Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
Camden Undergraduate
About the University
Undergraduate Education in Camden
Degree Requirements
Liberal Arts Colleges
Camden College of Arts and Sciences
University College–Camden
Programs, Faculty, and Courses
Course Notation Information
Availability of Majors
Engineering Transfer 005
Accounting 010
Africana Studies 014
American History 512
American Literature 352
Anthropology 070
Art (Art 080, Art History 082)
Arts and Sciences 090 (Interdisciplinary Courses)
Astronomy 100
Biochemistry 115
Biology 120
Biology, Computational and Integrative 121
Biomedical Technology 124
Business Administration 135
Business Law 140
Chemistry (Biochemistry 115, Chemistry 160)
Childhood Studies 163
Computer Science 198
Criminal Justice 202
Dance 203
Ecommerce and Information Technology 623
Economics 220
Engineering Transfer Program 005
English (English Literature 350, American Literature 352, Film 354, Journalism 570, Linguistics 615, Writing 989)
European Studies 310
Finance 390
Fine Arts (Art 080, Art History 082; Museum Studies 698; Music 700, 701; Speech 950; Theater Arts 965)
Foreign Languages and Literatures (French 420, German 470, Italian 560, Spanish 940)
French 420
Geology 460
German 470
Health Sciences 499
History (Historical Methods and Research 509; European History 510; American History 512; African, Asian, Latin American, and Comparative History 516)
Honors College 525
Human Resource Management 533
International Studies 549
Student-Proposed Majors and Minors 555
Journalism 570
Latin American and Latino Studies (LALS) Minor
Liberal Studies 606
Linguistics 615
Management 620
Marketing 630
Mathematical Sciences (Mathematics 640, Statistics 960)
Media Studies 657
Medicine, Dentistry, and Veterinary Medicine
Museum Studies 698
Music 700, 701
Pharmacy 720
Philosophy and Religion 730, 840
Physics 750
Political Science 790
Psychology 830
Religion 840
Reserve Officer Training Programs
Social Work 910
Sociology (Anthropology 070, Criminal Justice 202, Sociology 920)
Major Requirements
Sociology Major
Criminal Justice Major
Minor Requirements
Anthropology Minor
Criminal Justice Minor
Sociology Minor
Teacher Certification in Sociology
B.A./M.A. Dual-Degree Program
Courses (Anthropology 070)
Courses (Criminal Justice 202)
Courses (Sociology 920)
Spanish 940
Speech 950
Statistics 960
Institute for Effective Education 964
Theater Arts (Dance 203, Speech 950, Theater Arts 965)
Urban Studies 975
Women's and Gender Studies 988
School of Business–Camden
School of Nursing–Camden
Academic Policies and Procedures
Divisions of the University
Camden Newark New Brunswick/Piscataway
  Camden Undergraduate Catalog 2013–2015 Liberal Arts Colleges Programs, Faculty, and Courses Sociology (Anthropology 070, Criminal Justice 202, Sociology 920) Courses (Sociology 920)  

Courses (Sociology 920)

50:920:207 Introduction to Sociology (R) (3) Introduction to the study of social groups and societies. Basic sociological methods and theoretical perspectives. Survey of basic subfields of sociology, such as socialization, family, religion, inequality, race and ethnicity, politics, deviance, and social change. The department recommends that students wishing to take advanced courses begin with Introduction to Sociology.
50:920:208 Contemporary Social Problems (R) (3) Survey of contemporary social problems with particular attention to how social issues become defined as "problems" and to how sociological knowledge can inform social policy choices. Topics include poverty, discrimination, family breakup, crime, mental illness, alcoholism, and others. Nonmajors may choose to take this course as a beginning course in sociology.
50:920:217 Drugs and Society (3) Use and abuse of controlled substances in American society; public health and medical considerations; addiction and treatment; illegal markets; and drug control policy.
50:920:280 Social Movements in Society (3) Emergence and growth of social movements in response to social trends, and their consequences in changing society; dynamics of organizational structure within movements as related to their goals, tactics, and ideologies. Topics include political movements, racial and ethnic movements, women's movements, religious movements, and movements within social institutions, such as health care and criminal justice.
50:920:301 Methods and Techniques of Social Research (3) Introduces basic methods and techniques of social research: formulating research design; data-gathering techniques including survey research, data analysis, and presentation of findings.
50:920:306 Sociology of the Family (3) A comparative study of the institutions of marriage and the family in various societies with special emphasis on the contemporary American family.
50:920:313 Theories of Crime and Delinquency (3) Explanation of crime and delinquency in American society. Topics include deterrence theory, biological explanations for crime, sociological theories, and conflict-based theories. Emphasis on social causes of crime. Prerequisite: 50:920:207 or 50:202:201.
