connected to networks, which then may be connected to the internet. With data being connected with the ability for anyone in the world to be able to access it, it is critical that network security methods are used to allow only permitted people access to that data. This is accomplished through the network design, access control policies, and network technology. This course will provide instruction on how these items are used to protect information. This includes the following topics firewalls, intrusion detection and prevention, virtual private networks, proxies, remote access protections, data loss prevention systems, network and security management systems, network.
Prerequisite: 50:198:331.
Database Systems (3)
Relational database theory and practice, including database design. Database concepts, relational algebra, data integrity, query languages, and views. Introduction to object-oriented databases. Application project with a practical database management system.
Prerequisites: 50:198:113 and 171.
Computer Graphics (3)
Graphics systems and imaging principles; graphics programming
using packages such as OpenGL, input devices, interactive
techniques, animation techniques, geometric transformations and
modeling in two and three dimensions; viewing in 2-D and 3-D; lighting and shading; and fundamental graphics algorithms (such as
clipping and hidden surface removal).
Prerequisite: 50:198:113.
Optimization Methods (3)
This course introduces various methods based on linear programming to solve discrete optimization problems. The topics covered in the course will include introduction to linear programming (LP), network flows, and application of LP-based techniques to solve various optimization problem.
Prerequisites: 50:640:121 or 130 and 50:640:250.
Big Data Algorithms (3)
Study of algorithmic techniques and modeling frameworks that facilitate the analysis of massively large amounts of data. Introduction to information retrieval, streaming algorithms, and analysis of web searches and crawls.
Prerequisite: 50:198:371.
Applied Probability (3)
An introduction to probability theory and the modeling and analysis of probabilistic systems with emphasis on applications in computer science, engineering, and data science. Probabilistic models, conditional probability. Discrete and continuous random variables. Expectation and conditional expectation. Limit theorems. Bernoulli and Poisson processes. Markov chains. Bayesian estimation and hypothesis testing. Elements of statistical inference.
Prequisite: 50:198:171.
Computational Geometry (3)
Algorithms and data structures for geometric problems that arise in various applications, such as computer graphics, CAD/CAM, robotics, and geographical information systems (GIS). Topics include point location, range searching, intersection, decomposition of polygons, convex hulls, and Voronoi diagrams.
Prerequisites: 50:198:113 and 171.
Cryptography and Computer Security (3)
Secret-key cryptography, public-key cryptography, key agreement, secret sharing, digital signatures, message and user authentication, one-way functions, key management; attacks; practical applications to computer and communications security.
Prerequisites: 50:198:113 and 171.
Theory of Computation (3)
Formal languages, automata and computability; regular
languages and finite-state automata; context-free grammars and
languages; pushdown automata; the Church-Turing theses; Turing
machines; decidability and undecidability.
Prerequisites: 50:198:171 and 213.
Numerical Methods (3)
Computational techniques for solving scientific problems; Precision, IEEE floating point-representation, interpolation, root finding, numerical integration, numerical differential, approximation of functions, functions minimization, numerical linear algebra, numerical solutions of ordinary differential equations.
Prerequisites: 50:198:113 and 50:640:122.
Special Topics in Computer Science (3,3)
In-depth study of areas not covered in regular curriculum. Topics vary from semester to semester.
Prerequisite: As announced or permission of instructor.
Senior Design Project (3)
Design, implementation, and demonstration of a significant software and/or hardware project. Project proposals must be submitted and approved by instructor. Part of the lecture time used to discuss such issues as the historical and social context of computing, responsibilities of the computing professional, risks and liabilities, and intellectual property. This course is intended for computer science majors in their senior year who have completed at least three 300- or 400-level courses in computer science.
Prerequisite: Approval by department.
Independent Study (BA)
Individual study under the supervision of a computer science faculty member; intended to provide an opportunity to investigate areas not covered in regular courses.
Prerequisite: Permission of instructor.
Honors Program in Computer Science (BA,BA)
A program of readings and guided research in a topic proposed by the student, culminating in an honors thesis presented to the departmental faculty for approval.
Prerequisite: Approval by department.
Computer Science Internship (BA)
The practical application of computer science knowledge and skills through an approved internship in a sponsoring organization. Arrangements for the internship must be agreed upon by the sponsoring organization and approved by the department before the beginning of the semester. Students should consult the department for detailed instructions before registering for this course.
Prerequisite: Approval by department.