To major in history, students must complete 33 credits of courses (at least 18 at Rutgers University–Camden). Of these, a maximum of 15 credits may be lower-level courses (100 and 200 level), but no more than 6 credits can be counted from Western Civilization I and II (510:101,102) and Development of the United States I and II (512:201,202). Perspectives on History (50:509:299) is required for all history majors, and should be taken as soon as possible. Perspectives in History is also a prerequisite for 400-level history classes. The remaining 18 credits must be from courses at the 300 to 400 level. Of the total 33 credits needed, at least 3 must be from the 510 geographical area, at least 3 must be from the 512 geographical area, and at least 3 must be from the 516 geographical area. Students who declare a major in history after May 31, 2014, need to take at least one 300- or 400-level course in each geographical category.
Students who wish to major in history are advised that because only a limited number of courses are offered in the evening, they may have to take day session and Summer Session history courses to complete their major requirements in a timely fashion.
History internships and courses offered in the university's Honors
College may also count toward the major, with the department chair's
Those students seeking certification in teaching should be aware that a requirement is to take a course from a selection dealing with human and intercultural relations. Several history courses may be counted for this purpose and for the history major.
Grades lower than C do not count toward fulfillment of the history major requirements.