50:920:315 Sociology of Complex Organizations (3) Structure and functioning of organizations and bureaucracies. Organizational design, planning, and change. Practical techniques for working effectively in organizations.
50:920:316 Race and Ethnicity (D) (3) The social construction of race and ethnicity in the United States and around the globe. The formation of racial and ethnic identities and the varieties of group interaction, including prejudice, discrimination, assimilation, institutional domination, and change. Changing concepts, boundaries, and interrelationships within a global context.
50:920:321 Urban Sociology (4) (ECL) Explores the rise and transformation of urban and suburban life in the industrial and postindustrial United States, and social class, ethnic, and racial differences in communities. Includes discussions of the history of cities and suburbanization, poverty, race relations and segregation, employment, and inequality in U.S metropolitan areas. This course has a mandatory engaged civic learning component (ECL), included in a 1-credit lab section, making the course worth a total of 4 credits rather than 3. All students must register for the course and one lab section. Corequisite: 1-credit lab section required.
50:920:323 Sociology of Childhood and Adolescence (3) A study of social interaction during childhood and adolescence; emphasis on social interaction in various types of families and peer groups.
50:920:325 Sociological Theory (3) An intensive study of the classical sociological thinkers--Marx, Durkheim, Weber--and a survey of contemporary theoretical traditions in the field. Prerequisite: 50:920:207.
50:920:326 American Communities--Structure and Change (3) A look at the social structure of rural, suburban, urban, and metropolitan communities and an examination of the elusive concept of community in light of present-day movements in housing and schools, and other efforts at local self-determination.
50:920:329 Law and Society (3) Current social trends and legal developments. Topics include legal analysis, white-collar crime, and power and conflict.
50:920:332 Social Stratification (4) (ECL) Analyzes class inequality and the class structure in U.S. society, with particular attention to the processes which generate, reproduce, and change social and economic inequalities, as well as the consequences of inequality. This course has a mandatory engaged civic learning component (ECL), included in a 1-credit lab section, making the course worth a total of 4 credits rather than 3. All students must register for the course and one lab section. Prerequisite: 50:920:207. Corequisite: 1-credit lab section required.
50:920:337 Women and Men in Society (D) (3) A comparative and historical examination of gender and inequality. A look at gender roles within the family, the workforce, and the legal system; socialization and gender; and sexuality and gender.
50:920:341 Communication (W) (3) The application of sociological skills to interpersonal, small-group, and mass communication, and internet and presentation skills. Topics include group process, critical thinking, creating webpages, and use of presentation software.
50:920:342 Introduction to Media Studies (3) An introduction to the technological and cultural developments of mass media. Books, radio, television, film, and the internet will be analyzed critically and historically. Focuses on the relationship between technology and media development, and the impact and influence mass media has on society and the economy.
50:920:344 Sociology of Deviance (3) Explanations for deviance and conformity. Emphasis on varieties of deviance; social reactions to deviance, including moral panics; and sociological theories. Prerequisite: 50:202:201 or 50:920:207.
50:920:345 Sociology of Education (3) Examines the interaction between schools and society. Explores socialization; the development of mass education; cultural differences and classroom interactions; the relationship between schooling and stratification; school funding and segregation; schools as social organizations in terms of bureaucratic procedures, authority, and identity; and student peer networks. Also analyzes current developments in education such as vouchers, charter schools, and standardized testing.
50:920:346,347,348 Special Topics in Sociology (1-3,1-3,1-3) Courses may be offered under this general title dealing with special topics intended to involve students in topics not currently represented in the curriculum.
50:920:357 Individual and Society (W) (3) The individual's relationship to society and society's impact on the individual. Topics include Western notions of the self and the relationship to capitalism, class, and the family; conceptions of the person in other parts of the world (such as Bali, Japan, and Samoa); symbolic interaction and how the self is constituted in social interaction; the performance of the self in everyday life; framing of social experience through play and ritual; and being another through spirit possession.  Prerequisite: 50:920:207 or 50:070:213.
50:920:370 Globalization and Social Change (G) (3) Explores the global nature of contemporary social change. Examines the meanings of globalization, its central processes, and its institutional and governance structures. Particular attention is paid to the continuing struggle for development in poor countries; the relationship between globalization and inequality; the fate of cultural diversity in a globalizing world; and issues of the environment, health, and human rights. Prerequisite: 50:920:207 or permission of instructor.
50:920:380 Conflict and Change in Society (3) The ways in which broad processes of social conflict and change are reshaping societies, the world system, and the lives of people everywhere. Topics include the changing international division of labor, revolutions, and the postindustrial transition.
50:920:396 Southeast Asian Societies (G) (3) Introduction to the societies of Southeast Asia, ranging from Myanmar (Burma) on the west to the Philippines on the east. Examination of the cultural similarities that unite the region and the diversity that divides it. Historical development of Southeast Asian cultures. How Southeast Asians are reshaping their cultural heritage in response to development, westernization, and global capitalism.
50:920:402 Political Sociology (W) (3) The role of social class, gender, age, race, ethnicity, and other social factors in political life. Social organization of political parties and pressure groups. Social origins of political beliefs.
50:920:405 Applied Sociology (BA) Application of sociological methods and theories in applied settings. Topics include organizational consulting, focus groups, needs analysis, qualitative interviewing, counseling, creative thinking, program planning, marketing, policy analysis, proposal writing, and job search skills. Prerequisite: 50:920:301.
50:920:406 Sociology of Religion (3) Introduction to the study of religious behavior both as it is affected by its social context and as it affects society. Emphasis on a major theme or themes from sociology of religion, using comparative study of religious institutions in various societies with special emphasis on American society.
50:920:407 The Red and the Black Africans and Indians in America (3) Examines the evolving relationships of American Indians and Africans in North America, beginning with the period of enslavement.  Explores the shifting identities that often characterize members of both communities. Readings include Indian slave narratives, black Indian folktales, letters, and scholarly publications. Prerequisite: Junior or senior status, or permission of instructor.
50:920:418 Medical Sociology (3) Examines the distribution of health and disease and looks at the social organization of the health care system in contemporary society. Takes up the sociology of healing and therapy techniques and the interaction of patients and practitioners.
50:920:425 Cyberspace and Society (3) Exploration of how computers and the internet are changing society, and how individuals, groups, and societies are responding to the challenges and opportunities that cyberspace is creating. Focuses on fostering internet and computer skills important for doing sociological and other forms of work in an increasingly computerized and networked society.
50:920:430 African-American Culture (D) (3) Evaluation of significant areas of African-American culture past and present, e.g., the slave community and its legacy, the psychocultural impact of racism, and varieties of contemporary popular culture.
50:920:431 Sociology of Work and Careers (3) Combines two interrelated aspects of learning about work: (1) the academic field of sociology of work and (2) the applied field of career planning. Introduces students to larger social and economic trends that affect the world of work, including how the labor market--and ultimately career choices--are affected by social, demographic, and macroeconomic forces. Helps students understand how to explore fields through internships; plan for a career; and choose a major that is compatible with their aptitudes, skills, and aspirations. Prerequisite: Junior or senior status, or permission of instructor.
50:920:435 Sociology of W.E.B. DuBois (3) Examines the sociology of one of the most prominent sociologists and scholar activists in United States history. Students will explore the "three faces of DuBois," whose research and writings as a sociologist, literary scholar, and historian linked European philosophy, historiography, and social science to American sociology. Prerequisite: 50:920:207 or 50:014:130.
50:920:438 Sociology of Aging (3) Study of the demographic, economic, and social trends associated with population aging.  Examines how these processes are reshaping and challenging contemporary societies, as well as how underlying cultural and ideological values influence how these issues are dealt with. Develops tools to help think through vital controversies surrounding aging, health care, and the role of government.
50:920:440 Sexuality and Society (3) The relation between sexuality and society discussed, in particular the social organization and power relations that affect human sexual identity and behavior. Discussions and readings focus on sex and social institutions such as the family and the law, sexual variations, issues in reproductive sexuality, and the political economy of sex.
50:920:442 Mass Media and Popular Culture (3) Stresses the creation, transmission, and content of popular culture, with particular emphasis on the role of the mass media. Assesses methods employed in the analysis of mass culture and in the evaluation of its impact (i.e., debates about television and violence, gender stereotypes in print and film media). Places popular culture and mass media in the context of the larger structures of inequality and power.
50:920:445,446,447,448,463 Special Topics in Sociology (1-3,1-3,1-3,1-3,1-3) Each year several courses may be offered under this general title, dealing with special topics intended to involve students in advanced study and research. The number of credits varies with the duration of the course. Course topics usually change each year. Specific prerequisites may be set for each course.
50:920:487,488 Individual Study in Sociology (1-3,1-3) Admission requires permission of department and agreement by a department member to supervise the work. Approval of written proposal is required prior to registration. No more than 6 credits can be counted toward the sociology major.
50:920:495,496,497 Honors Program in Sociology (3,3,3) Open only to sociology majors who must have a 3.5 grade-point average in sociology courses and a 3.5 cumulative grade-point average in all work.
50:920:375 Sociology Learning Abroad (G) (3) A course focusing on society in a foreign country, includes regular class meetings, required readings, and written assignments, as well as a short-term learning/service experience in a foreign country.
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